Date posted
September 2, 2024

Lab Supervisor / Instructor for the Computer Science Department


  • Responsibilities:\\\\n\\\\n• Delivering lectures and/or tutorials in the area of specialization and as advised by the HOD/Dean. The normal teaching load is 20 hours/week (inclusive of (5) five hours minimum as office hours) along with other (administrative) duty hours to be covered as per the Kuwait labor law.\\\\n• Provides academic advising and assistance during workshop & laboratory sessions.\\\\n• Supports faculty and students in resourcing and implementation phase of student projects, as assigned.\\\\n• Assist and supervise the development, maintenance of labs and equipment. \\\\n• Educate students and faculty in the usage of machines, tools and equipment within the lab.\\\\n• Will be a Focal point for (receives, installs, and maintenance) laboratory equipment and supplies.\\\\n• Maintains a schedule of preventative maintenance for all equipment and keeps adequate manuals and maintenance logs for equipment and parts.\\\\n• Maintain consumable materials store and ensures adequate inventory levels for supplies also to keep a track of borrowed equipment and tools.\\\\n• Observes and reinforces safety and housekeeping procedures and protocol within the laboratory.\\\\n• Contributes to the development by observing and implementing college and system-wide policies and procedures, and by participating in extra-curricular activities and community events.\\\\n• Attends meetings, workshops and conferences as assigned.\\\\n• Aid HOD in the purchasing procedures about the equipment and follow up on the financial aspects with the finance department concerning purchases for projects.\\\\n• Perform other related duties as assigned by the HOD.\\\\n


  • Minimum of 2 years

Job Specific Competencies

  • None

Behavioral Skills

  • • Willing to learn new tasks as needed to support the laboratory work of the departmentAbility to work well with colleagues and faculty with minimal supervision \\\\n• Advanced knowledge while dealing with technical equipment\\\\n• Excellent Communication Skills (verbal and written)\\\\n• Self-motivated in accomplishing tasks\\\\n• Strong interpersonal skills\\\\n• Good problem solver\\\\n• Attention to details\\\\n• Presentation Skills\\\\n

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