The Disability Services Program
The Disability Services Program is conducted by the Disability Services team with the cooperation and support of the whole GUST family.
The Disability Services Program has been developed to provide accommodations to students with documented medical reports. The goal of providing accommodation to students is to encourage their continued growth, progress, and academic performance at GUST.
Accommodations for students with disabilities include, but are not limited to: note-taking assistance, tutoring, extra time for exams in class or at the One Stop Student Services Center.
Students are responsible for requesting the needed accommodations through the OSC during the admissions process.
Registration for accommodations includes submission of the Disability Accommodation Request Form *we will add the request form as PDF*, which should be given after meeting the Disability Services team as well as submitting appropriate disability documentation.
- Proctoring exams: This is usually arranged by faculty and done at the One Stop Student Services Center. The exam/quiz is proctored at the OSC in the presence of one of the Disability Service team.
- Extended time during exams and/or quizzes: This is usually arranged by faculty and done at the One Stop Student Services Center. An alternative is to have the student take the exam/quiz in the faculty member’s office.
- Orally administered exams: The student has the option of hearing the questions spoken and to orally provide his responses or to record their answers via a tape recorder. If the student would like to use a tape recorder, this specific accommodation needs to be confirmed, and the student must provide the tape recorder to use during the test.
- Note-taking services: If this service is needed, a note taker will be hired to assist student in class.
- Use of a tape recorder during class: The student should confirm this specific accommodation, and provide a tape recorder for class use.
Disability Documentation
- Students requesting reasonable accommodations must submit up-to-date valid documentation.
- Documentation must be issued by a medical or other qualified, licensed professional.
- Documents must be printed on official letterhead, dated, and signed by the licensed professional. GUST reserves the right to require that a certified copy of the report be transmitted directly from the licensed professional to the university.
- Comprehensive documentations include a psycho-educational evaluation, diagnostic interview, and clinical summary.
- The student's history of receiving reasonable accommodations and academic adjustments, if such history exists.
- Use of Woodcock-Johnson Psycho educational Battery III- Tests of Cognitive Ability (Standart Battery- subtests 1-10) or subtests from the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale III (WAIS-III) are preferred.
- Specific recommendations for accommodations as well as an explanation as to why each is recommended as necessary.
*logistic manual document*