Team Training

Work Together, Learn Together

With talent shortages making it more challenging to hire new workers, upskilling your in-house teams simply makes sense.  Training your employees in new skillsets and new technologies is an excellent investment in future performance and organizational loyalty. But the benefits of team training, where you teach a working group together, extend even further for your business.

Empowering Transformation

GUST’s Executive Education can be a transformational experience for your business unit, allowing for discovery and discussion of new concepts. From there, teams can embark on a journey to implement these new ideas with common understanding and shared goals, upon returning to work.

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Team training provides all the advantages of upskilling individual employees but synergizes them with team dynamics to multiply the positive effects. We can help you deliver a curriculum that targets the hard and soft skills your employees need to thrive.

Faculty Development Programs

GUST faculty development program is a structured initiative designed to support the professional growth and effectiveness of faculty members. These programs aim to enhance teaching, research, leadership, and service skills among faculty members, ultimately contributing to the overall quality of education provided by the university.

Here are some key aspects typically included in our faculty development programs:

Teaching Enhancement

  • Workshops on innovative teaching methods and pedagogical techniques.
  • Training on incorporating technology into the classroom.
  • Strategies for effective assessment and feedback.

Research and Scholarships

  • Workshops on research methodologies and grant writing.
  • Support for publishing research and presenting at conferences.
  • Collaboration opportunities with other faculty members and research centers.

Professional Development

  • Leadership training and mentorship programs.
  • Career planning and advancement support.
  • Networking opportunities within and outside the institution.

Diversity and Inclusion

  • Training on fostering an inclusive and diverse learning environment.
  • Workshops on cultural competence and sensitivity.
  • Strategies for addressing equity issues in education.

Technology Integration

  • Training on utilizing technology for online and blended learning.
  • Workshops on educational tools and software.
  • Support for the development of online courses.

Assessment and Evaluation

  • Workshops on program assessment and continuous improvement.
  • Training on evaluating teaching effectiveness.
  • Use of feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement.

Community Engagement

  • Strategies for community outreach and service-learning.
  • Partnerships with local organizations and businesses.
  • Incorporating real-world experiences into the curriculum.

Wellness and Work-Life Balance

  • Workshops on managing stress and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • Support services for mental health and well-being.

Pedagogical Innovations

  • Encouraging experimentation with new teaching methods.
  • Integration of experiential and project-based learning.
  • Supporting faculty in adapting to evolving educational trends.

Funding Opportunities

  • Providing information on research grants and internal funding opportunities.
  • Assistance with grant proposal writing.

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Faculty Involvement in Community

Many of our faculty members are involved in projects that aid the development of various sectors such as education and the economy. Moreover, they are conducting research that focuses on issues of great importance to our community and to its stability. GUST is also committed to building research centers so that students, faculty members, and the community will have access to abundant information, which they would not have access to otherwise.

Community Development and Training Center

GUST’s Community Development and Training Center is connected to the main concourse and is easily accessible for the public. The center provides conference and training facilities for the community. It consists of two auditoria, one with 500 seats and the other one with 200 seats, in addition to flexible committee rooms and ample space for exhibitions and events.

The Global Studies Center

The Global Studies Center at the Gulf University for Science and Technology in Kuwait conducts and supports research on cross-national topics. It examines political, economic, social, and cultural matters from a global perspective. We organize seminars, invite researchers, and publish a bi-annual newsletter. The Arabian Gulf region is not the only focus of our research. We are happy to function as partners for any kind of academic event. For all matters contact us at


Global Citizenship in Kuwait: Perspectives and Obstacles

Global citizenship is the umbrella term for social, political, environmental, and economic actions of globally minded individuals and communities on a worldwide scale. It has gained popularity as one of the United Nation’s goals for human dignity, empowerment, and for positive change in societies.

Global citizenship attempts to cross over between different groups of people, surpassing separatist categories that continue to exclude people within societies. Global citizenship aims to create more ethical, tolerant, and anti-racist youth cultures, gender equity, and disability inclusion.

Given the necessity of global citizenship today, this GSC research project aims to answer the question:

  • What does it mean to be a global citizen today in Kuwait and in the Gulf and how can it be achieved?
  • What are the roots of exclusion and racism, and how are these phenomena manifest in Gulf societies?
  • How can policy-makers, educators, and researchers contribute to the creation and empowerment of global citizens in Kuwait?

The research project involves specialists in politics, education, culture, and media. Furthermore, researchers, administrators, activists, and non-profit organizations collaborate.

We work on the following topics:

  • Identity politics and belonging
  • Racial politics in Kuwait and the GCC
  • The situation of migrant and domestic workers
  • Gender inequalities, barriers to women’s inclusion at the workplace, women’s empowerment
  • ‘Wokeism’ in Middle Eastern Cultures. This topic is covered by some contributors to the “Woke Conference,” especially Nesma Elsakaan and Jibril Latif
  • Inclusion in schools, anti-bullying, and tolerance
  • Disability and Education
  • Slavery in the Gulf, research covered by GSC members in cooperation with Dr. Nesma Elsakaan and her research group from the University of Palermo.
  • Attitudes towards minorities in the Gulf covered by Lisa Blaydes (Stanford University).


The research is in keeping with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by UNESCO. Within the framework of “SDG4 on Global Citizenship Education” and “UNESCO for the Gulf States and Yemen” the goal is to empower Students through Global Citizenship Education.

Expected Outcomes

The project might reveal some problematic issues concerning Global Citizenship in Kuwait.
It might help in creating and developing strategies to reduce or eliminate issues related to racism that can be dealt with in a white paper to be submitted by GUST to the supreme council of planning.