Welcome to the GUST Event Organization Hub!

Whether you're a member of the vibrant GUST community or an external organizer seeking to collaborate, you've arrived at the perfect destination. This platform serves as your comprehensive resource for seamless event planning and execution.Are you an internal user? Dive into our event organization process at GUST by logging in below. Everything you need is just a click away.


Greetings to our external event organizators

Are you an external organizer? Below you can find information from discovering the essential steps to organizing an event at GUST to understanding the rules and regulations governing our events - we've got you covered every step of the way. Have questions or need further assistance? Our dedicated team is here to help - feel free to reach out via our contact form below for any inquiries or additional information. Together, let's shape unforgettable experiences and make a lasting impact!


Event organization instructions

How can I plan an event at GUST?

Internal users - use the log in button above to access the GUST Event Organization form and submit your event for approval.

External users - contact student-life@gust.edu.kw to begin your event organization process at GUST.

Rules of handling the events in the campus

  1. Event Organizing Form must be submitted to the Office of Student Life a minimum of 1 week before the event.
  2. Inappropriate material is not permitted on campus (e.g., abusive or profane language, misconduct, religious offenses, etc.). Any video is to be submitted one week in advance for review.
  3. Event organizers will be responsible for any damages, overtime costs for IT, Security and Administration staff in charge during the event. The deposit amount can be deducted by university admins for any of these reasons.
  4. Event Organizing Form should be signed by FM Department before one week at least of the event and return to FM Helpdesk after settling deposit money to Finance Department.
  5. No installation shall be allowed without the coordination & supervision of university admin attendant.
  6. No forklift, tables, chairs, shades, additional power extension source will be provided by the university.
  7. Keeping the area clean is the responsibility of the event organizers, and each booth is responsible for cleaning their own area.
  8. GUST will keep a common trash can in each corner of the building and will take responsibility of removal of this waste. Each booth should have their own trash can and trash bag for replacement. And should throw this in the common trash can.
  9. No booth/ event setup should block any of emergency fire exit.
  10. All the event organizers/ external vendors should follow the security car parking rules and regulations.
  11. No food booths shall be allowed indoor of the campus.
  12. No nailing or sticking on walls, poles, pillars, glasses or any asset of the university.
  13. An electrician will be provided by FM Dept during the event to support technical needs; organizers shall provide total electric loads for all activities before the event.
  14. No additional activities shall be allowed or supported by the university administration in less than a week notice period.
  15. Any failure to clean your area or removing event related material immediately after the event is finished (24 Hours allowance) will allow the Facilities Department to remove them immediately and deduct charges from the Deposit.
  16. Any additional requirement/ Setup/ support requests with short notice that has not been discussed, or officially requested one week before the event will cause additional deduction.
  17. Full amount of damage more than deposit cost should be paid by organizer.
  18. All energy soft drinks are not allowed in GUST campus at any time.
  19. All installations will be done between 08:00 AM till 11:00 PM, campus main doors will be closed at 11:00PM exactly.
  20. Any event will not be allowed to have more than 6 restaurants at the same time.
  21. Only authorized Audio/Visual personnel are allowed inside the control room of the theatres.
  22. Operation of the university equipment must be done by an authorized I.T personnel, tampering with university equipment will not be tolerated. Hence, it will be deducted from the deposit if damages or misuse occur.
  23. Last minute changes during the event will be supported, however the IT department will not be responsible if there are any delays or malfunctions that may occur in the program after the changes have been made.

How will I be informed about my event's organization progress?

As either an internal or external user you will receive emails from GUST about the event organization progress.


Send Us a Message

Contact us for information and support on programs, campus, and facilities at GUST. We are always ready to assist and provide guidance towards achieving your goals.

Do not hesitate to reach out to us via our Contact Us page and take the first step towards realizing your dreams today!

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