Community Outreach

At GUST we strongly believe in the importance of community outreach programs and partnerships. We believe that we have a social responsibility to give back and contribute to the development and improvement of, not only Kuwait, but the entire region as well. Our services include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Partnerships with Civil Societies
  • Lectures, Arts, and Entertainment
  • Academic Scholarships
  • Faculty Involvement in the Community

Partnerships with Civil Societies:

GUST has partnered with various civil societies to promote and emphasize the importance of community involvement. GUST has made available all its campus resources and facilities so that the civil societies would benefit from them in their campaigns, public lectures, and events.

Lectures, Arts, and Entertainment:

The GUST calendar has numerous events and activities that are free and open to the public. Lectures on various topics include, but are not limited to, religion, politics, economics, and language arts. Moreover, the Student Union and our student clubs also organize events, carnivals, and concerts year round which students and the community can take advantage of. You can check for more over here.

Academic Scholarships:

Every semester, GUST offers a limited number of internal GUST scholarships. GUST Scholarships cover full payment of tuition fees or a specific percentage of tuition fees. These scholarships are limited and, thus, highly competitive. This encourages and motivates individuals to excel academically and maintain high academic standards. For more information, you may see here.

Faculty Involvement in the Community:

Many of our faculty members are involved in projects that aid the development of various sectors such as education and the economy. Moreover, they are conducting research that focuses on issues of great importance to our community and to its stability. GUST is also committed to building research centers so that students, faculty members, and the community will have access to abundant information which they would not have access to otherwise.

A.M.R Library

A.M.R Library aims to support the teaching, learning and research needs of the GUST Community.

What does the library do?

  • Provides access to an extensive range of current, accurate, relevant, information resources (digital, print and audiovisual)
  • Provides information literacy support to enable users to effectively locate and retrieve information
  • Provides tools to assist GUST Faculty with the publishing of scholarly research
  • Provides an inclusive space that is conducive to the study needs of students as well as recreational reading
  • Fosters an environment that promotes life long learning and innovation

Space for Everyone:

A.M.R Library strives to be an inclusive space for the GUST Community. A designated study area is available on the Ground Floor for users that require wheelchair access.

Which User are YOU?

All "Users" of GUST Library are entitled to borrowing privileges. A 'user" refers to:

  • A member of the GUST Community (any of the following):
    • a full time or part time faculty member
    • a member of the administrative or support staff
    • a currently enrolled student
    • a member of GUST Alumni
  • Any external user that has GUST Library membership

Digital Collections

Research Databases

Research Databases

Electronic research databases are essential components of an academic library's resources.

The selection of databases available at AMR Library ensure a balanced representation of resources across the subjects and majors taught at GUST.

Through our subscription services, GUST users have both on-campus and remote access to the latest published research as well as archived materials provided by reputable, international databases.

Content includes:

  • Scholarly, peer-reviewed, full text, journal articles from top publishers
  • eBooks
  • International magazine and newspaper coverage, primary source archives, dissertations and conference proceedings
  • Statistical and financial market analysis tools, company profiles, country reports and other scientific/business reference materials

Databases are classified accordingly:

  • Content Aggregators
  • Multidisciplinary Databases
  • Specialist Databases
  • Publishing Databases

Library Holdings

The titles in the Library's entire Catalog number in excess of 22,000.

They are organized (classified) according to the Library of Congress (LC) subject classification system.

The titles support all current majors as well as foundation programs and elective courses across the three Colleges at GUST: Arts & Sciences, Business Administration and Engineering.

Special Collections

The Library has several Special Collections comprising:

Audiovisual Collection: The Library has over 2,000 VHS cassettes, audio cassettes, CDs, and DVDs

Embassy Collection: These accommodate the generous print book donations received from the following countries and their embassies here in Kuwait: Austria, China, Germany, France, Spain, India, Japan and USA

Fiction Collection: Includes print book titles from popular series , classic and modern fiction, that are handpicked and suitable for recreational or easy reading

Kuwait Collection: Includes print book titles about local heritage, religion, history, geography, economy and literature (English and Arabic titles)

Reference Collection: Includes typical reference materials like dictionaries, atlases, thesauri, handbooks, etc.

Reserve Collection: Includes print book titles nominated by GUST faculty members (core textbooks)

Reserve items are accessible from the Library's Information Desk and have circulation restrictions placed on them to ensure fair access

Content Aggregators

Multidisciplinary Databases

Publishing Databases

Specialist Databases

In addition to providing access to resources, we provide services that support the information needs of the GUST Community:

Information Literacy

The Library empowers its users to be effective at identifying, locating, searching and evaluating sources of information, and to successfully retrieve information for their academic and scholarly needs.


Workshops can help students improve their digital information literacy skills and be more proficient at researching.

A research skills workshop can be provided to a class of students or to faculty members upon request.

Workshops are ad/hoc and can be tailored to your information needs.

For example, a Librarian can discuss any one of these topics:

· A beginner's run through of any of our subscribed databases;

· An advanced run through of any of our subscribed databases including advanced search tips;

· Citing your sources & plagiarism: a Zotero & EndNote software introduction;

· How to use Libguides

· How to define a research topic


LibGuides pages are designed for the various needs of the user community and are valuable support tools that can help improve information literacy.

Subject Guides

Learn more about a specific topic you are studying; access useful, relevant links & websites as well as professionally supportive online tools.

Research Support Guides

· How to Cite Sources

· How to Paraphrase Authors

· How to Recognize & Avoid Plagiarism

· How to Evaluate Sources of Information

· How to create a Simple Research Strategy

A-Z Database List

· The Popular List (on the left!) is a quick-access list of direct links to the main pages of our databases

· The Full List (on the right!) is a longer list of links to the most used journal collections which have been handpicked from the databases


The objectives of Information Literacy at AMR Library are for users to:

· Understand their information need and define a research topic;

· Locate, access and identify the range of resources provided by the Library (print and digital);

· Apply effective search strategies in order to retrieve accurate and relevant information from those resources for their needs;

· Evaluate and use that information independently and critically;

· Cite their sources and use that information in a responsible and ethical manner.

Opening Hours

Using the Library

A.M.R Library has adopted usage policies to protect the rights of all members of the GUST Community. These policies help us create an appropriate academic atmosphere, and provide a safe, comfortable, and productive environment for all users.

Appropriate Use Policy

· The Library creates and maintains a productive environment, conducive to thought, research, and study for all members of the GUST Community (users).

· All users are expected to contribute to this atmosphere, and to respect the rights and needs of others.

· Users are entitled to use GUST Library facilities, services, resources and space for reading, study, research or instructional purposes only.

· The Library is committed to the safety of all users and takes seriously its obligation to manage disruptive behavior quickly and professionally.

· Users that fail to comply with any Library policy or request will be required to leave the Library, with the support of GUST Security and Management.

· Repeated or serious offenses may result in a permanent ban from the Library.

Circulated Library Materials

· Circulated Library Materials refers to any item that can be borrowed from the Library, meaning Print Books, Audio Visual Items, or Student Tools and Equipment (calculators, iPads, and stationery).

· All users are responsible for all items checked out under their GUST ID

· All users are responsible for returning borrowed items in good condition

· Users will be fined for returning items damaged

· An item is considered “damaged” if it is returned to the Library in a condition that requires extensive repair OR is unable to be repaired and cannot be returned to circulation

Appropriate Use of PCs

· Library personnel reserve the right to designate specific use for individual PCs or zones

· When there is high demand for using PCs, time limits may be enforced

· Those not engaged in research or course-related activities may be asked to relinquish their PC to those needing for research purposes

· All users must have a valid GUST ID to login to Library PCs

· Any issues with login should be directed to the IT department

· Only one login per user ID is permitted

· The Library Guest Login is permitted for only one external user at a time

· All users are solely responsible for their own work and files

· It is recommended that files be saved to email, USB, OneDrive or similar

· Files must not be saved to Desktop

· Library personnel are not responsible for any loss or corruption of files or data

All users are prohibited from:

· Installing or download unauthorized software

· Viewing or printing objectionable material that violates Kuwait laws or culture

· Attempting to gain unauthorized access to information systems

· Tampering with PC settings

· Attempting to violate the privacy of others

· Violating copyright, patent protection or license agreements of individuals or companies

· Downloading or using pirated software

· Printing large volumes of electronic resources

· See Copyright Policy for specific copyright information

Facilities & Space

All users should make an effort not to disturb others by:

· Setting their phones and devices to silent

· Keeping their voice levels low

· Using headphones when listening to audio

· Booking a discussion room if louder voice levels or group work are required

It is not permitted for users to reserve seating for others

The Library will refuse access to its facilities, space, resources, or services to anyone who acts irresponsibly by being disruptive, or disrespectful to others, including to staff and Library personnel. Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to:

· Disrupting in any manner the study environment

· Deliberately misusing materials, equipment or space that interferes with or prevents access to resources, equipment, facilities by others

· Violating GUST policies

· Vandalism, theft, defacement of library materials or property

Users are responsible for their personal property at all times and should never leave their items unattended in the Library

· Library personnel are not responsible or liable for the loss or damage to the personal property of users

· Library personnel will collect any lost items and keep them at the Information Desk until end of the same week

· Thereafter, unrecovered items will be delivered to the Campus Lost and Found

Users are responsible for leaving Library facilities and space clean and tidy after their use

Light food and drinks are allowed, provided that users dispose of their trash responsibly.

Persistent violations and complaints may result in a food and drink (temporary) ban.

External Membership

Anyone without a valid GUST ID is considered an External User. Find out more about the Library's External User membership and applicable policies below.

Services & Resources

What can External Users do at the Library?

External Users are entitled to use the Library's on-campus facilities, resources and services during opening hours. This includes:

· Study areas, printing facilities and PC workstations across the 2 floors

· A Guest Login will be provided to External Users to login to the PCs

· Online resources accessible from the Library Website

· Wide range of research databases

· Access is permitted exclusively on-campus

· Research support materials like LibGuides

· Non-subscription, open access resources

· Information literacy support services provided by the Librarians

· This includes research assistance, help with using databases, etc

· Print Books from the Collections

· External Users may borrow a maximum of 3 books from any Collection except the Reserve Collection

Professional Advancement and Continuing Education(PACE)


PACE Goal is to be among the best resources of continuing education, training, and professional development for the citizens of Kuwait and the GCC region.


On behalf of the Professional Advancement & Continuing Education Center (PACE) at Gulf University for Science and Technology, here's a message from the Director.


The faculty is at the core of knowledge development and sharing at PACE. Our distinguished lineup of teaching professionals, mentors, speakers and academics cover an extensive range of expertise and experience.


As an integral component of Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST), the Center for Professional Advancement & Continuing Education (PACE) is greatly influenced by the high standards of academic excellence of the first private university in the State of Kuwait. Through such standards, PACE extends the resources of the university in order to unlock the wisdom and understanding of its participants, push the limits of research and discovery and inspire creativity and innovation for the benefit of society.


Professional Advancement & Continuing Education (PACE) Centre extends the resources of Gulf University for Science and Technology by providing high quality learning opportunities for learners of all ages. We enrich lives, enhance professional qualifications and promote careers. We satisfy the need for unique training and learning for individuals and business organizations. We link knowledgeable teaching professionals, mentors, speakers and academics with students and employees, companies and organizations, and the community at large.


PACE creates and organizes custom-designed conferences, meetings, and special events that assist companies in meeting their corporate and individual development objectives.


PACE offers programs that enable companies to deliver constant trainings and seminars to personnel in accordance with their human resource development goals.


PACE offers the public a unique opportunity to further advance their studies and careers. Through well formulated methods of teaching, and necessary tools that help participants to pass certifications.

Our extensive and wide ranging courses have been designed to draw the best and brightest talents from the community. They all serve a purpose of building a knowledge-based community that can face up to the challenges of rapidly evolving societies that are greatly influenced by rapid advancements in technology and a highly complex and globalized economy.



Starts Date : 9th of October 2023

In this era, speaking English is a must for social and professional growth. We need English for travelling, shopping, at work, etc.… After a thorough study of the Kuwaiti market, we found out that people score high on paper, but fail when it comes to starting or holding a conversation. The reason is the lack of confidence in using the English Language. For that, we at GUST, with the collaboration of experts in bilingualism, came up with ENGLiSH+ program, a different approach in teaching the language.

If your goals are:

· Saying goodbye to red faces.

· Breaking down barriers with the language.

· Gaining the self-confidence needed to speak English.

· Speaking English fluently.

· Using English practically in your daily life.

Admission Requirements:

· The participant must be at least 16 years old.

· Completion of the English language proficiency level assessment test.

Program Content:

A non-traditional program lasting 9 months, using a unique approach to language acquisition and consisting of 6 stages:

· Conversation Stage

· Grammar Stage

· Reading Stage

· Writing Stage

· Comprehensive Level

· Final Project



Starts Date :

· HMQ program is a professional interactive universal program qualifying practitioners in Healthcare Management & Quality Improvement since 2010.

· HMQ program facilitates your interaction with experts having rich hands-on experience to gain knowledge and skills in 15 need-to-know multi-disciplinary domains for accreditation compliance.

· HMQ is your Gate to bridge theory and practice of mainstream methodologies and tools in human-centered sustainable Organizational Development & Integrated Quality Improvement



Starts Date : 19th of August 2023

The CFA Level 2 Exam Preparation Program curriculum zooms in on the precise know-how and skills you need to succeed in the investment profession. CFA Level 2 is the second of three exams offered by the CFA Institute. This exam (in addition to other requirements) must be passed for an individual to become a CFA chart holder. The CFA Program is a globally recognized standard for measuring the competence and integrity of financial analysts. This CFA Level 2 exam preparation course covers exam topics and prepares you for taking the CFA Level 2 exam.

For more information on the CFA Exam, please visit


Pass CFA level 1

A bachelor's degree, be in the final year of your bachelor's degree, or have at least four years of qualified, professional work experience.


· Ethical and Professional Standards

· Quantitative Methods

· Economics

· Financial Reporting and Analysis

· Alternative Investments

· Corporate Finance

· Equity Investments

· Fixed Income

· Derivatives

· Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning



Starts Date : 17th of July 2023

Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam Preparation course will cover project, business and management topics that regularly appear on the exam. The course will clarify the key concepts and techniques that every project management professional should know in order to manage projects successfully.


Project managers, team members, project engineers, design engineers, project leaders, industrial engineers, program managers, operations managers, functional managers, information technology professionals, and all project management professionals who wish to prepare for Project Management Institute's PMP® certification exam as quickly as possible to successfully pass the exam.


Good command of English language.


· Introduction and Project Management Concepts

· Project Integration Management

· Project Scope Management

· Project Time Management

· Project Cost Management

· Project Quality Management

· Human Resource Management

· Project Communication Management

· Project Risk Management

· Project Procurement Management

· Project Stakeholder Management

· Professional Responsibility

· PMP® Certification Review



The CMA, issued by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), is an advanced professional certification specifically designed to give anyone working in accounting and financial services a clear understanding of the essential aspects of their career's success and their professional recognition. Accountants and financial professionals benefit the most from acquiring the CMA credential and can expect improvement in their business fields. This CMA exam preparation course covers CMA topics and prepares you for taking the CMA exams.

For more information on the CMA Exam, please visit


Accountants and financial professionals benefit the most from acquiring the CMA credential and can expect improvement in their business fields.


Bachelor degree from an accredited university.


Part 1 - Financial Reporting, Planning, Performance and Control

· External Financial Reporting Decisions

· Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting

· Performance Management

· Cost Management

· Internal Controls

Part 2 - Financial Decision Making

· Financial Statement Analysis

· Corporate Finance

· Decision Analysis

· Risk Management

· Investment Decisions & Professional Ethics


PACE offers the public a unique opportunity to further advance their studies and careers. Through well formulated methods of teaching, participants will be provided with the necessary tools to pass and secure certifications as Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) for accounting and finance professionals. In addition, those planning to study a program delivered in English or companies that may require English language proficiency, PACE also offers public courses in General English, Test of English as a Foreign Language (ToEFL), Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT), and Business English Certificate Program.

A.M. Al-Refai Library Launches 12th Edition of Excelsior

GUST celebrated the release of the twelth volume of Excelsior at the A.M Al-Refai Library, as well as the publication of nine works by faculty members. Present at the event were GUST President, Professor Walid Bouhamra, VP for Academic Affairs, Dr. Fahed Al Sumait, Ms. Shobhita Kohli, Library Director, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Ali Ansari, Excelsior committee members, and GUST’s faculty, staff and students. The principle objective of the publication is to allow GUST community to express their creativity and knowledge in the forms of original short stories and other prose, poetry, art, or combinations thereof.

Following the traditional Excelsior ribbon cutting ceremony, the books authored or edited by faculty members were presented. This year, the books were:

· Right-Wing Alternative Media by Dr. Kristoffer Holt

· Media and Journalism in an Age of Terrorism by Dr. Kristoffer Holt

· Contested Modernity; Sectarianism, Nationalism, and Colonialism in Bahrain by Dr. Omar H. AlShehabi

· Public Relations in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: An Arab Perspective editied by Dr. Talal M Almutairi and Dr. Ali Dhasti

· Plotinus and Moving Image by Dr. Thorsten Botz-Bornstein

· The Political Aesthetics of ISIS and Italian Futurism by Dr. Thorsten Botz-Bornstein

· Reading for University Chapter by Michael F. McMurray, by Dr. Cathy Daniel, and Najebah Marafie

· Maqamat Badi' az-Zaman al-Hamadhani (مـقـامـات بـديـع الـزمـان الـحـمـدانـي by Dr. Ayman Bakr)

· Waqf (Endowments) and Its Impact on Education edited by Dr. Salah Eddine Arkadan

The ceremony cements the position of the Library as an indispensable pillar thast is the core of GUST as a hub for knowledge.

Databases: Quick List

Subscription Databases

Below are links to our subscription databases.

Click a database name to open the resource.

If you're off campus, you will need to login using your GUST ID & password.

For a complete list of individual databases, view the A-Z Guide.

If you are unsure which database to use, contact us or watch a tutorial.

EBSCO Databases

Publishing Databases

eBook Collections

Other Databases

Executive Learning Center

Why Us?

As an integral component of Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST), the Executive Education Center is greatly influenced by the high standards of academic excellence of the first private university in the State of Kuwait. Through such standards, the Executive Education Center extends the resources of the university in order to unlock the wisdom and understanding of its participants, push the limits of research and discovery and inspire creativity and innovation for the benefit of society.

What We Do

The Executive Education Centre extends the resources of Gulf University for Science and Technology by providing high quality learning opportunities for learners of all ages. We enrich lives, enhance professional qualifications and promote careers. We satisfy the need for unique training and learning for individuals and business organizations. We link knowledgeable teaching professionals, mentors, speakers and academics with students and employees, companies and organizations, and the community at large.