Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, "Responsible Consumption and Production," emphasizes the importance of sustainable and efficient resource use, waste reduction, and responsible consumption patterns. In Kuwait, a nation with a high level of resource consumption, and at GUST Gulf University, efforts are being made to align with this goal by promoting responsible consumption and sustainable production practices.

Responsible Consumption and Production in Kuwait:

Kuwait has initiated various strategies to promote responsible consumption and production:

1. Recycling Programs: The government has implemented recycling programs to reduce waste and encourage responsible disposal of materials.

2. Energy Efficiency: Kuwait focuses on energy efficiency measures, such as promoting LED lighting and energy-efficient appliances, to reduce energy consumption.

3. Water Conservation: The country encourages responsible water use through awareness campaigns and efficient irrigation practices.

4. Sustainable Agriculture: Kuwait explores sustainable agriculture methods to reduce the environmental impact of food production.

GUST Gulf University's Contribution:

GUST Gulf University actively promotes responsible consumption and production through various initiatives:

1. Campus Sustainability: GUST has adopted sustainable practices on its campus, including waste reduction, energy conservation, and water efficiency measures. The university's buildings are designed with sustainability in mind, reducing their ecological footprint.

2. Curriculum Integration: GUST integrates sustainability principles into its curriculum, raising awareness about responsible consumption and production among students. This ensures that graduates are equipped with knowledge and skills to promote sustainability in their future careers.

3. Research and Innovation: The university conducts research on sustainable production methods, waste reduction, and responsible consumption. Faculty and students engage in projects that explore innovative solutions to reduce environmental impact.

4. Community Engagement: GUST collaborates with local organizations and government agencies to promote responsible consumption and production practices in the broader community. This includes organizing workshops and awareness campaigns.

Kuwait's commitment to SDG 12 is evident in its efforts to promote responsible consumption and production, reducing the environmental footprint of resource consumption. GUST Gulf University complements these efforts by incorporating sustainable practices into its operations, integrating sustainability into its curriculum, and engaging in research and community initiatives that promote responsible consumption and production. Together, Kuwait and institutions like GUST work towards a more sustainable and responsible future, aligning with the principles of SDG 12 and promoting the well-being of both society and the environment.

GUST celebrates Recycling Day!

The Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) Business Operations Department put together a recycling program for the university to make it easier for students, staff and faculty alike to recycle paper – and more importantly – confidential excess paper.

The Operations Department put together a program where anyone can send in their confidential paper, sealed. The paper is then placed in a secure storage area. The papers are then taken out with facility employees every Friday and are overseen by security officers to ensure that all papers are shredded securely.

The shredding machine is top of its line and ensures that all paper is secured in a plastic bag. All bags are then sent to a recycling facility.

This initiative is part of the university’s many goals to help and safe-guard its surrounding environment and for its students, staff and faculty to be as environmentally aware as possible.


GUST joins the GREEN Movement

GUST joins the GREEN Movement

The Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) hosted an environmental awareness seminar conducted by Khalaf Al-Enezi, a young Kuwaiti engineer and environmental activist. The main purpose of the presentation was clear: we, as inhabitants of this Earth, must take the necessary steps to protect the environment around us.

Among the things that Eng. Al-Enezi discussed were ways to reduce fossil fuels, lower green gas emissions and increase the use of natural resources. He also put together a presentation that listed a number of goals of the green technology initiative, namely the five ‘R’s: rethink, recycle, renew, reduce and be responsible.

The crowd was introduced to numerous green initiative innovations from around the globe, including green cities and neighborhoods in China and an eco-friendly library in Singapore. There are a number of ways we can take responsibility for our surroundings, starting by rethinking the way we live and behave on a daily basis. Mr. Al-Enezi urged the crowd to strive for a lifestyle that alters the way we use the energy and natural resources available to us. The presentation concluded with Mr. Al-Enezi stating that every individual can make a difference for a better world.

The seminar was followed by a Q&A session, where a number of questions were directed towards the presenter. Ms. Graham, an Art teacher at GUST, commended Mr. Al-Enezi for his eco work. A relevant statement, considering GUST is in the process of creating its first Global Awareness Club, slated to start recruiting members as of next fall, with Mr. Al-Enezi acting as supervisor. All in all, it was an enjoyable afternoon and a great learning experience for all those in attendance.


GUST hosts the founding general meeting of the Kuwait Green Building Council and the launch of “Mustadam” Initiative

GUST hosted and supported the launch of the Kuwait Green Building Council (KGBC). The KGBC is a national, non-profit organization that is committed to developing a sustainable property sector for Kuwait by encouraging the adoption of green building practices.

The launch started with a reception and an opening speech by founding members: Dr. Sulaiman T. Al-Abduljader, Founding Chairman and Assistant Professor of Real Estate and Finance at GUST, Abdullah Al-Mutairi, Founding Vice Chairman, Eng. Mohammad Al-Dowaisan, Founding Secretary, Eng. Hamad Al-Qattan, Founding Treasurer, Nora Zehery, Founding Board Member and Eng. Abdullah Fahhad, Founding Board Member.

Dr. Sulaiman Tareq Al-Abduljader, said in his opening remark, “We are honored today to launch the Kuwait Green Building Council (KGBC) after 15 months of committed team work with the founding members.” The KGBC aims topromote sustainable buildings by illustrating the positive effects on climate protection, resource consumption, health, quality and efficiency, the economy, and the labor market. The green building market currently has exceeded $600 billion in value and is expected to grow at double digit rates due to its economic feasibility in addition to its contribution to substantially reducing energy consumption. It is, therefore, the KGBC’s mission to encourage and engage both public and private sectors to adopt sustainable measures in the development sector in Kuwait.

Further, Mr. Abdullah Al-Mutairi said “KGBC is also committed to become the independent median to link green related technologies to the market. Al-Mutairi talked about the KGBC pre-establishment and the procedures and research that had to be perfected for the launch. While Mr. Hamad Al-Qattan, touched on that scientific/technical findings, reports about practice, and the projects implemented and certified shall be published to reach a broader audience.

Ms. Nora Zehery clarified the KGBC vision, to drive the transition of the Kuwait property sector towards sustainability by promoting green programs, technologies, design practice and operations as well as the integration of green building initiatives into mainstream design, construction and the operation of buildings.

The Founding Members also discussed the “Mustadam” Initiative which entails a country wide campaign involving government authorities, private sectors, academia, media and individuals collectively endorsing the green-related projects and initiatives in Kuwait. The campaign shall incorporate the social, economic and cultural benefits and effects of supporting green buildings on our lives and society in general. It is expected that a large media campaign shall accompany the initiative to underline the individuals and reputable institutions endorsing the initiative.

The founding board members also thanked the corporate founders for supporting the development of the council in its early stage. The corporate founding members are GUST, National Technology Enterprises Company, Al-Argan International Real Estate Company SignDesign, and Remas Group.

GUST is proud to support initiatives and establishments that believe in and help in the development of its grander community, as it does.

Cutting plastic waste essential for Kuwait’s sustainable development goals: Environmentalist

KUWAIT: According to the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, the amount of plastic waste in Kuwait is estimated at about 18 percent of total solid waste, or around 200,000 tons annually. Member of the Board of Directors of Kuwait Environment Protection Society Jenan Bahzad spoke to Kuwait Times about the importance of reducing the use of plastics and its dangers to the environment.

“Every year, according to scientific and field studies, more than 8 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans, which causes damage to marine life, fisheries and tourism, and incurs losses to the world of at least $8 billion due to the damage it causes to marine ecosystems,” Bahzad said, adding 80 percent of all trash floating in our oceans is plastic waste. “With the current rate of dumping of waste such as single-use plastic cans, plastic bags and cups in the oceans, by 2050 the oceans will carry more plastic than fish and 99 percent of seabirds will have ingested plastic waste,” she said.

Bahzad said global reports estimated the world uses around 500 billion plastic bags every year, but the danger lies in the way of disposing them, as they mostly end up in oceans. She spoke about steps that should be taken by people to reduce plastic waste. “Everyone can reduce their daily consumption of plastic by replacing plastic water bottles with those that can be reused or made with biodegradable materials.”

Bahzad stressed: “To achieve the 2030 sustainable development goals of Kuwait, we should contribute to protecting environmental, economic and social sustainability by advancing the application of laws and supporting local and international decisions. Changing environmental culture on the extent of plastic damage and societal awareness of alternatives is the solution. All solutions are available, and the consumer is the one who chooses – the choice is only limited by their culture and concern for the environment.”

“This in addition to setting a helpful law to prevent the use of products that are not environmentally friendly and finding alternatives subsidized by Kuwait for both consumers and investors, in order to facilitate the use of alternatives,” she added.

Bahzad said all types of waste are expected to grow to 3.40 billion tons by 2050, more than double the population growth over the same period. By 2050, total waste generation will triple, stressing all countries in the world must unite towards reducing the use of plastic and finding environmentally friendly alternatives, and this requires urgent action.


About the steps KEPS has taken towards the waste issue, she said the society presented in July 2021 a list of solutions to reduce waste in Kuwait, in cooperation with the Research Group for Natural Environmental Systems and Technology, Warah Environmental Consultancy and Vision Consulting Company, which includes reusing surplus foods by turning it into organic fertilizer and encouraging home farming, motivating and empowering young people to engage in self-employment in waste recycling projects, such as waste sorting centers, organic fertilizer industry projects, centers dedicated to collecting one type of waste, and identifying shops of symbolic value to sell recycled products,” Bahzad explained.

She said other steps include improving the waste recycling system and facilitating the collection of recyclable waste with household waste once a week; integrating awareness, environmental education and training on waste separation and reducing food waste; activating the laws related to littering violations in disposing garbage in places not designated for it; stopping the import and use of non-recyclable or single-use plastic, including plastic bags; awareness to reduce waste and surplus food, especially in restaurants and weddings.

Bahzad also recommended a national initiative in agreement with legislative bodies to develop an organizational structure to reduce waste and recycling; making industries dependent on waste, and this leads to solving major societal problems such as unemployment, thus transforming society from a consumer to a producer; urging schools and universities to adopt Islamic values ??that urge us to rationalize our consumption of food; and work on preparing a new generation based on the culture of achieving sustainable development.

The world’s plastic pollution problem is terribly acute and single-use plastic products account for close to 50% of all plastic waste. This report highlights some of the international best practices deployed by various countries to combat this problem, as well as the approach adopted by Qatar Foundation (QF) in reducing single-use plastic consumption and waste in Education City.