General Academic Regulations

Degree Requirements

Academic regulations specifying the course requirements for each degree program are presented by college and degree program.

It is essential that students contact an advisor to become familiar with these requirements and monitor their academic progress as courses are completed to ensure all academic requirements are met. The student is fully responsible for compliance with all academic requirements.

Maximum Time for Completion of a Degree

From the first semester of enrollment after matriculation (exit from the Foundation Program) a student has a maximum of seven years to complete all requirements for a Bachelor’s degree at GUST.

Course Credit Value

GUST operates with a university credit unit consisting of one semester hour which represents a subject pursued for one, two or three periods weekly for one semester.

Minimum Graduation Requirements

All degrees at GUST have a minimum graduation requirement of 120 credits (Computer Science: 126, English Education: 128, and Engineering: 128), and in order to graduate, both the student’s cumulative and major grade point averages must be 2.00 or greater.

Course Numbering

Each discipline or field of study offered by the University is summarized by a three or four letter prefix, followed by a three-digit number indicating the level of the course content.

The following are several GUST course examples:

  • ENGL 224 (3-0-3) – English Literature I
  • MCM 103 (3-0-3) – Introduction to Mass Communications
  • PHIL 325 (3-0-3) – Business Ethics
  • CSC 125 (3-0-3) – Introduction to Computing

The designation "(3-0-3)" indicates in sequence the number of hours of lectures per week, the number of laboratory hours (if any) and the number of credits for the course.

Explanation of Course Numbering Scheme

  • 000-099 courses are non-credit courses
  • 100-199 courses are primarily taken by first-year freshman students
  • 200-299 courses are primarily taken by second-year sophomore students
  • 300-399 courses are primarily taken by third-year junior students
  • 400-499 are primarily taken by fourth-year senior students

General Education Course Numbering

Another type of course indicator relates to General Education courses.

Each of the categories of General Education courses are identified as follows:

  • Communications Skills category – COM
  • Managing Information Skills – MI
  • Valuing Skills – VAL
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences Knowledge Goal – SBS
  • Humanities and Fine Arts Knowledge Goal – HFA
  • Mathematics and Life/Natural Sciences Knowledge Goal – MLNS
  • Arab Heritage Requirement – AH

Student Designation and Registration

The regular and recommended load of a full-time student at GUST is defined as 15 credits.

All full-time students are required to register for a minimum of 12 credits and a maximum of 21 credits.

Academic loads above 18 credits require the student to have a CGPA above 3.00. Such a load is considered to be very heavy is not recommended even for the best students.

Grading Policies

How Are Courses Graded

Credit courses at GUST are graded using the following scale. Non-credit courses are graded on a Pass (P) /NonPass (NP) basis.

Letter GradeMark %Grade Value
Letter Grade:A
Mark %:95-100
Grade Value:4.0
Letter Grade:A-
Mark %:90-94
Grade Value:3.7
Letter Grade:B+
Mark %:87-89
Grade Value:3.3
Letter Grade:B
Mark %:83-86
Grade Value:3.0
Letter Grade:B-
Mark %:80-82
Grade Value:2.7
Letter Grade:C+
Mark %:77-79
Grade Value:2.3
Letter Grade:C
Mark %:73-76
Grade Value:2.0
Letter Grade:C-
Mark %:70-72
Grade Value:1.7
Letter Grade:D+
Mark %:65-69
Grade Value:1.33
Letter Grade:D
Mark %:60-64
Grade Value:1.00
Letter Grade:F
Mark %:Below 60
Grade Value:0
Letter Grade:I
Mark %:Incomplete (missed Final Exam)
Grade Value:-
Letter Grade:P/NP
Mark %:Pass/ Non-Pass
Grade Value:-
Letter Grade:S
Mark %:Satisfactory; the credits designated for a course with a S grade must be replaced by another course in the same area of the major sheet from or outside GUST.
Grade Value:-
Letter Grade:FA
Mark %:Failure due to Absences
Grade Value:-
Letter Grade:W
Mark %:Withdrawal from the course
Grade Value:-
Letter Grade:WA
Mark %:Withdrawal due to Absences
Grade Value:-
Letter Grade:SW
Mark %:Semester Withdrawal
Grade Value:-
Letter Grade:UW
Mark %:University Withdrawal
Grade Value:-

Grade Point Average

Grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points (number of credit hours for a course, multiplied by the grade value received) by the number of hours taken.

3 Credit Hours x A (4.0) =
12.0 Quality Points
3 Credit Hours x B+ (3.3) =
9.9 Quality Points
3 Credit Hours x B- (2.7) =
8.1 Quality Points
3 Credit Hours x C (2.0) =
6.0 Quality Points
3 Credit Hours x D (1.33) =
3.99 Quality Points
36 Total Quality Points / 12 Hours Completed =

Incomplete (I) (formerly DL)

A student whose work is incomplete (normally due to a missed final exam) at the end of any semester and who has, in the instructor’s judgment, sufficient reasons for failing to complete the work may, with the approval of the instructor and the Head of Department and Dean of the College, be assigned an incomplete (I) as a grade. Such work must be made up within the first six weeks of the following semester or the grade automatically becomes an “F”. Notice of completion of the missed work shall be given to the registrar on a special form. The I grade must be reported to the Dean within one week of the last day for recording grades for any given semester.


Examinations may be given only at regular class meeting times or as approved by the Dean of the College. Final examinations must follow the official University schedule. Only non-programmable calculators are permitted during exams. No mobile phones are permitted in any examination.

Final Grade Reports

GUST follows a philosophy of progressive evaluation throughout each course. Students should enquire regarding their academic performance from their instructor during the semester. Final grade reports are available from the Registration and Enrollment Department at the end of each semester. Unofficial transcripts are available online. Grades may be withheld for non-compliance with University regulations.


The Registration and Enrollment department will issue transcripts of credits to a student upon online request. Transcripts are given to parents, guardians, and other parties or institutions only after a student has filed a written or electronic consent with the University Registrar. There is a KD 5 charge per official transcript; any additional transcript will cost KD 10.

Requests for transcript by organizations financially supporting a student or providing tuition reimbursement are not honored unless the student has filed a electronic consent with the Registration and Enrollment department authorizing the release of such records. Transcripts are not issued to or for students who have financial obligations to the University until those obligations are paid in full.

Grade Appeal Process

The assignment, review of and modification of course grades is vested solely within the domain of the academic faculty at the University. Requests for individual grade reviews from other members of the university community shall be documented in writing by the faculty member or academic administrator receiving the request and included in the student’s permanent record.

Faculty members are expected to evaluate student work thoughtfully, and assign grades in a timely manner. Students have a right to know the criteria by which assignments will be evaluated, to receive feedback on their assignments and examinations in a timely manner, to understand the basis upon which final grades for the course are calculated and assigned. Students also have a right to meet with faculty members to review their performance in the course and understand the basis for the assignment of grades on individual assignments and exams and for the course as a whole.

The student appealing a grade must identify a valid basis for appeal. Valid reasons for a grade appeal include: clerical error, capricious or prejudicial evaluation, or inconsistent application of standards of evaluation.

The University has both an informal and formal grade appeal process. The informal appeal process must be completed before the formal appeal process may be initiated. The reason for the informal process is to allow prompt handling of issues and to clarify issues that may become the basis for a formal appeal. Procedural guidelines are available from the Assistant Dean of each College.

Attendance Policies

Class Attendance Policy

The University requires regular and timely attendance at all classes. Attendance is registered in the student information system (PeopleSoft) by the students as they enter the classroom, by swiping their identification card over a card-reader. Repeated tardiness or absences will result in warnings and, if absence continues, the system will automatically fail the student due to absence.

Students should inform their instructor of any foreseen absence. Makeup of examinations or work missed is allowed at the instructor’s discretion only.

Students excused from class for valid reasons by their Deans shall be permitted, if possible, to make up work missed; but the Dean must have notified the instructor in writing.

Minimal Attendance Policy

The University PeopleSoft system assists instructors and the administration to enforce the attendance policy. Students should be aware of the attendance policy approved by the university.

Automated warnings are generated by the PeopleSoft Student Information System (PSIS) and the alert is e-mailed to the student’s GUST e-mail with a copy to the instructor. As well the student receives a text message detailing absences and warnings. The instructor may issue a separate warning, but is not required to do so. It is incumbent on the student to check his/her GUST e-mail for absence warnings and all other important announcements.

An e-mail from GUST is considered as an official communication. It is the responsibility of the student to access his/her e-mail on a regular basis and to respond to any concerns or questions raised in the e-mail. It is also the student’s responsibility to ensure that their GUST e-mail account is kept active by periodically deleting old e-mails.

NOTE: Since classes at GUST are given in different formats the set of conditions necessary for being dropped for excessive absence is given for each case below.

Classes That Meet Three Times a Week for 50 Minutes Each

  1. If a student misses 3 class periods, a first warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  2. If a student misses 6 class periods, a second warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  3. If a student misses 9 class periods, a third warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  4. If a student misses 12 class periods, then the student will be dropped automatically from the course
    1. If this occurs before the end of the 10th week a “WA” grade will be assigned
    2. If this occurs after the 10th week an “FA” grade will be assigned
  5. For students who are registered in only 12 credits (or 4 courses), after missing 12 class periods then the grade that will be assigned to the course the student is being dropped from is an “FA” (PUC Scholarship students only)

The classes missed above refer to all absences irrespective of the reasons.

Classes That Meet Two Times a Week for 75 Minutes Each

  1. If a student misses 2 class periods, a first warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  2. If a student misses 4 class periods, a second warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  3. If a student misses 6 class periods, a third warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  4. If a student misses 8 class periods, then the student will be dropped automatically from the course
    1. If this occurs before the end of the 10th week a “WA” grade will be assigned
    2. If this occurs after the 10th week an “FA” grade will be assigned
  5. For students who are registered in only 12 credits (or 4 courses), after missing 8 class periods then the grade that will be assigned to the course the student is being dropped from is an “FA” (PUC Scholarship students only)

The classes missed above refer to all absences irrespective of the reasons.

Classes That Meet Once a Week for 150 Minutes

  1. If a student misses 1 class period, a first warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  2. If a student misses 2 class periods, a second warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  3. If a student misses 3 class periods, a third warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  4. If a student misses 4 class periods, then the student will be dropped automatically from the course
    1. If this occurs before the end of the 10th week a “WA” grade will be assigned
    2. If this occurs after the 10th week an “FA” grade will be assigned
  5. For students who are registered in only 12 credits (or 4 courses), after missing 4 class periods then the grade that will be assigned to the course the student is being dropped from is an “FA” (PUC Scholarship students only)

The classes missed above refer to all absences irrespective of the reasons.

Classes That Meet Five Times a Week for 50 Minutes

  1. If a student misses 5 class periods, a first warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  2. If a student misses 10 class periods, a second warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  3. If a student misses 15 class periods, a third warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  4. If a student misses 20 class periods, then the student will be dropped automatically from the course
    1. If this occurs before the end of the 10th week a “WA” grade will be assigned
    2. If this occurs after the 10th week an “FA” grade will be assigned
  5. For students who are registered in only 12 credits (or 4 courses), after missing 20 class periods then the grade that will be assigned to the course the student is being dropped from is an “FA” (PUC Scholarship students only) (in the case of MATH 095 and MATH 099 an “NP” grade will be assigned)

The classes missed above refer to all absences irrespective of the reasons.

Classes That Meet for 20 or 25 Hours a Week for 50 Minutes (Engl 097 and 098)

  1. If a student misses 10 class hours, a first warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  2. If a student misses 20 class hours, a second warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  3. If a student misses 30 class hours, a third warning is issued to the student and a copy is sent to the faculty member
  4. If a student misses 40 class hours, then the student would be dropped automatically
    1. If this occurs before the end of the 10th week a “WA” grade will be assigned
    2. If this occurs after the 10th week an “NP” grade will be assigned

The classes missed above refer to all absences irrespective of the reasons.

Student's Absence

If the instructor feels the reason for a student’s absence is legitimate or if the student has reported the absence in advance, it is up to the discretion of the instructor as to how this is handled with regard to attendance warning notices. Students who are dropped because of excessive absence are not entitled to a refund of fees. The course withdrawal refund schedule is clearly outlined at the start of the semester. If students withdraw from individual, courses they will forfeit student fees that have been paid as indicated in the approved refund schedule.

University Honors and Awards

President's List

Undergraduate students completing at least 15 credits of graded courses during a semester with a semester grade point average (SGPA) of 4.0.

Dean’s List

Undergraduate students completing at least 15 credits of graded courses during a semester with a semester grade point average (SGPA) between 3.5 and 3.99 for the semester.

Graduating Students

Graduation With Honors

Students who complete their university studies within the normal duration or less shall be awarded the degree with Highest Honor if their accumulated grade point average is 4.0 and they have had no disciplinary action taken against them. Students who complete their university studies within the normal duration or less shall be awarded the degree with Honors if their accumulated grade point average is 3.67 or above and they have had no disciplinary action taken against them. The normal duration is defined as eight semesters of continuous regular course work (not including semesters in the Foundation Program Unit).

Degree Application

Students in their last semester before completion of their degree requirements must apply for graduation online via PeopleSoft.

When a student has completed 90 credits of their degree requirements, they must submit an application for graduation request to the Admissions and Registration Department. Students must graduate using the major sheets in effect during their admit term of enrollment or the major sheets in effect the semester they change majors.

Academic Record

The Admissions and Registration Department is responsible for maintaining all student academic records.

Rules of Graduation

How to Graduate

Students must satisfy the degree requirements of the their major and must obtain a cumulative GPA and MPA of 2.00 or higher.

Degrees Awarded with Highest Honors

To graduate with highest honor, a student must:

  • Must fulfill all the degree requirements as per their major
  • Attained a cumulative GPA of 4.0
  • Complete the program within 8 regular semesters (excluding foundation Program (a semester without GPA) and Summer Semester)
  • Not have had disciplinary action within the university

Note: Students who have leave of absences in any semester will be countered.

Graduates with Honor

To graduate with honor, a student must:

  • Must fulfill all the degree requirements as per their major
  • Attained a cumulative GPA of 3.67
  • Complete the program within 8 regular semesters (excluding foundation Program and Summer Semester)
  • Not have had disciplinary action within the university

Note: Students who have leave of absences in any semester will be countered.

MBA Program

In order to graduate, students must:

  • Pass the required number of credit hours (45)
  • Obtain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (B) or higher
  • Submit an official GMAT score (if the GMAT submitted during the admission process is expired)

Note: the maximum allowed period for graduation is 5 years. If a student fails to fulfill the graduation requirements within 5 years, he/she may be dismissed.

Degrees Awarded With Highest Honor

Highest honor students attain a cumulative GPA of 4.0 upon graduation.

Dean's Honors List

To be placed on the Dean’s Honor List at the end of given fall or spring semester, a student must:

  • Be registered for at least nine credit hours
  • Not be repeating the semester nor be on probation
  • Passed all semester courses and attained an overall semester GPA of 3.67
  • Not have had any disciplinary action within the University

Student Conduct Policies

Student Code of Conduct

GUST is committed to providing a positive work and learning environment where all individuals are treated fairly and with respect. Intimidation and harassment have no place in a university community.

It is the responsibility of the University to utilize its resources toward the creation of quality academic programs and to provide a friendly campus environment, which is conducive to learning and personal development. Interactions among GUST students, faculty, and staff should reflect mutual respect and professionalism.

A student enrolled at GUST assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. The GUST Code of Student Conduct generally shall be limited to conduct which occurs on the University premises, at University-sponsored, or University-supervised functions. However, GUST administration may take appropriate action against students for conduct on or off University premises in order to protect the physical safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Conduct, for which students are subject to sanctions, is described in detail in the University Code of Student Conduct.

Maintaining a Positive Work and Learning Environment

Gulf University for Science and Technology is committed to providing a positive work and learning environment where all individuals are treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their status. Intimidation and harassment have no place in a university community. To honor the dignity and inherent worth of every individual member of the GUST community is a goal to which every member of the University should aspire and to which officials of the University should direct attention and resources.

With respect to students, it is the University’s special responsibility to provide a positive climate in which students can learn. The Board of Trustees and all of GUST’s staff and faculty are expected to provide educational programs and otherwise direct resources to creative and serious measures designed to improve interpersonal relationships, to help develop healthy attitudes towards people, and to foster a climate in which students are treated as individuals rather than as members of a particular category of people and where learning is strongly valued.

Student Code of Conduct Policy

A student enrolled at GUST assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. The GUST Code of Student Conduct generally shall be limited to conduct which occurs on the University premises or at University sponsored or University-supervised functions. However, GUST administration may take appropriate action against students for conduct on or off University premises in order to protect the physical safety of students, faculty, staff, visitors, and others.

Inappropriate Conduct

Conduct for which students are subject to sanctions falls into, but are not limited to, the following categories:

  1. Academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism or sabotage. The Board of Trustees recognizes that academic honesty is essential for the intellectual life of the University. Faculty members have a special obligation to expect high standards of academic honesty in all student work. Students have a special obligation to adhere to such standards. In all cases of academic dishonesty, the instructor shall make an academic judgment about the student’s grade in that assignment and in that course. The instructor shall report the alleged academic dishonesty to her/his academic supervisor
    1. The term cheating includes, but is not limited to, (i) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; (ii) dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; (iii) acquisition or possession without permission of tests, or other academic material belonging to a member of the University faculty or staff; or (iv) knowingly providing any unauthorized assistance to another student on quizzes, tests, or examinations
    2. The term plagiarism includes, but is not limited to: (i) use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without fully and properly crediting the author with footnotes, citations or bibliographical reference; (ii) unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials; or (iii) unacknowledged use of original work/material that has been produced through collaboration with others without release in writing from the collaborators
    3. The term sabotage includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized interference with, modification of, or destruction of the work or intellectual property of another member of the University community
  2. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records or identification, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University
  3. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, conduct proceedings, or other University activities, including its public service functions on or off campus
  4. Physical and verbal abuse, hazing, harassment, or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person
  5. Attempted or actual theft of, damage to, or possession without permission of property of the University or of a member of the University community or of a campus visitor
  6. It is the expectation that students dress modestly in keeping with the cultural norms of the State of Kuwait
  7. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any University facilities or unauthorized entry to or use of University facilities
  8. Violation of University policies, rules or regulations or of campus regulations including, but not limited to, those governing residence in University-provided housing, or the use of University facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression
  9. Manufacture, use, possession, sale or distribution of any controlled substance
  10. Disruptive or disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression
  11. Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties
  12. Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals.
  13. Actual or attempted theft or other abuse of computer time, including but not limited to:
    1. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose
    2. Unauthorized transfer of a file
    3. Unauthorized use of another individual’s identification and password
    4. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member or University official
    5. Use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operation of the University computing system
    6. Knowingly causing a computer virus to become installed in a computer system or file.
  14. Intentionally or recklessly causing harm to any person on University premises or as a University sponsored activity
  15. Violation of behavioral course rules as outlined in the course syllabus
  16. GUST students have a right to the free expression of their opinions and beliefs. In exercising this freedom, students have a responsibility to respect the rights and opinions of others, including fellow students, faculty, staff, administration, and visitors/speakers at GUST’s campus. In all cases, GUST students have a responsibility to refrain from tactics designed to defame or malign the reputation of another student, or that of the faculty, staff, administration, and visitors/ speakers at GUST’s campus through slander or libel, prevent the expression of opposing points of view on campus, or the use of coercion on campus to impose their point of view on others


The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Student Conduct Code:

  1. Warning: A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated more than one (1) of the sanctions may be imposed for any single violation: institutional regulations
  2. Probation: A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe sanctions if the student is found to be violating any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period
  3. Loss of Privileges: Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time
  4. Restitution: Compensation for loss, damage or injury to the University or University property. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement
  5. Discretionary Sanctions: Work assignments, service to the University or other related discretionary assignments
  6. University Dismissal: An involuntary separation of the student from the institution for misconduct apart from academic requirements. It does not imply or state a minimum separation time
  7. University Suspension: Separation of the student from the University for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified
  8. University Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the University
  9. Temporary Suspension: A College Dean or designee may at any time temporarily suspend or deny readmission to a student from the University pending formal procedures when the Dean finds and believes from available information that the presence of a student on campus would seriously disrupt the University or constitute a danger to the health, safety or welfare of members of the University community. The appropriate procedure to determine the future status of the student will be initiated within seven (7) calendar days
  10. Removal of the student from university housing or other student university services
  11. Withholding the student’s diploma until their case is resolved for any of the above allegations outlined in GUST’s student conduct policy
  12. Sanction against a member of a student organization or the student organization as a whole, such as a temporary or permanent loss of rights or privileges

Procedures for the Adjudication of Violations of the Student Conduct Policies

Procedures for the Adjudication of Violations of the Student Conduct Policies Allegations of student misconduct may be brought forward by a faculty member, staff member, or another student. These procedures apply to enrolled GUST students. In some cases these procedures will apply to students who are no longer enrolled but who were enrolled at the time of the alleged misconduct. These procedures are not designed to constitute a legal process and the rules of evidence do not apply.

Authority to investigate and determine the validity and penalties to be applied for student conduct violations is vested in the Student Conduct Committee. The Student Conduct Committee consists of two faculty members (nominated by the Dean of each College), a member of the Foundation Program Unit, two members of Students Affairs (nominated by the Dean of Student Affairs) and a current student of GUST.

Upon receipt of a written allegation of student misconduct, the University will, within four working days, notify (generally via the student’s email account) the student of the nature of the alleged violations, the date of the scheduled committee meeting to investigate the allegations, and provide the student with a copy of the code of conduct and the procedures for investigating the allegations.

The meeting shall be held within two weeks of the receipt of the allegation and the student shall be notified of the decision of the committee within seven working days of the committee meeting. The student may respond in writing or make a personal appearance at the committee meeting.

GUST is committed to investigating and determining allegations of student misconduct as expeditiously as is practical recognizing that a student can be significantly affected by delay in the resolution of the matter. The specified time period to complete the entire procedure (from the date the allegation of misconduct is submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Services* until the decision of the Student Conduct Committee is announced) is three weeks. If the Student Conduct Committee requires an extension due to pressing circumstances, this must be approved by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Services. In no event shall the extension be longer than two weeks.

* In the absence of the Vice President of Academic Services, the Dean of Student Affairs will fulfill his functions.

The decision of the Student Conduct Committee shall be final.

Smoking Policy

An issue has developed concerning tobacco use (smoking) on campus that affects the health of all GUST constituents. Smoking in the building is hazardous to the health of the smoker but the second hand smoke is also hazardous to non-smokers. Second hand smoke exists anytime someone smokes within a confined space or near areas where non-smokers must travel through or go near.

Therefore, to protect the health of all students, staff and faculty effective Sunday, November 9, 2014 the GUST building will become a smoke free building. You may smoke on campus but you must be at least 10 meters from any entrance to the building. This means no smoking rooms will be available and there will be no smoking on the bridges that connect the building even though they have outside exposure as they are considered part of the building. This also means no smoking by students, faculty or staff in the restrooms.

First violations of this policy by students will result in a “final” warning and a second violation will result in expulsion from the University.

Staff will not be given a warning, the first violation will result in dismissal.

Academic Probation, Dismissal, and Suspension

A student is placed on probation initially if after having attempted 18 credits (ACR) they have achieved a cumulative GPA (CGPA) less 1.75 or if after attempting 30 credits (ACR) they have achieved a CGPA of less than 1.90.

If a student has attempted more than 30 credits then probation is given at any time the CGPA is less than 2.00. The student will remain on probation until the CGPA has reached 2.00.

Students on academic probation cannot take more than 12 credits (4 courses).

If a student is on probation for two consecutive semesters then they are allowed to register in the following semester to raise their CGPA to 2.00. If the student does not raise the CGPA to 2.00 or above by the third semester of probation, then their case is reviewed for dismissal by the Academic Administrative Committee.

Upon a request from the student, the Academic Administrative Committee may give a final chance which would be based on a contract where the courses (12 credits) are assigned by the counselors in consultation with the advisor and, as well, a fixed semester GPA (SGPA) is given as the minimum requirement (minimum assigned SGPA would be 2.30). This contract must be signed by the student and his/her parents.

Rules for Engl 097 and 098

GUST Foundation Program students are only permitted to take each of ENGL 097 or ENGL 098 for two semesters. If students fail to pass any of these courses after their second attempt, they will be suspended from GUST. Students would have a chance of returning to GUST only after achieving the necessary admission standard on the iBT TOEFL.