GUST Course Descriptions

Mathematics & Natural Science Department

MATH 131 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
Prerequisite: MATH 098 | GMPT score
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 132 - Analytic Geometry & Calculus II
Prerequisite: MATH 131
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 140 - Elementary Linear Algebra
Prerequisite: MATH 098 or 130 or GMPT Score
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 211 - Linear Algebra
Prerequisite: CSC130 & MATH 231 & MATH 210
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 221 - Applied Statistics
Prerequisite: MATH 131
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 231 - Analytic Geometry & Calculus III
Prerequisite: MATH 132
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 232 - Introduction to Differential Equations
Prerequisite: MATH 132
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 330 - Advanced Calculus I
Prerequisite: CSC 130 & MATH 231
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 331 - Numerical Analysis
Prerequisite: MATH 140 & 132 & CSC 125
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 342 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra I
Prerequisite: (CSC 300 & MATH 231) OR CONSENT OF DEPARTMENT
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
MATH 400 - Applied Math1
Prerequisite: MATH 232 & MATH 210
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHED 101 - Introduction to Physical Education
Prerequisite: ENGL 098 / 100/ 110/ 112
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 100 - How Things Work
Prerequisite: ENGL 098/100/110/112 & non CS
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 101 - Ideas in Modern Physics
Prerequisite: PHYS 100
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 110 - Physics I
Prerequisite: (MATH 098 / GMPT Score) & PHYS 110L & (CS | COE)
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 110L - Physics I Lab
Prerequisite: PHYS 110 coreq
1 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
PHYS 112 - Physics II
Prerequisite: PHYS 112L coreq & 110&110L & MATH 131 or equivalent
3 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
Prerequisite: PHYS 112 coreq
1 credit hours
Mathematics & Natural Science Department
You are viewing 101-118 of 118 courses