GUST Course Descriptions

English Department

EDU 357 - Teaching Reading in Secondary School Content Areas
Prerequisite: Any 3 course EDU 351, 352, 353, 354
3 credit hours
English Department
EDU 358 - Writing for Teachers
Prerequisite: Any 3 course EDU 351, 352, 353, 354
3 credit hours
English Department
EDU 451 - Classroom Assessment
Prerequisite: Any 3 course - EDU 355, 356, 357, 358
3 credit hours
English Department
EDU 452 - Instructional Materials Development
Prerequisite: Any 3 course - EDU 355, 356, 357, 358
3 credit hours
English Department
EDU 453 - Technology Assisted Learning
Prerequisite: Any 3 course - EDU 355, 356, 357, 358
3 credit hours
English Department
EDU 454 - Classroom Management
Prerequisite: Any 3 course - EDU 355, 356, 357, 358
3 credit hours
English Department
EDU 455 - The Curriculum and Methods of Teaching English
Prerequisite: Any 3 course - EDU 355, 356, 357, 358
3 credit hours
English Department
EDU 457 - Secondary School Student Teaching
Prerequisite: EDU 451 & 452 & 453 & 454 & 455
12 credit hours
English Department
EDU 458 - Student Teaching Seminar
Prerequisite: EDU 457 coreq
2 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 100 - Academic English I
Prerequisite: GEPT / TOEFL Score / ENGL 098
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 110 - English Composition I
Prerequisite: GEPT / TOEFL Score / ENGL 100
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 112 - English Composition II
Prerequisite: GEPT / TOEFL Score / ENGL 110
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 120 - Introduction to Literature
Prerequisite: ENGL 112 coreq & English Major only
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 121 - Words and Structures
Prerequisite: ENGL 112
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 200 - Advanced Expository Writing
Prerequisite: ENGL 112
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 201 - Business Writing
Prerequisite: ENGL 112
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 202 - Technical Writing
Prerequisite: ENGL 112 & COE
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 203 - English Grammar
Prerequisite: ENGL 110 coreq & English Major
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 204 - Language and Culture
Prerequisite: ENGL 112 & non-English majors
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 205 - Introduction to Linguistics
Prerequisite: ENGL 112 coreq & ENGL 203 & English Majors
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 206 - Practical English Grammar
Prerequisite: ENGL 112 & non-English majors
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 207 - Introduction to Translation
Prerequisite: ENGL 203
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 208 - Advanced Business Communications
Prerequisite: ENGL 112
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 209 - Introductory Topics in Translation
Prerequisite: ENGL 207 & 212
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 212 - Arabic Grammar for Translators
Prerequisite: ENGL 203
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 214 - Strategic Writing
Prerequisite: ENGL 112
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 219 - Arabic Composition
Prerequisite: ENGL 212
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 222 - American Literature I
Prerequisite: ENGL 120
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 223 - American Literature II
Prerequisite: ENGL 222
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 224 - English Literature I
Prerequisite: ENGL 120
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 225 - English Literature II
Prerequisite: ENGL 224
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 271 - Short Story Writing
Prerequisite: ENGL 112
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 272 - Languages of the World
Prerequisite: ENGL 203
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 299 - Introduction to Research Methods
Prerequisite: ENGL 205
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 300 - History of the English Language
Prerequisite: ENGL 203
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 302 - Phonetics & Phonology
Prerequisite: ENGL 205
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 310 - Translation Theory & Practice
Prerequisite: ENGL 207 & ENGL 212
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 311 - Morphology
Prerequisite: ENGL 205
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 312 - Translation with Technology
Prerequisite: ENGL 310
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 313 - Syntax
Prerequisite: ENGL 205
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 315 - Applied Natural Language Processing
Prerequisite: ENGL 205 & 299
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 321 - Myth
Prerequisite: ENGL 222 or 224
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 350 - Translation for Business and Commerce
Prerequisite: ENGL 209 & 310 & program=UENG
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 360 - Practical Criticism, Writing about Literature
Prerequisite: ENGL 222 or 224
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 361 - Translation for the Media
Prerequisite: ENGL 209 & 310 & program=UENG
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 370 - Translation for Science & Technology
Prerequisite: ENGL 209 & 310 & program=UENG
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 371 - Adolescent Literature
Prerequisite: ENGL 120 & UENG
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 372 - Children's Literature
Prerequisite: ENGL 120 & UENG
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 377 - Special Topics in Literature I
Prerequisite: ENGL 222 OR ENGL 224
3 credit hours
English Department
ENGL 380 - Translation for Legal work
Prerequisite: ENGL 209 & 310 & program=UENG
3 credit hours
English Department
You are viewing 51-100 of 316 courses