5.3 Access measures

Admission Requirements and Procedures

Admission to GUST is on a competitive basis. Regardless of the type of admission, all applicants must submit all documentation to complete the general admission requirements.

GUST welcomes applications from students from all types of schools and backgrounds. We provide our students with the best educational resources and services to promote intellectual growth and career advancement. From the academic challenges encountered when adjusting to university life to the various campus activities offered for students, GUST has a diverse collection of resources available to help our students succeed both academically and personally.

Gulf University for Science and Technology takes women’s applications, acceptance and completion rates very seriously. The Admission and Registration department has a dedicated team to track and measure the rates mentioned on a regular basis. GUST University tracks both undergrads and postgrads female/male, international/local, and other ratios for admitted, enrolled and graduated students.

Admission Requirements & Procedures

GUST follows a uniform policy with regard to admitting first-time students. Applicants are reviewed based on high school performance and achievement on the GUST English and Mathematics Placement Tests.

Applicants are encouraged to submit the results of a Test of English as a Foreign Language (iBT - TOEFL). Test scores must be no more than two years old at the time of application. Students who do not have a valid IBT score or International English Language Testing System(IELTS) score must take the GUST English Placement Test (Accuplacer™). Only IBT results from tests taken in Kuwait or North America will be accepted.

All applicants must submit the following documentation:

  1. Completed GUST Application Form. The form is available at the GUST Admissions Office
  2. Official high school graduation diploma and transcripts
  3. An IBT TOEFL* score, IELTS score, or the results of a recently taken GUST English Placement Test (Accuplacer™)
  4. The GUST Mathematics Placement Test (Accuplacer™) is compulsory for all applicants
  5. Personal Statement
  6. KD 25 non-refundable application fee
  7. Three recent passport-size photographs
  8. One certified copy of an officially recognized secondary school certificate
  9. A photocopy of the civil identity card and the passport which must include a valid residence permit for non-Kuwaitis
  10. The iBT TOEFL result must be from a center in Kuwait or from a center in an English speaking coutry

Consultation with a pre-admission advisor is recommended. Placement tests are offered throughout the year, and applicants should contact the Office of Admissions and Registration for more information.

Applicants must submit their completed application, application fee, and all supporting documentation prior to the start of the semester for which they are applying for admission.

Information Accuracy

Any applicant who knowingly provides inaccurate, misleading or false information or who withholds material information may be denied entry to the University or be requested to withdraw at any time. In the event of false statements, omission of material information, and/or altered or false documentation, GUST reserves the right to determine the appropriate action. This may include dismissal from the University.

Additional Program Requirements

Computer Science Degree Requirement

To enter the GUST Computer Science degree program, applicants must have a high school diploma specializing in secondary school science or math curriculum.

Accepted Certificates

Certificates Awarded in Kuwait

Kuwaiti high school certificate (public schools, full-year courses, semester system).

High school certificate (private Arabic school or foreign schools: American, English, bilingual and others) approved by the Ministry of Education in Kuwait.

Certificates Awarded outside Kuwait

High school certificates from outside Kuwait must be original, stamped and authenticated by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the originating country as well as by the Kuwaiti Embassy in that country. Certificates then must be authenticated by the Ministry of Education in Kuwait (Private Education Department).

National secondary education certificates from a variety of countries are accepted by GUST. For further information regarding requirements for a specific country, please contact the GUST Office of Admissions and Registration.

Admission Categories

  • Early Admission
  • International Students
  • Transfer Students
  • Non-Degree Seeking Applicants

Early Admission

The early admission procedure is designed to assist final-year high school students in completing the registration formalities well ahead of the start of the semester they are applying for. High school students should submit an official record of scholastic achievement (transcript) during their last year of high school. This transcript should provide all information related to courses studied and grades achieved for the prior three years of their high school study.

Early admission students are not accepted at GUST until they have taken the GUST placement tests in English and Mathematics and their transcript for the final year showing the results of all courses studied has been reviewed by GUST’s Office of Admissions along with their official secondary school graduation certificate. Applicants in this category are not permitted to start classes until all admission requirements have been completed and all documentation submitted.

International Students

Students from foreign countries are admitted to GUST if they meet the GUST admission requirements and submit required documentation. International students are subject to Kuwait visa requirements. After accepting students, GUST can assist them in obtaining Kuwaiti residency. Visas will be granted upon full payment of the full fees for an academic year (two semesters). International students can apply through the University website: www.gust.edu.kw.

Transfer Students

Students wishing to transfer to GUST from another university approved by the Kuwait Ministry of Higher Education must meet the following requirements:

Students may transfer from universities that are accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, provided they have passed 24 credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above. If the language of instruction of the prior institution was exclusively English, All students are required to take the GUST english placment test (AccuplacerTM) or the IBT TOEFL or International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

GUST may accept up to 60 transfer credits from other accredited institutions. However, GUST policy with regard to acceptance of credits for courses taken at other approved institutions is on a course-by-course basis. Course content must be similar to that of the equivalent GUST course in terms of degree of difficulty, length, and depth of study, content covered, type of evaluation and rigor of assignments and class/project activities. In order to earn a degree from GUST, a minimum of 60 credits must be taken in residence, of these, 18 must be completed in the student’s major.

GUST will not accept for transfer credit any course fulfilling GUST’s General Education Requirement older than 10 years. In the case of courses in the Major field the limit is five years.

Transfer Credits from Colleges Granting Diplomas or Associate Degrees

Students may transfer from colleges such as the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), ACK, ACM, Boxhill and other community or junior colleges provided they take the iBT TOEFL or sit for the GUST English and Mathematics Placement Tests (Accuplacer™) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS). GUST’s policy with respect to transfer credits varies according to the particular programs offered by the colleges. There are three general cases:

Students must have completed their diploma at the college and credits are transferred on course by course basis, e.g., Students transferring from PAAET must have a graduation diploma from the College of Business Studies

Students must have completed their diploma with a GPA decided by the Ministry of Higher Education which then is evaluated holistically and a fixed number of credits are given e.g., transfers from ACK and Boxhill College.

Students not falling in the two cases above follow the rules of university transfer students.

Non-Degree Seeking Applicants

An individual wishing to enroll in GUST credit course(s) who is either not seeking a degree or has not determined an appropriate degree major, may apply to the University as a non-degree-seeking student. Non-degree-seeking students may study at GUST at either the non-credit or credit course level. Non-degree students must meet the regular admission requirements of GUST for the particular program/course, and admission approval is granted with a limit of one calendar year of non-degree status. Regular course fees apply.

Registration Procedures

The Office of Admissions and Registration is responsible for the admission of students to all colleges of the University. Students accepted by GUST are eligible to register for courses during the dates indicated on the University Academic Calendar. Registration forms are available online.

Registration is subject to confirmation that the student has conformed to all University regulations. For example, a student will not be allowed to register with unpaid fees, overdue library books, incomplete admission documentation or an academic disqualification.

Orientation Program

A freshman orientation is held every semester preceding the registration period. This orientation, which introduces University policies and procedures, is mandatory for all new students. Staff and faculty are present to meet the students and give them an insight into academic life at GUST.

Student clubs, activities and associations are introduced during the orientation. A tour of the campus facilities is coordinated by the Student Association and gives students an idea of their future on-campus life at GUST. Any questions by the students will be addressed through an open-panel discussion.

OSC Advisor

The job responsibilities of the (OSC) will be split between On and Off campus activities.

The 3 main areas of work:

  • Recruit
    • Plan, participate & execute GUST marketing events in collaboration with the PR & marketing department
    • Prepare the OSA event calendar before the beginning of the academic year which will include school visits and GUST open days
  • Advice
    • Receive new students’ inquiries
    • Provide full information about GUST: facilities, majors, grading, probation & dismissal, GUST scholarships, 2+2, summer scholarships, extracurricular activities, student employment
    • Plan an orientation tour for the student & parent
  • Timeline
    • Help student fill the online application
    • Schedule placement test, collect fee and deliver scores
    • Complete admission process
    • Register & enroll the student in classes
    • Explain the major sheet, set up email account & generate student ID
    • Advise student about application dates for PUC, GUST scholarships and financial aid
    • Complete the accommodation form if the student is special needs to be sent to the relative faculty
    • Follow up on the students? attendance during the semester
    • Provide a mid-semester report to the parent about student progress
    • Act as first point of contact for any inquires raised by the student and or his/her parents
    • Document all communication between advisor & student
    • Discuss the grades achieved at the end of each semester; identify areas of strength and that which needs work
    • Advise the student about next semester enrollment
    • Advise the student about the grade appeal? process if warranted

GUST Hosts Over 30 High Schools in Open Day on Campus

GUST welcomed students from over 30 different high schools from around Kuwait in an open day organized by the Recruitment Department at the university. The visitors, which consisted of both male and female students, got to explore the university and partake in several activities on the campus over two days.

Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Raghad Al Kazemi, said “It is always a great sight when we have a group of enthusiastic high school students on our campus. We take this opportunity every year very seriously as it provides a chance to help them determine the right career paths for them, and find out more about the programs they are interested in. We provide them with the opportunity to talk our faculty, interact with students attending the classes in order to get a better idea of how well it matches their own interests, and to explore the kinds of options and experiences they can expect.”

The students started their visit with welcoming speeches from the university’s President, Professor Walid Bouhamra, and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Raghad Al Kazemi, which were then followed by a screening of an introductory short film about GUST. The students also got a chance to enjoy and in engage in activities, which included music performances and Japanese calligraphy art, around campus set up by the Anime Club, and were treated with giveaways, coffee, snacks, and a tour around campus. The tour started at the A. M. Al Refai Library, followed by the bookstore, the Art & Music Dept., radio & TV studios, gym, swimming pool, and amphitheater.

Students were then able to meet and converse with various university department personnel, including the Office of Student Life, One Stop Center, College of Business Administration, College of Arts and Sciences, Athletics Department, and the Admissions and Registration department, to ask specific questions pertaining to their individual needs.

The Open Day is the third to be organized by GUST, and is just one of many ways that the university openly and actively engages with high school students. Throughout the year, GUST participates in all of the major educational exhibitions, and hosts events that further connects the university with prospective students. Later this month, GUST is due to host a Parents Gala Dinner, where parents of freshmen enrolled at the university can enquire about the courses, services, and facilities the university offers for its students.


GUST Hosts Over 50 High Schools in Open Day on Campus

GUST welcomed students from over 50 different high schools around Kuwait in an open day, which also coincided with National Day celebrations at the university. The visitors, which consisted of both male and female students from private and government schools, got to explore the university and partake in several activities on the campus over two days.

The Open House, organized by the Student Recruitment & Outreach Department, is an annual event whose goal is to open GUST’s doors and showcase the very best the university has to offer. As this year’s event runs parallel to the university’s National Day festivities, visitors will have a chance to experience GUTS’s creative and energetic spirit, a notion which is emblematic of student life at the university.

Head of Student Recruitment, Hebah Al-Roumi, said, “It is always a great experience when we have a group of enthusiastic high school students on our campus. We take this opportunity very seriously – but with a lighthearted temperament as it provides a chance to help prospective students determine the right academic paths for them, and find out more about the programs they are interested in. We also encourage them to talk our faculty and interact with students in order to get a better idea of how well the environment matches their own interests, and to explore the kinds of options and experiences they can expect.”

The students started their visit with a warm welcome at the W6-Hall, prior to being taken on a guided tour of the campus and its facilities, which included the A. M. Al-Refai Library, followed by Gulf Financial center , the Art & Music Department, radio & TV studios, gym, swimming pool.

After the tour, the students were greeted by Professor Walid Bouhamra, GUST president, who met with and spoke to the students about the university and what they can expect when they start their academic journey at GUST. The students were then given the opportunity to meet and converse with various university department personnel, including the Office of Student Life, One Stop Student Services Center, College of Business Administration, College of Arts and Sciences, Athletics Department, the Office of International Programs, the Foundation Program Unit and the Admissions and Registration Department, to ask specific questions pertaining to their individual needs.

To end their visit, the students were able to witness the spectacular performances and bands that were performing at the University for the National Day Festivities, and were able to enjoy the different activities and games on campus set up for the occasion.

This year’s Open Day is the fourth to be organized by GUST, and is just one of many ways that the university openly and actively engages with high school students. Throughout the year, GUST participates in all of the major educational exhibitions, and hosts events that further connects the university with prospective students.

GUST Host 15 High Schools in Open Day on Campus

Gulf University for Science and Technology welcomed students from 15 different high schools from around Kuwait in an open day organized by the Recruitment Dept. at the university. The visitors, which consisted of both male and female students, got to explore the university and partake in several activities within the campus over two days.

Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Raghad Al Kazemi, said “It is always a great sight when we have group of enthusiastic high school students on our campus. We take this opportunity every year very seriously as it provides a chance to help them determine the right career paths for them, and find out more about the programs they are interested in. We provide them with the opportunity to talk our faculty, interact with students attending the classes in order to get a better idea of how well it matches their own interests, and to explore the kinds of options and experiences they can expect.”

The students started their visit with a presentation about the university given by the OSC advisors, and were then treated with giveaways and a tour around campus. The tour started at the A. M. Al Refai Library, followed by the bookstore, Art & Music Dept., radio & TV studios, gym, swimming pool, and amphitheater, and was conducted by members of student clubs.

Students were then able to meet and converse with various university department personnel at the center including the Office of Student Life, One Stop Center, College of Business Administration, College of Arts and Sciences, Athletics Dept., and the Admissions and Registration Dept. At the end, they were presented with free coupons to enjoy a meal from the available vendors around the fountain area, and enter a raffle on an iPhone X.

Other activities the students got to experience were some interesting workshops organized by the faculty and students of the Mass Communication and Media Department. The workshops, which revolved around photography, fine art, advertising, and digital illustration, came as part of a three-day cultural industry conference under the name “THE SEEN”.

The Open Day is the second to be organized by GUST, and is just one of many ways that the university openly and actively engages with high school students. Every year, GUST participates in all of the major educational exhibitions, and is due to set up a booth at the Avenues from the 19th to the 21st of this month, where students and parents can stop by to enquire about the courses the university offers and the registration process