Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8, "Decent Work and Economic Growth," focuses on promoting inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. In Kuwait, the government has established a supportive legal framework to protect employees' rights and promote economic growth.

Labor Rights and Government Support in Kuwait:

Labor Law: Kuwait has a comprehensive labor law that safeguards workers' rights. This law covers various aspects, including working hours, wages, leave, and occupational safety.

Minimum Wage: Kuwait has implemented a minimum wage system to ensure that workers receive fair compensation for their labor.

Equal Pay: The labor law promotes equal pay for equal work, irrespective of gender or nationality.

Occupational Health and Safety: Kuwait enforces strict regulations to protect workers' health and safety in the workplace.

Labor Mobility: The government supports labor mobility by facilitating the recruitment of foreign workers while ensuring their fair treatment and legal rights.

GUST Gulf University's Commitment to Staff and Employee Equality:

GUST Gulf University values staff and employee equality and demonstrates this commitment in various ways:

Equal Opportunities: GUST provides equal employment opportunities for all, regardless of gender, nationality, or background, ensuring a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Competitive Compensation: The university offers competitive compensation packages, including fair salaries and benefits, to attract and retain talented staff and employees.

Professional Development: GUST supports staff and employee growth through professional development opportunities, training programs, and career advancement pathways.

Work-Life Balance: The university promotes work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements and employee support services.

Employee Representation: GUST encourages open communication and has mechanisms in place for staff and employees to voice concerns and provide feedback.

Labor Relations: The university maintains respectful labor relations and complies with all labor laws and regulations in Kuwait.

In Kuwait, SDG 8 is supported by a robust labor law that protects workers' rights and fosters economic growth. GUST Gulf University complements these efforts by ensuring staff and employee equality, offering competitive compensation and professional development opportunities, and maintaining a supportive work environment. Together, Kuwait and institutions like GUST contribute to the realization of SDG 8, creating an environment where decent work, economic growth, and employee well-being are at the forefront of their missions.

Remuneration Policy

The purpose of the Gulf University for Science & Technology (GUST) remuneration policy is to:

· Provide fair, equitable and competitive compensation for its employees

· Encourage and reward high performance

· Attract individuals of the right caliber, qualifications and experience for the joins in the University

· Provide flexibility to adapt to market changes and imperatives

· To be managed in a structured and standardized manner

· HR develops salary scale based on market compensation data obtained from professional surveys

· Salary scale consists of grades that describe different job levels and categories in the organization. Jobs are evaluated by HR Department to determine the appropriate grade

· The HR Department will, on a three-year basis, undertake a market review to ensure the continued competitiveness of the salary structure. Recommendations from this review will be presented to the University Senior Management Team for consideration and action as deemed appropriate

· The below terms are used to describe the various components of employees’ remuneration:

➢ “Salary” refers to the cash payments made by GUST to an employee on a monthly basis, in compensation for the effort he/she deployed in performing his/her job.

➢ “Allowance” refers to cash payments made by GUST to an employee, whether on monthly basis, or not, in compensation for the effort he/she deployed in performing his/her job (e.g. transportation, communication, housing, etc.). Employees’ eligibility to the allowances is as per their job level and business needs as mentioned in their contracts.

· “Benefit” refers to an advantage granted to an employee of such as:

1. Workmen Compensation

a. Employees will be enrolled under workers’ compensation insurance plan upon joining

b. Employees are covered for job-related injuries/diseases.

c. Coverage is provided during working hours including the travel from place of residence to work and vice versa.

d. Compensation amount for job-related injuries/diseases are set per the Kuwait Labor Law and/or insurance policy.

e. Some restrictions may be applied, refer to the current Workmen Compensation Policy

2. Health Insurance

a. GUST Employees are eligible for Group Health Insurance Plan coverage

b. Employees will incur part of the treatment cost in line with the agreed Insurance Plan terms and conditions

c. If the employee is entitled for health insurance coverage for spouse and children, then they must be resident in Kuwait to be enrolled in the health insurance plan

3. Temporary Accommodation

a. For international new hires, accommodation will be provided for a period of one month.

b. The employee will not receive the monthly housing allowance, if applicable, during the stay in the temporary accommodation.

4. Duplication of Benefits

a. If a husband and wife are both employees of GUST, then the employee with the higher entitlement will get the Benefit for the children.

b. It is the responsibility of the employees to declare their status to the HR department.

5. In case an employee has already claimed full entitlement for an ongoing year and either employee or the GUST terminates his employment, a prorated amount based on his date of resignation or termination will be deducted from the end of service benefits.

· Application:

This policy shall apply to all GUST employees.

Code of Conduct

Gulf University for Science and Technology is committed to providing a positive work and learning environment where all individuals are treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their status. Intimidation and harassment have no place in a university community. To honor the dignity and inherent worth of every individual member of the GUST community is a goal to which every member of the

University should aspire and to which officials of the University should direct attention and resources.

Fundamental Principles

In the performance of their duties and responsibilities, all members of the university community must respect the following human and professional values:

a) act with respect for the dignity of persons;

b) have integrity in their relationships;

c) be accountable to all members of the university community;

d) exercise their freedom while respecting the freedom of others.

e) to exercise their freedom while respecting the freedom of others;

f) respect the good of others and the environment;

g) promote a healthy and safe working, learning and research environment.

4. Updating the principles of conduct

4.1. In the exercise of their functions and responsibilities, all members of the university community shall undertake to respect the dignity of persons, in particular:

- showing respect and using courteous language towards any person and whatever the circumstances;

- treating people equally without discrimination of any kind;

- exercising good judgment, discretion and confidentiality according to the situation.

4.2. In the exercise of his or her functions and responsibilities, any person in the university community is committed to integrity in his or her relationships with others. is committed to integrity in his or her relationships, in particular:

- Acting with transparency, fairness, honesty and discretion in all his or her relationships with colleagues, students, supervisors or employees and subordinate employees; - Contributing to the quality of the working, learning and research climate.

4.3. In the exercise of his or her functions and responsibilities, any person of the university community undertakes to be accountable to others in the University community:

- acting with diligence, good faith and competence in the management, evaluation and monitoring of. any activity;

- Treating with fairness and equity those with whom he/she has a relationship.

- The student is expected to act with hierarchical or moral authority, in a spirit of mutual respect; - being punctual.

4.4. In the exercise of his functions and responsibilities, any person of the university community undertakes to exercise his or her freedom with respect for the freedom of others, in particular:

- their academic freedom in the exercise of their teaching and research activity, with respect for the inherent intellectual pluralism. respect for the intellectual pluralism inherent in the academy;

- their freedom of expression and opinion in the exercise of their university activities without hindering that of others personal

4.5. In the exercise of his or her functions and responsibilities, any person of the university community shall undertake to respect the good of others and the environment in particular:

- following the conditions of use of equipment, documentary resources, premises and services placed at their disposal;

- use the resources made available to the University for the purposes for which they are intended,

i.e. a use related to the intended, namely: a use related to university functions;

- avoid any contamination (waste, noise, etc.) in the facilities and keep them clean and intact.

4.6. In the exercise of his or her functions and responsibilities, any person in the university community undertakes to promote a healthy and safe learning environment, in particular;

- promoting order within the university community;

- preserving a healthy and safe working, learning and research environment.

5. Obligations and unacceptable behavior

In the application of this Code of Conduct, the notion of irregularities or undesirable behavior is defined as follows: "unacceptable behavior" is defined as follows is defined as follows:

- using violence, uttering threats or intimidating or harassing a member of the university community or one of its guests.

- interfering with the exercise of a function, the execution of a mandate or the development of a university activity;

- prevent, without valid justification, a member of the university community or one of its guests from entering a place of the University, circulating there and leaving;

- demonstrating provocative and indecent behavior, taking into account the circumstances;

- possessing, transporting, consuming, consuming, giving, serving or selling alcoholic beverages, unless there is written authorization from the written authorization from University management; - possessing, consuming, giving or selling drugs (narcotics, hallucinogens, etc.);

- making or disseminating hateful or disrespectful remarks, particularly in the context of personal work or a document intended for internal or external distribution, damaging the reputation of persons or groups of persons or promoting persons or groups of persons or that promote discriminatory motives.

Policy of non-discrimination

GUST code of Conduct Policy was issued in October 2nd 2013 and slightly modified in April 12th 2022.

In GUST Code of Conduct Policy, article I, Our commitment states:

The Gulf University of Science & Technology (GUST) is committed to the highest level of integrity and honesty in all of its affairs, without any kind of discrimination against women.

Equal Employment Opportunity

• It is GUST’s policy to recruit, employ and promote employees on the basis of their skills, qualifications and abilities required for the work to be performed, with no discrimination to race, color, religion, sex, age, social status, physical or mental disability or any other factor.

• If outsourcing activities to third parties needed, then GUST takes all appropriate measures to ensure the equivalent rights of employees are met.


GUST is committed to provide all employees with a work place that is free from harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, social status, physical or mental disability or any other factor. Harassment include all actions of verbal harassment, physical harassment, visual harassment or sexual harassment .

Admission & Registration

Admission to GUST is on a competitive basis. Regardless of the type of admission, all applicants must submit all documentation to complete the general admission requirements.

GUST welcomes applications from students from all types of schools and backgrounds. We provide our students with the best educational resources and services to promote intellectual growth and career advancement. From the academic challenges encountered when adjusting to university life to the various campus activities offered for students, GUST has a diverse collection of resources available to help our students succeed both academically and personally.

GUST Grievances Policy

The Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) employees have the right to raise their grievances through proper reporting channels for any of the following issues while protecting them from educational or employment disadvantage:

• Employees conflicts (Direct managers, subordinates)

• Changes in employment conditions

• Pays and Benefits

• Personal issues (discrimination, violation, bullying, work harassment)

• Performance Management (promotions, increments, and rating)

• Work conditions (Health & Safety)

GUST Grievances Procedure

1. Informal approach: Employee shall initially approach the immediate Supervisor/Manager in case of any grievance issue.

2. Formal approach: Where the issue is not resolved through the immediate Supervisor/Manager, employees may raise the grievance issue in writing to their Dean/Director/Vice President.

2.1.1. Evaluation of the case: The Dean/Director/Vice President shall meet and review the matter and shall arrive to a decision within five working days after the meeting is held. That outcome/solution shall be communicated to the employee in writing.

2.1.2. Grievance appeal: In the event that the employee is not satisfied with the outcome, further appeal may be made to the HR Department. Then, the HR should evaluate the case and recommend if Grievance committee can be formed to discuss and recommend resolutions.