Our Mission

To create enduring societal impact by advancing research and education.

Guiding Principles


Our societal and regional context often seeks academic certification and not necessarily knowledge. In GUST we will build innovative programs that instill knowledge based on theoretical and applied experience that culminates in academic certification.


Advancement and research is what propels humanity forward. We want to drive national and regional advancement through our community’s curiosity, immersive learning and discovery. This progress is what solves practical problems.

Societal Impact

Our research, advancement, activities and initiatives should contribute to the advancement of society and address relevant issues and causes, for example; economic sustainability, education, energy, food security and emerging markets.

Enduring Excellence

Institutions outlive students and people. Having enduringly excellent students is different than an enduringly excellent institution. We want our institution (GUST) to outlive individuals. Therefore, we want to reflect this in our governance model, decision making process and standards.

GUST Values


Outstanding performance in teaching, skill development, research with a human-centric approach that supports GUST’s Community to advance in both scholarly and community service.

Student Centricity

Student progression is at the core of everything we do. Accordingly we deliver experiences and an environment that allow students to succeed and thrive.


Collaboration and interdisciplinary work is an integral part of how we deliver excellence and pursue new frontiers, opportunities and advancement activities to enrich society.


Learn, unlearn and relearn – in a fast-changing world with daily developments we need to be an agile and proactive “problem solving” institution, through our breakthrough research, entrepreneurial spirit and our teaching approach.