GUST Course Descriptions

Mass Communication Department

MCM 101 - Media Literacy
Prerequisite: GEPT / TOEFL Score / ENGL 110
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 102 - Introduction to Public Speaking.
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 103 - Introduction to Mass Media
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 104 - Introduction to Information Technology
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 105 - Communication layout & design
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 106 - Social Media Content Creation
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 107 - Introduction to Cinema
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 121 - Fundamentals of Digital Media Production
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 141 - Public Relation/Adver
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 201 - Online PR/Advertising
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 203 - Promotion, Publicity & Advertising in Broadcasting
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 204 - Radio/TV Announcing
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 205 - International Communication
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 206 - Introduction to Writing for Mass Media
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & ENGL 112 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 209 - Fundamentals of Advertising
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 210 - Introduction to Multimedia
Prerequisite: MIS 118 & PLAN=MULTIMEDIA
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 211 - Photography
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 212 - Social Media Principles & Practices
Prerequisite: (MCM 101 / 103) & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 214 - Strategic Writing
Prerequisite: ENGL 112
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 220 - Design Fundametals
Prerequisite: MCM 101 / 103 / 105 / 107
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 231 - Radio/TV Production I
Prerequisite: MCM 121 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 240 - Applied Graphic Design
Prerequisite: MCM 210 & MCM 220 & PROGRAM<>'UMCOM'
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 241 - Writing for PR/ADS
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 245 - Typography
Prerequisite: MCM 105 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 251 - Introduction to Visual Communications
Prerequisite: MCM 105 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 252 - Graphic Design
Prerequisite: MCM 251
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 253 - Visual Culture
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 254 - Visual Storytelling
Prerequisite: MCM 105/107/121 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 260 - Writing for Multimedia
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 301 - Mass media management
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 302 - Advertising Media Planning
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & Min 54 Credits
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 303 - Theory and Practice of Interviewing
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 305 - Communication campaigns
Prerequisite: MCM 141 & MCM 206
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 306 - Promotion Design
Prerequisite: MCM 252 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 308 - Political Communication
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & Min 54 Credits
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 309 - Arab Media & Society
Prerequisite: MCM 101 & UMCOM & 60 credits
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 311 - News Writing
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 312 - News editing
Prerequisite: MCM 311
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 313 - Online journalism
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 320 - Multimedia Ethics
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 321 - In-depth reporting
Prerequisite: MCM 311
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 322 - Feature & Magazine Writing
Prerequisite: MCM 311
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 331 - Radio/TV Production II
Prerequisite: MCM 231
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 332 - Field Production
Prerequisite: MCM 121 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 340 - Web Interface Design
Prerequisite: MCM 210
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 341 - Cases in PR/Advertising
Prerequisite: MCM 141 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 351 - Studio Production I
Prerequisite: MCM 253 & PLAN <> MULTIMEDIA
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 352 - Web Design
Prerequisite: MCM 251
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 353 - Motion Graphics
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 354 - Studio Production II
Prerequisite: MCM 351
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 355 - 3D Animation
Prerequisite: MCM 251
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 360 - Multimedia Authoring
Prerequisite: MCM 210
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 380 - Post-production Processes
Prerequisite: MCM 254 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 400 - Internship in Multimedia
Prerequisite: MCM 210
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 401 - History of Mass Communication
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 402 - Mass Media Criticism
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & Min 54 Credits
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 403 - Public Opinion
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & Min 54 Credits
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 405 - Special Topics in Visual Communication
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & Pass Credits>=54
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 410 - Principles of Educational Multimedia
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 411 - Media Law & Ethics
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & Junior Standing & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 412 - Communication Theory
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & 54 Passed Credit & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 413 - Research Methods in Mass Communication
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & MATH (111 / 122) & Junior Level & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 420 - Multimedia Marketing
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 422 - Internship in journalism
Prerequisite: MCM 312 & MCM 321 & MCM 322
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 431 - Internship in Radio/ TV
Prerequisite: MCM 332
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 432 - Senior Project in Digital Media
Prerequisite: MCM 332 & Junior Level
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 439 - Senior Project
Prerequisite: Senior Standing & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 440 - Digital Portfolio Production
Prerequisite: MCM 360 & PLAN=MULTIMEDIA
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 441 - Integrated Marketing Communication.
Prerequisite: MCM 141 & Junior Standing & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 442 - Internship in PR/Advertising
Prerequisite: (MCM241 & MCM 341 & MCM 441 & PLAN=PR/ADV) OR (MCM 341 & MCM 441)
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 443 - Senior Project in PR/Advertising
Prerequisite: (MCM241 & MCM 341 & MCM 441 & PLAN=PR/ADV) OR (MCM 341 & MCM 441)
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 448 - Internship in Visual Communications
Prerequisite: MCM253 & (MCM353 OR MCM260) & (MCM352 OR MCM 340)
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 449 - Senior Visual Communication Project
Prerequisite: MCM253 & (MCM353 OR MCM260) & (MCM352 OR MCM 340)
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 451 - Advanced Animation
Prerequisite: MCM 355 or (MCM 360 & plan=MULTIMEDIA)
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 452 - Internship in Visual Communication
Prerequisite: MCM 252 & MCM 253 & MCM 352 & MCM353
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 453 - Senior Project in Visual Communication
Prerequisite: MCM 252 & MCM 253 & MCM 352 & MCM353
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 455 - Internship
Prerequisite: Junior Standing & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 460 - Advanced Multimedia
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 480 - Topics in Multimedia
Prerequisite: MCM 210
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
MCM 495 - Special topics in mass communication
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & 54 Passed Credit & UMCOM
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
THTR 121 - Fundamentals of Acting
Prerequisite: (ENGL 100 or ENGL 110 or ENGL 112) as co/pre-requisite
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department
THTR 180 - Introduction to Theatre
Prerequisite: (ENGL 100 or ENGL 110 or ENGL 112) as co/pre-requisite
3 credit hours
Mass Communication Department

Mathematics & Natural Science Department

BIOL 103 - Environmental Biology
Prerequisite: ENGL 098/100/110/112 & non CS
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
BIOL 105 - Human Biology
Prerequisite: ENGL 098/100/110/112 & non CS
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
BIOL 110 - Biology I
Prerequisite: CS student & passed ENGL Foundation & BIOL 110L (pre or co-requisite)
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
BIOL 110L - Biology-I Laboratory
Prerequisite: BIOL 110 coreq
1 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
CHEM 103 - Environmental Chemistry
Prerequisite: ENGL 098/100/110/112 & non CS
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
CHEM 105 - Basic Chemistry Principles
Prerequisite: ENGL 098/100/110/112 & non CS
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
CHEM 110 - General Chemistry I
Prerequisite: ENGL 098 & (CHEM 110L coreq) & (CS or COE)
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
CHEM 110L - General Chemistry I Laboratory
Prerequisite: CHEM 110 coreq
1 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
CHEM 115L - Introduction to Laboratory Safety and Hazardous Materials
Prerequisite: CHEM 110L coreq & Passed ENGL Founda
1 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
ENVR 103 - Weather and Climate
Prerequisite: ENGL 098 / 100/ 110/ 112
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 094 - Beginning Contemporary Mathematics
Prerequisite: This course can be taken by only English Major Students.
0 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 095 - Beginning Algebra
Prerequisite: MATH LEVEL 1 & Major<>English
0 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 096 - Intermediate Algebra
Prerequisite: (Math Level 2 or MATH 095) and Major <> English
0 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 098 - Precalculus
Prerequisite: (Math Lvl 3 or Math 096) & (Major=Computer Science OR Engg)
0 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 100 - Contemporary Mathematics
Prerequisite: (MATH 09# / GMPT score) & ENGL / MCM major only
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 111 - College Algebra
Prerequisite: (MATH 096 / GMPT Score) & non CS Major
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 120 - Data Analysis I with Software
Prerequisite: (MATH 096 / 100)&(UENG/UMCOM)
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 121 - Basic Probability & Statistics
Prerequisite: (MATH 096 | 098 | 100) & non CS Major
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 122 - Data Analysis II with Software
Prerequisite: (MATH 120 / MATH 121) & (UMCOM / UENG)
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 130 - Basic Calculus
Prerequisite: MATH 111 & non CS
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 131 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
Prerequisite: MATH 098 | GMPT score
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 132 - Analytic Geometry & Calculus II
Prerequisite: MATH 131
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 140 - Elementary Linear Algebra
Prerequisite: MATH 098 or 130 or GMPT Score
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 211 - Linear Algebra
Prerequisite: CSC130 & MATH 231 & MATH 210
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 221 - Applied Statistics
Prerequisite: MATH 131
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 231 - Analytic Geometry & Calculus III
Prerequisite: MATH 132
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 232 - Introduction to Differential Equations
Prerequisite: MATH 132
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 330 - Advanced Calculus I
Prerequisite: CSC 130 & MATH 231
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 331 - Numerical Analysis
Prerequisite: MATH 140 & 132 & CSC 125
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 342 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra I
Prerequisite: (CSC 300 & MATH 231) OR CONSENT OF DEPARTMENT
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 400 - Applied Math1
Prerequisite: MATH 232 & MATH 210
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHED 101 - Introduction to Physical Education
Prerequisite: ENGL 098 / 100/ 110/ 112
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 100 - How Things Work
Prerequisite: ENGL 098/100/110/112 & non CS
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 101 - Ideas in Modern Physics
Prerequisite: PHYS 100
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 110 - Physics I
Prerequisite: (MATH 098 / GMPT Score) & PHYS 110L & (CS | COE)
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 110L - Physics I Lab
Prerequisite: PHYS 110 coreq
1 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 112 - Physics II
Prerequisite: PHYS 112L coreq & 110&110L & MATH 131 or equivalent
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
Prerequisite: PHYS 112 coreq
1 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department

Mgmt Info Systems Department

MIS 118 - Introduction to Computers & Information Systems
Prerequisite: ENGL 098 / 100/ 110/ 112 & non CS
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 200 - Information Systems Concepts and Applications
Prerequisite: MIS 118
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 206 - Managerial Applications of Object Oriented Programming I
Prerequisite: MIS 118
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 300 - Mobile Applications Development
Prerequisite: MIS 306
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 306 - Managerial Application of Object Oriented Programming II
Prerequisite: MIS 206
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 310 - Information Systems Analysis
Prerequisite: MIS 306 & MIS 345 Pre/Co
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 320 - Ethics in Information Systems
Prerequisite: MIS 200
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 342 - Management of Telecommunications
Prerequisite: MIS 306
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 345 - Database Management System
Prerequisite: MIS 200
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 347 - Web Design
Prerequisite: MIS 206
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 350 - Knowledge Management
Prerequisite: MIS 200 & (Major=MOB, IB, Marketing, MIS)
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 400 - Cloud Computing
Prerequisite: MIS 200
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 410 - Data-mining for Business Intelligence
Prerequisite: MIS 310 & MIS 345
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 420 - Foundations of Big Data
Prerequisite: MIS 345
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 443 - Business Intelligence
Prerequisite: ECON 380
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 446 - E-Commerce
Prerequisite: MIS 200 & (Major=MOB, IB, Marketing, MIS)
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 448 - Cybersecurity in Digital Age
Prerequisite: MIS 200
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 450 - Information System Design
Prerequisite: MIS 310
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 458 - Advanced Cybersecurity for Business Applications
Prerequisite: MIS 448
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 495 - Special Topics in Management Information System
Prerequisite: Senior & MIS
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 498 - Capstone in Management Information System
Prerequisite: Junior & MIS
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 499 - MIS Internship
Prerequisite: CBA 440 & MIS Major & Dept Approval
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
MIS 500 - Management Information Systems
3 credit hours
Mgmt Info Systems Department
You are viewing 1-143 of 143 courses