Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7, "Affordable and Clean Energy," is a crucial global objective that seeks to ensure access to reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. In Kuwait, a nation with significant energy resources, and at GUST Gulf University, efforts are being made to align with this goal through responsible energy management and sustainability practices.

Kuwait's Initiatives for Clean Energy:

Kuwait has embarked on several initiatives to promote clean and affordable energy:

1. Renewable Energy Projects: Kuwait has started to invest in renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind power. Solar energy projects, in particular, are gaining momentum, with plans to increase the country's renewable energy capacity significantly.

2. Energy Efficiency Programs: The government has introduced energy efficiency programs aimed at reducing energy consumption in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. These initiatives encourage the use of energy-efficient technologies and practices.

3. Diversification: Kuwait is exploring diversification of its energy sources to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. This includes the development of nuclear power and partnerships with international organizations to explore clean energy alternatives.

GUST Gulf University's Contribution:

GUST Gulf University plays a role in promoting clean energy and sustainability:

1. Sustainable Campus: GUST has implemented energy-efficient technologies on its campus, including LED lighting, smart building management systems, and energy-efficient HVAC systems. These measures reduce energy consumption and contribute to a more sustainable campus.

2. Research and Education: The university offers academic programs and conducts research focused on clean energy technologies and sustainability practices. Faculty and students engage in projects that explore innovative solutions for energy-related challenges.

3. Awareness and Advocacy: GUST promotes awareness of clean energy and sustainability issues through seminars, workshops, and educational campaigns. The university advocates for responsible energy use and renewable energy sources.

4. Sustainable Transportation: GUST encourages the use of eco-friendly transportation options among students and staff. The campus provides bike racks and supports carpooling to reduce carbon emissions.

Kuwait is taking significant steps toward achieving SDG 7 by embracing clean and affordable energy sources and promoting energy efficiency. GUST Gulf University complements these efforts by incorporating sustainable practices into its operations, conducting research, and raising awareness about clean energy and sustainability among its community. Together, these initiatives contribute to a more sustainable and responsible energy future in Kuwait and exemplify the commitment of both the nation and educational institutions like GUST to achieving SDG 7.

First NREET Conference

First NREET Conference - Kuwait March 15-16, 2023

Hosted by:

Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST)-Kuwait

Organized by:

Center for Sustainable Energy & Economic Development (SEED) & Gulf Financial Center (GFC), in partnership with Economics & Finance Department (HYBRID with both in-person and online paper presentation)

The main purpose of this interdisciplinary Conference is to bring together policymakers, engineers, economists, and industrial participants to discuss and share new thoughts and research findings on energy transition and financing from a global viewpoint.


Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST)-Kuwait & W6-200, W6 hall


15 March 2023 to 16 March 2023

SEED Workshop on "Energy and Sustainability: Lessons Learned from Applied Work"

The Center for Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) at Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) organized a scientific workshop titled “Energy and Sustainability: Lessons Learned from Applied Work”.

The workshop was a forum for researchers from several countries and universities to present the recent results of their research papers on energy sustainability and economic development. The researchers discussed a number of issues, including energy transformation, pollution, climate change, energy sustainability, and their impacts on economies around the world.

Attending the workshop were a number of officials and interested people, including American Chargé D' Affaires James Holtsnider, and the Director of the Graduate Studies & Research Office at GUST, Professor Issam El Moughrabi.

In a speech to the media, the Chair of SEED, Dr. Khalid Kisswani, said, “The workshop is considered as a platform that gathers specialists from inside and outside the university to present and discuss the latest research on energy and sustainability, as well as allowing experts to participate, discuss, and devise creative energy solutions and ideas, and create a network of specialized academics”.

Kisswani also pointed out that the workshop comes in line with GUST’s strategy which aims to enable faculty members to achieve scientific progress, in addition to promoting research and development at the university. “There is no doubt that the theme of this workshop is a very important topic since it is also compatible with the development plan of Kuwait Vision 2035, which aims to achieve economic sustainability and maintain environmental safety and use clean, renewable energy”, Kisswani added.

American Chargé D' Affaires, James Holtsnider, praised the ideas and proposals presented at the workshop, noting that the impacts and effects of fossil fuels on climate change is being experienced internationally, and the critical need for clean energy.

“We should not forget that the dust storms that have recently swept through the region and Kuwait are one of the consequences of this climate change, as well as its impact on global food security due to drought in some areas or floods that are reducing agricultural production”, Holtsnider added.

He pointed out that the United States has pledged to reduce its gas emissions by 50 percent before 2030, hoping Kuwait to do the same, noting that it is one of the countries characterized by its high exposure to the sun and therefore it can utilize solar energy as a power source, adding that it has the potential to be a global leader in this field.

GUST’s Director of the Graduate Studies & Research Office, Professor Issam El Moughrabi, stressed the importance of the topics discussed in the workshop, especially since renewable energy has become an urgent need in the current changing levels of energy, and the country’s desire to promote the concept of sustainability. El Moughrabi pointed out that this workshop was very rich in information and findings from the researches that addressed a number of issues in this area, which are worthwhile and invite us to benefit from them.

The workshop agenda included a number of lectures, including one entitled “Kuwait Sustainable Energy Road Map” presented by Dr. Salem Al Hajraf, and another lecture entitled “Sustainable Energy Transition in the GCC: The Role of Green Power” presented by Dr. Leila Dagher, as well as a lecture entitled “The Role of Energy Efficiency in Shaping the Energy Transition” presented by Professor Fateh Belaid, and via Online, Dr. Khaled Guesmi’s lecture entitled “Financial Crises and Oil Risk”.


SEED Hosts First Seminar of 2021/22 Academic Year

Kuwait City, 6 January 2022: The Center for Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) at Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) hosted its first seminar of the 2021/22 academic year titled “Are we heading toward changes in water and electricity prices in Kuwait?”. The two key speakers of the seminar were Instructor of Economics and Finance, Dr. Osama Al-Falah and Senior Analyst at Al-Khafji Joint Operations, Mr. Mohammad Ramadhan, who tackled a various questions regarding Kuwait’s economic future with water and electricity. Both speakers tackled topics such as why should Kuwait increase its water and electricity prices and how does it compare geographically in the region? This seminar was organized in coordination with the Economics Club, as a part of their “Sustainability Week” shedding light on energy and sustainability.


6 January 2022 to 6 April 2022

Kuwait-MIT Summer Research Internship - Apply here!

Interested in a 2013 Summer Research Internship in energy, water, natural resources management and economics, sustainable development and urban planning, and environment research?

The Kuwait-MIT Center offers students from Kuwait and/or its academic institutions the opportunity to spend eight weeks during the Summer term at MIT as visiting students. The internship is offered to give outstanding students with research potential the ability to engage in research activities and mentoring while at MIT.

The Kuwait-MIT Center for Natural Resources and the Environment (CNRE) was established in 2005 - sponsored by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) - to bring together faculty, graduate students and visiting scholars to improve scientific and technical understanding of natural resource issues and related challenges. The Center fosters research collaborations between Kuwaiti Institutions and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the areas of energy, water and the environment.

The Center announces a new call for applications for 2013 for this Summer Internship.The deadline for applications is January 4, 2013.

You can find the application details and application here:

For additional information, visit their website:

Kuwait-MIT Scholarly Exchange Fellowship - Apply here!

The Kuwait-MIT Center for Natural Resources and the Environment (CNRE) was established in 2005 - sponsored by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) - to bring together faculty, graduate students and visiting scholars to improve scientific and technical understanding of natural resource issues and related challenges. The Center fosters research collaborations between Kuwaiti Institutions and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the areas of energy, water and the environment.

The Kuwait-MIT Center for Natural Resources and the Environment offers scientists, engineers and scholars from Kuwait and/or its institutions the opportunity to spend up to one year at MIT as visiting scientists, engineers, or scholars. The Fellowship is offered to emerging and preeminent scientists, scholars and engineers from Kuwaiti institutions to engage in cutting-edge research activities at MIT.

The Center announces a new call for applications for 2013. Deadline for applications is March 1, 2013.

You can find the application details and the application itself here:

For any additional information, visit:

Dr. Salah Al-Sharhan receives the best eGovernment award from the Emir of Kuwait

His Highness the Emir, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah honored Dr. Salah Al-Sharhan, Director of E-learning Center at GUST and his team for winning the first prize of 2010 Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS) e-Award for thebest project in the e-Government prize category. The project, ‘Electronic Workflow Coordination betweenMEW and Municipality for Licensing of thePrivate Residence’was presented by the Emir of Kuwait, at Bayan Palace on 22nd June 2010. The award-winning project introduced a technological advancement in licensing of private residences by easing the process through online internet.

The project helps the Ministry of Electricity and Water and Municipality (Baladiya) in many ways.

· It simplifies the process of getting the electricity to the private residents.

· Citizens do not require to visit the ministry of electricity or municipality

· The process becomes much faster, efficient and transparent

· It increases the Productivity and Performance at Ministry

The award ceremony was organized by Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science in collaboration with United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Global Alliance for ICT and Development Secretariat and International Prize for informative e-Content Award is approved for the United Nations – (GAID). The Kuwait eAward was launched in 2008 under the patronage of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahamd Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, to promote innovative use of the current technological advances in internet tools. The main objective of this award is to encourage Kuwait’s youth to contribute towards providing better online services to Kuwait citizens.

Several dignitaries and distinguished personalities attended the ceremony which includes Director-General of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science Dr. Ali Al-Shamlan, General Secretary of the Kuwait e-Award; Engineer Manal Al-Hashash and several other members. Dr. Al-Shamlan presented to His Highness the winners of the second session of the Kuwait Prize.

Winners of the Kuwait e-Award are eligible under WSA rules to represent Kuwait in international competitions.

GUST hosts the founding general meeting of the Kuwait Green Building Council and the launch of “Mustadam” Initiative

GUST hosted and supported the launch of the Kuwait Green Building Council (KGBC). The KGBC is a national, non-profit organization that is committed to developing a sustainable property sector for Kuwait by encouraging the adoption of green building practices.

The launch started with a reception and an opening speech by founding members: Dr. Sulaiman T. Al-Abduljader, Founding Chairman and Assistant Professor of Real Estate and Finance at GUST, Abdullah Al-Mutairi, Founding Vice Chairman, Eng. Mohammad Al-Dowaisan, Founding Secretary, Eng. Hamad Al-Qattan, Founding Treasurer, Nora Zehery, Founding Board Member and Eng. Abdullah Fahhad, Founding Board Member.

Dr. Sulaiman Tareq Al-Abduljader, said in his opening remark, “We are honored today to launch the Kuwait Green Building Council (KGBC) after 15 months of committed team work with the founding members.” The KGBC aims topromote sustainable buildings by illustrating the positive effects on climate protection, resource consumption, health, quality and efficiency, the economy, and the labor market. The green building market currently has exceeded $600 billion in value and is expected to grow at double digit rates due to its economic feasibility in addition to its contribution to substantially reducing energy consumption. It is, therefore, the KGBC’s mission to encourage and engage both public and private sectors to adopt sustainable measures in the development sector in Kuwait.

Further, Mr. Abdullah Al-Mutairi said “KGBC is also committed to become the independent median to link green related technologies to the market. Al-Mutairi talked about the KGBC pre-establishment and the procedures and research that had to be perfected for the launch. While Mr. Hamad Al-Qattan, touched on that scientific/technical findings, reports about practice, and the projects implemented and certified shall be published to reach a broader audience.

Ms. Nora Zehery clarified the KGBC vision, to drive the transition of the Kuwait property sector towards sustainability by promoting green programs, technologies, design practice and operations as well as the integration of green building initiatives into mainstream design, construction and the operation of buildings.

The Founding Members also discussed the “Mustadam” Initiative which entails a country wide campaign involving government authorities, private sectors, academia, media and individuals collectively endorsing the green-related projects and initiatives in Kuwait. The campaign shall incorporate the social, economic and cultural benefits and effects of supporting green buildings on our lives and society in general. It is expected that a large media campaign shall accompany the initiative to underline the individuals and reputable institutions endorsing the initiative.

The founding board members also thanked the corporate founders for supporting the development of the council in its early stage. The corporate founding members are GUST, National Technology Enterprises Company, Al-Argan International Real Estate Company SignDesign, and Remas Group.

GUST is proud to support initiatives and establishments that believe in and help in the development of its grander community, as it does.