Based on Kuwait Labor Law:

Chapter Four:Work System and Conditions

Section One โ€“ The Remuneration

Article (55)

The remuneration means the basic payment the worker receives or should receive in consideration of his work in addition to all elements stipulated in the contract or the employer by-laws.

Without prejudice to the social allowance and the children allowance granted by virtue of Law No. 19 of the year 2000, the remuneration shall include the payments made to the worker on periodic basis such as bonuses, benefits, allowances, grants, endowments or cash benefits.

In the event where the workerโ€™s remuneration is a share of the net profits and the establishment did not make any profits or made little profits in such a way that the workerโ€™s share is not proportionate to the work he performed, his remuneration shall be estimated based on the remuneration determined for a similar job or according to the profession custom or the prerequisites of fairness.

Article (56)

Remunerations are paid during the working days in the countryโ€™s currency, as follows:

a- Workers with a monthly remuneration shall receive their remunerations at least once a month.
b- Other workers shall receive their remunerations at least once every two weeks.

Payment of remunerations shall not be delayed for more than seven days after the due date thereof.

Article (57)

The employer, who employs his workers in accordance with the provisions of this Law, shall pay the workersโ€™ entitlements to their accounts at local financial establishments. He shall also send a copy of statements submitted to these institutions in this regard to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor.

A resolution by the Council of Ministers shall be issued based on the proposal of the ministers of Social Affairs and Labor, and Finance in order to determine these institutions and the regulations relevant to these accounts in terms of charges, commissions and relevant organizational procedures.

Article (58)

The employer shall not be allowed to transfer a worker who is paid on a monthly basis to another category of payment without a written consent from such worker and without prejudice to the rights the worker has acquired by working on a monthly basis.

Article (59)

a- It is not allowed to deduct more than 10 percent of the workerโ€™s remuneration for the payment of loans or debts due to the employer who shall not impose any interest thereon.

b- Not more than 25% of the remuneration due to the worker may be attached, waived or deducted for the debt of alimony or the debt related to food, clothes or other debts including debts toward the employer. Where the various debts compete for the aforesaid portion of the remuneration, the alimony debt shall have priority over the other debts.

Article (60)

The worker shall not be obliged to buy foodstuffs or commodities from specific outlets or products produced by the employer.

Article (61)

The employer shall pay the workersโ€™ remunerations during the closure period, in the event where he deliberately closes the establishment to force the workers to obey and submit to his demands. He shall also pay the remuneration of workers throughout the complete or partial period of closure in case such closure is due to any other reason not related to the workers as long as the employer wishes them to keep working for his account.

Article (62)

The calculation of the workerโ€™s entitlements shall be made on the basis of the last remuneration received by the worker. In the event where the worker is paid based on piecework, his remuneration shall be defined by the average of the remuneration earned by him during the actual working days in the last three months.

The cash and in-kind benefits shall be calculated by dividing the average of the amount earned by the worker during the last 12 months by the entitlements. In the event where the period of service is less than one year, the average shall be calculated according to the period of his actual service. The workerโ€™s remuneration may not be reduced for any reason during the period of service.

Article (63)

The Minister shall issue a resolution every five years at the latest, in which he shall fix the minimum remuneration depending on the nature of the various professions and industries, taking into consideration the rate of inflation witnessed by the country and after discussing such resolution with the Advisory Committee for Labor Affairs and the competent organizations.
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Average Salary in Kuwait 2023: A Salary Guide for Professionals in Kuwait

Kuwait is a nation brimming with potential and a thriving economy, making it an enticing prospect for individuals searching for a rewarding career. The country has a vibrant and varied job market, with multiple thriving sectors, including oil and gas, healthcare, construction, finance, and many more.

With its myriad of opportunities, Kuwait is an attractive destination for those seeking an exciting career path. Keep reading to know more about the average salaries in Kuwait for different categories of workers.

Average salary in Kuwait by industry 2023

Kuwait offers abundant prospects for career advancement, regardless of your experience level. The countryโ€™s strong economy and dynamic job market provide an excellent environment for professionals to succeed. With modern facilities, superior transportation links, and world-class infrastructure, Kuwait is an ideal location for individuals to develop and advance their careers.

Kuwait is also renowned for having the worldโ€™s most potent currency, making it an attractive destination for professionals seeking a lucrative career. In fact, according to a recent study, Kuwait ranks 4th in the Arab world and 26th globally in terms of average monthly salaries. At present, the average net monthly salary in Kuwait stands at KWD 1,260, which speaks to the countryโ€™s high-paying job opportunities.

Here are the monthly average salaries for various professions across the country, collected from multiple sources.

Public and private sector

The average income for both Kuwaiti males and females, whether employed in the public or private sector, is KWD 1,493, with a slight increase from KWD 1,491 reported at the end of 2021. In contrast, non-Kuwaiti workers in either sector continue to receive a significantly lower average wage of KWD 338, with no noticeable change from the year-end statistics of 2021.


The average salary for legal professionals in Kuwait in 2023 is around KWD 1,520 per month. The salary range for legal professionals in Kuwait is from KWD 470 (lowest average) to KWD 3,760 (highest average) per month, with a median salary of KWD 1,330 per month. The salary may vary depending on the specific job title, experience level, qualifications, and other factors.

The highest average salary in the legal field is earned by an Administrative Law Judge with KWD 3,580 per month, followed by an Attorney with an average salary of KWD 2,650. An Associate Attorney earns an average salary of KWD 1,660, while an Arbitrator earns an average salary of KWD 1,650. The lowest average salary is for a Bailiff, who earns KWD 780 per month on average.
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Just like the other countries in Middle East, Kuwait has interesting things to offer when talking about employment. Some expats chose to work here for different reasons and for sure, one factor is that there is no personal taxation in this country. If youโ€™re just started working here in this country or planning to within this year, there are important matter you need to consider. These include the working hours, salary, and overtime pay.

Before you even fly to a different country to work, be sure to obtain information that can affect your stay in that country. For example, if you are considering Kuwait, do you agree to the labor law they have there? Are you okay with the salary? Are you up to work overtime? These are just some of the questions you have to ask yourself prior to deciding. To keep you guided on the working hours, salary, and overtime in Kuwait, hereโ€™s the list of things you need to know.

Here are some important tips and details if ever you come to Kuwait and search for employment. Please be guided accordingly.

Salary in Kuwait

No personal tax so you can take home a higher net income.

The old salary in Kuwait was composed of basic salary, air tickets for going home, car allowance, housing allowance, medical coverage and fee for the education of children.

The new salary here is consolidated to cover all these allowances, meaning, your basic salary now is a combination of your basic pay and all other allowances. There are instances that performance bonuses are given on top of your basic pay.

Employees are entitled to indemnity at the end of contract. This serves as a thank-you reward for expats for rendering their services to the state. Usually, this is equivalent to 15 days of basic pay per year for the first three years of service and a monthโ€™s salary per for the succeeding years. Not bad for those who want to live a high life after years of working.

Working Hours and Overtime in Kuwait

The working hours in Kuwait varies. There are some companies that require 40 and 48 hours per week depending on their policies.

Office hours can be 8:30 to 9:00 or 5:30 to 6:00.

During Ramadan, working hours is reduced to 6 hours per day to honor the sacredness of the celebration. This is legally applied to all employees but there are cases that companies only apply this to Muslims.

Friday is a rest day in Kuwait. This can be followed by either Saturday or Thursday, depending on the policy of the company. Still you will have 2 rest days a week that can serve as your weekends.

If you work beyond the working hours, you should be entitled to overtime pay equal to 125% or 150% of your basic pay per hour.

Be reminded that usually, these provisions are in your employment contract. Reading your agreement with your employer should be a must if you want to maximize your advantage as an employee in Kuwait. Remember, being aware of the labor law is an edge for expats working abroad.

It is always good to know what to expect beforehand to avoid issues with your employer when you finally land a job. In Kuwait, please be reminded of these provisions and understand each point to the best of your ability. Having the knowledge is very important to be aware of your rights as an employee and avoid further issues in the future.
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Average Salary in Kuwait 2023

All salary and compensation figures displayed here are gross salary figures, that is the salary before tax deductions. Because taxes may differ across sectors and locations, it is difficult to accurately calculate the net salary after tax for every career.

A person working in Kuwait typically earns around 1,270 KWD. Salaries range from 320 KWD (lowest average) to 5,640 KWD (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).

Salary Variance

This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits. Salaries in Kuwait vary drastically between different careers. If you are interested in the salary of a particular job, see below for salaries for specific job titles.

Pay Scale and Salaries in Kuwait

Salary Structure and Pay Scale Comparison

Median Salary, maximum and minimum salary, minimum wage, starting salary, and the salary range

Salary Range, Minimum Wage, and Starting Salary

Salaries in Kuwait range from 320 KWD (starting salary) to 5,640 KWD (maximum average salary, actual maximum is higher). This is not the minimum wage as per the law, only the lowest reported number in the salary survey that had thousands of participants and professionals from all over the country.
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Kuwait Laws:

Article 63

The minister must issue a decision every five years as a maximum, specifying the minimum wage according to the nature of professions and industries, based on the inflation rates witnessed by the country, after consulting with the Advisory Committee on Labor Affairs and the competent organizations.
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Ministerial Decree 14.

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GUST University Law:

Remuneration Policy

The purpose of the Gulf University for Science & Technology (GUST) remuneration policy is to:

ยท Provide fair, equitable and competitive compensation for its employees

ยท Encourage and reward high performance

ยท Attract individuals of the right caliber, qualifications and experience for the joins in the University

ยท Provide flexibility to adapt to market changes and imperatives

ยท To be managed in a structured and standardized manner

ยท HR develops salary scale based on market compensation data obtained from professional surveys

ยท Salary scale consists of grades that describe different job levels and categories in the organization. Jobs are evaluated by HR Department to determine the appropriate grade

ยท The HR Department will, on a three-year basis, undertake a market review to ensure the continued competitiveness of the salary structure. Recommendations from this review will be presented to the University Senior Management Team for consideration and action as deemed appropriate

ยท The below terms are used to describe the various components of employeesโ€™ remuneration:

โžข โ€œSalaryโ€ refers to the cash payments made by GUST to an employee on a monthly basis, in compensation for the effort he/she deployed in performing his/her job.

โžข โ€œAllowanceโ€ refers to cash payments made by GUST to an employee, whether on monthly basis, or not, in compensation for the effort he/she deployed in performing his/her job (e.g. transportation, communication, housing, etc.). Employeesโ€™ eligibility to the allowances is as per their job level and business needs as mentioned in their contracts.

ยท โ€œBenefitโ€ refers to an advantage granted to an employee of such as:

1. Workmen Compensation

a. Employees will be enrolled under workersโ€™ compensation insurance plan upon joining

b. Employees are covered for job-related injuries/diseases.

c. Coverage is provided during working hours including the travel from place of residence to work and vice versa.

d. Compensation amount for job-related injuries/diseases are set per the Kuwait Labor Law and/or insurance policy.

e. Some restrictions may be applied, refer to the current Workmen Compensation Policy

2. Health Insurance

a. GUST Employees are eligible for Group Health Insurance Plan coverage

b. Employees will incur part of the treatment cost in line with the agreed Insurance Plan terms and conditions

c. If the employee is entitled for health insurance coverage for spouse and children, then they must be resident in Kuwait to be enrolled in the health insurance plan

3. Temporary Accommodation

a. For international new hires, accommodation will be provided for a period of one month.

b. The employee will not receive the monthly housing allowance, if applicable, during the stay in the temporary accommodation.

4. Duplication of Benefits

a. If a husband and wife are both employees of GUST, then the employee with the higher entitlement will get the Benefit for the children.

b. It is the responsibility of the employees to declare their status to the HR department.

5. In case an employee has already claimed full entitlement for an ongoing year and either employee or the GUST terminates his employment, a prorated amount based on his date of resignation or termination will be deducted from the end of service benefits.

ยท Application:

This policy shall apply to all GUST employees. Read more

GUST Employees Salary

Job Title
Assistant Professor
KWD 1,833/month
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
KWD 550/month
English Teacher
KWD 720/month
Research Analyst
KWD 600/month

Human Resource Units

The Human Resources Department is responsible to advise on and implement policies, programs, and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights on campus.

Talent Acquisition and Retention

Encompasses the activities involved in building and maintaining GUST workforce, such as sourcing, recruiting, hiring, onboarding, orientation & retention.

The main tasks are handling:

1. Job advertisements in local and overseas targets.

2. All recruitment formalities to employ academic and non-academic staff from both Kuwait and abroad according to the University's manpower needs.

3. Part-time faculty or staff member hiring whenever requested.

4. Authentication of all degrees and transcripts for faculty.

5. Monthly/weekly progress reports that record the unit's activities.

6. All recruitment offers and contracts.

7. Applicant queries concerned with their recruitment procedures.

8. All manpower requests and obtain the necessary approvals.

Total Rewards

Encompasses direct & indirect remuneration approaches used to attract, recognize and retain GUST employees.

The main tasks are handling:

1. Staff and faculty payroll

2. Annual manpower and training budgeting

3. Annual ticket for faculty/directors

4. Staff leave processes

5. Health Insurance

6. Education allowance for faculty/directors

7. Annual ticket for faculty/directors

8. End of Service process for exiting staff and faculty

Government Relations

This unit is responsible for all the government relation activities and requirements within GUST.

The main tasks are handling:

1. Renewal/Creating of Residency and Civil ID for all staff and faculty.

2. Any residency issues.

3. Driving license issues.

Personnel and Administration

This unit is responsible for all the personnel and administrative activities and requirements within GUST.

The main tasks are handling:

1. PMOS Self Services

2. Maintenance of HRMS

3. Conference and duty issues for staff and faculty

Learning and development

To promote and support employee development that enhance organizational knowledge and employee capability within GUST.

The main tasks are handling:

1. GUST organization structures

2. GUST Job Descriptions

3. Employee investigations

4. Staff Training

5. Staff Performance appraisal and assessments

6. Employee Development Plans

7. Employee Competency Framework