Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13, "Climate Action," calls for urgent and ambitious efforts to combat climate change and its impacts. In Kuwait, a country highly vulnerable to climate change, and at GUST Gulf University, there is a growing commitment to addressing climate challenges and promoting sustainable practices.

Climate Action in Kuwait:

Kuwait has taken several steps to address climate change and promote climate action:

1. Renewable Energy: The country is investing in renewable energy sources, particularly solar power, to diversify its energy mix and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Climate Adaptation: Kuwait is actively working on climate adaptation measures, including infrastructure improvements to withstand extreme weather events.

3. Reforestation: Initiatives for reforestation and afforestation are being pursued to mitigate the effects of desertification and increase carbon sequestration.

4. International Commitments: Kuwait is a signatory to international agreements aimed at reducing emissions and limiting global temperature rise.

GUST Gulf University's Contribution:

GUST Gulf University actively promotes climate action through various initiatives:

1. Sustainable Campus: GUST has implemented sustainability practices on its campus, including energy-efficient buildings, solar panels, waste reduction programs, and green transportation options.

2. Curriculum Integration: The university incorporates climate change and sustainability into its curriculum, educating students on the science of climate change, its impacts, and mitigation strategies.

3. Research and Innovation: GUST conducts research on climate-related topics, including renewable energy technologies, climate adaptation strategies, and sustainable agriculture practices.

4. Climate Advocacy: The university engages in advocacy efforts to raise awareness about climate change and the importance of climate action, both within the campus community and in collaboration with external organizations.

Kuwait's recognition of the urgency of SDG 13 is reflected in its efforts to address climate change and promote climate action. GUST Gulf University complements these efforts by incorporating sustainable practices into its operations, educating future leaders on climate-related issues, conducting research, and advocating for climate action. Together, Kuwait and institutions like GUST work towards a more sustainable and resilient future, aligning with the principles of SDG 13 and contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.

GUST joins the GREEN Movement

GUST joins the GREEN Movement

The Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) hosted an environmental awareness seminar conducted by Khalaf Al-Enezi, a young Kuwaiti engineer and environmental activist. The main purpose of the presentation was clear: we, as inhabitants of this Earth, must take the necessary steps to protect the environment around us.

Among the things that Eng. Al-Enezi discussed were ways to reduce fossil fuels, lower green gas emissions and increase the use of natural resources. He also put together a presentation that listed a number of goals of the green technology initiative, namely the five ‘R’s: rethink, recycle, renew, reduce and be responsible.

The crowd was introduced to numerous green initiative innovations from around the globe, including green cities and neighborhoods in China and an eco-friendly library in Singapore. There are a number of ways we can take responsibility for our surroundings, starting by rethinking the way we live and behave on a daily basis. Mr. Al-Enezi urged the crowd to strive for a lifestyle that alters the way we use the energy and natural resources available to us. The presentation concluded with Mr. Al-Enezi stating that every individual can make a difference for a better world.

The seminar was followed by a Q&A session, where a number of questions were directed towards the presenter. Ms. Graham, an Art teacher at GUST, commended Mr. Al-Enezi for his eco work. A relevant statement, considering GUST is in the process of creating its first Global Awareness Club, slated to start recruiting members as of next fall, with Mr. Al-Enezi acting as supervisor. All in all, it was an enjoyable afternoon and a great learning experience for all those in attendance.


GUST hosts the founding general meeting of the Kuwait Green Building Council and the launch of “Mustadam” Initiative

GUST hosted and supported the launch of the Kuwait Green Building Council (KGBC). The KGBC is a national, non-profit organization that is committed to developing a sustainable property sector for Kuwait by encouraging the adoption of green building practices.

The launch started with a reception and an opening speech by founding members: Dr. Sulaiman T. Al-Abduljader, Founding Chairman and Assistant Professor of Real Estate and Finance at GUST, Abdullah Al-Mutairi, Founding Vice Chairman, Eng. Mohammad Al-Dowaisan, Founding Secretary, Eng. Hamad Al-Qattan, Founding Treasurer, Nora Zehery, Founding Board Member and Eng. Abdullah Fahhad, Founding Board Member.

Dr. Sulaiman Tareq Al-Abduljader, said in his opening remark, “We are honored today to launch the Kuwait Green Building Council (KGBC) after 15 months of committed team work with the founding members.” The KGBC aims topromote sustainable buildings by illustrating the positive effects on climate protection, resource consumption, health, quality and efficiency, the economy, and the labor market. The green building market currently has exceeded $600 billion in value and is expected to grow at double digit rates due to its economic feasibility in addition to its contribution to substantially reducing energy consumption. It is, therefore, the KGBC’s mission to encourage and engage both public and private sectors to adopt sustainable measures in the development sector in Kuwait.

Further, Mr. Abdullah Al-Mutairi said “KGBC is also committed to become the independent median to link green related technologies to the market. Al-Mutairi talked about the KGBC pre-establishment and the procedures and research that had to be perfected for the launch. While Mr. Hamad Al-Qattan, touched on that scientific/technical findings, reports about practice, and the projects implemented and certified shall be published to reach a broader audience.

Ms. Nora Zehery clarified the KGBC vision, to drive the transition of the Kuwait property sector towards sustainability by promoting green programs, technologies, design practice and operations as well as the integration of green building initiatives into mainstream design, construction and the operation of buildings.

The Founding Members also discussed the “Mustadam” Initiative which entails a country wide campaign involving government authorities, private sectors, academia, media and individuals collectively endorsing the green-related projects and initiatives in Kuwait. The campaign shall incorporate the social, economic and cultural benefits and effects of supporting green buildings on our lives and society in general. It is expected that a large media campaign shall accompany the initiative to underline the individuals and reputable institutions endorsing the initiative.

The founding board members also thanked the corporate founders for supporting the development of the council in its early stage. The corporate founding members are GUST, National Technology Enterprises Company, Al-Argan International Real Estate Company SignDesign, and Remas Group.

GUST is proud to support initiatives and establishments that believe in and help in the development of its grander community, as it does.

GUST Welcomes H.E. Minister of Oil, Electricity & Water Dr. Khalid Al-Fadhel

GUST was honored to welcome Kuwait’s Minister of Oil and Minister of Electricity & Water, H.E. Dr. Khalid Al-Fadhel on campus last week to talk to Dr. Mohammed Alnughaimish's Leadership (MGMT 361) class. The Minister spoke to students, staff and faculty about his experience and how leadership and character aided in his appointments as Former Deputy Minister of Commerce and his current position.

In attendance was GUST President, Professor Walid Bouhamra, who was also the H.E. Minister’s Professor at Kuwait University while he was completing his degree in Chemical Engineering. Also, in attendance was BOT Advisor, Dr. Jasem Abdulsalam, Vice President for Professional Development and Community Services, Dr. Ahmad Al-Darbas, Director of the Graduate Studies and Research Office, Professor Bassam Alameddine, as well as faculty members and students. The talk was moderated by Dr. Mohammed Alnughaimish', GUST Adjust Professor.

H.E. the Minister left the audience inspired with his stories and his character, and even gave a majority of the session open for their questions. GUST is continuously seeking high caliber speakers to inspire students to give their all and excel both academically and personally.


GUST Hosts ‘Climate Talks’ Conference

GUST and the Embassy of France in Kuwait held today, a local conference entitled “Climate Talks,” in support of the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21), at the GUST conference center in Mishref. This event is the first of its kind in the country, supporting a global cause that will help mobilize the Kuwaiti society towards reducing its carbon footprint.

During the opening ceremony, Dr. Salah Al-Sharhan, GUST Vice President of Academic Affairs welcomed the audience and said, “GUST is very proud to be working with the Embassy of France in Kuwait, the Kuwait Environmental Public Authority (K-EPA), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), along with the globally conscious citizens of Kuwait to support such a noble and important cause. We have always strived to be a leader in responding to global challenges by acting locally to catalyze a positive change in our students and our community. We believe that true sustainable development starts from behind classroom desks.”

The opening ceremony also included remarks by H.E. Christian Nakhlé, French Ambassador to Kuwait, Dr. Khaled Al-Enzi, Head of Public Relations at the Kuwait Environment Public Authority (K-EPA), and Ms. Dima Al-Khatib, Deputy Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

H.E. Christian Nakhlé, French Ambassador to Kuwait, said, “In preparation for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21), also known as “Paris Climate 2015,” the Embassy of France in Kuwait has organized many events, conferences and activities. The event today, “Climate Talks,” organized in collaboration with GUST is an example of the different successful events organized in Kuwait. COP21 will be held in Paris from 30th November to 11th December, under the umbrella of the General Secretary of the United Nations and the Presidency of France. This yearly conference is a crucial international meeting and a top priority on France’s diplomatic agenda. The aim is to reach a legally binding and universal agreement on climate change and preservation of the planet. We thank all our Kuwaiti partners, and especially GUST, for hosting this event to raise awareness on the climate change issue.”

The conference brought in renowned, specialized speakers from local and international institutions to raise awareness on climate change and shed light on the topics and debates of COP21, taking place in France later this year. GUST’s Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, Dr. Mohamad Yassine, spoke about climate change and its implications on food, water and energy nexus; Dr. Taoufik Souami, from the Urban Planning School of Paris, discussed the best ways to change human behavior to save environmental resources. While Dr. Eric Verdeil, from Paris East University, talked about the emerging policies for sustainable transition in Mediterranean countries.

Ms. Dima Al-Khatib, Deputy Resident Representative at the UNDP, said, “In December 2015, the international community will convene in Paris to agree on a new global climate change deal, aiming to accelerate opportunities for climate change action in all countries as an important pillar in the post-2015 era of sustainable development. The Paris Agreement has the potential to galvanize countries and communities to act, simultaneously working to reduce carbon emissions, while adapting to the long-term impacts of climate change. UNDP is extremely pleased to join efforts with GUST and the Embassy of France in Kuwait as well as other national groups to raise awareness around this important global undertaking.”

After a networking break, Ms. Jenan Behzad, from the Kuwait Environment Protection Society (KEPS), shed light on the story of climate change in Kuwait’s green schools; Eng. Salem Al-Ajmi, from the Kuwait Society of Engineers, talked about the new E-Waste Plant in Kuwait and its benefits for the country and its environment; and finally, Sheikha Fatima Mubarak Jaber Al-Sabah, Vice Chairperson and Executive Director of K’S PATH, answered the question why do we clean beaches, and what are we protecting, showcasing the importance of even the most minimal actions to help the environment.

Dr. Khaled Al-Enzi, Head of Public Relations at K-EPA, said, “The EPA has adopted an approach in consolidating environmental approaches to conform with its perspective in making Kuwait among the best countries in the region, in terms of environmental protection. In addition to increasing courses in government schools and civil society institutions, the EPA strives to enhance the environmental thought and culture, and seeks to achieve sustainable development. Undoubtedly, law number 42/2014 is unique in the history of environmental action. The EPA is also carrying out a campaign in four languages to promote environmental awareness, targeting both local citizens and expatriates.”

A "Kuwait Climate Action" competition was also announced during the event, where teams must submit projects that detail actions to help reduce the impact of climate change in Kuwait. The winning team will be awarded a trip to Paris to present their project at COP21 on behalf of the Kuwait community.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21), is a yearly conference that aims to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate change, preservation of the planet, and to reduce the greenhouse effect. Due to the alarmingly increased rate of greenhouse emissions worldwide today, France is targeting an ambitious goal of reducing it by 40% by 2030, 60% by 2040 and finally 80-95% by 2050 (compared to 1990); to encourage a safer future for generations to come.

As part of its responsibility to the community, GUST endeavors in becoming more involved in causes that effect the environment, and stand to create more conscientious global citizens of its students. GUST prides itself in actively engaging in projects alongside its staff, faculty and students, which help the community and raise awareness on local and global issues.


GUST celebrates Earth Day

GUST as a part of their community outreach initiatives, celebrated International Earth Day, which was first initiated on April 22nd, 1970 in the U.S., and today unites 1 billion people from 192 countries,to broaden, diversify, mobilize and raise awareness about the global environmental movement – called “Mobilize the Earth” Campaign – which aims to convey the message that our Earth won’t wait and calls for people to unite, speak and act.

The event welcomed different stations by the Kuwait Environment Protection Society, Down to Earth, Environment Preservation Industrial Co. (EPIC), the Institute for Green Business Certification ME, Al-Dhow for Environmental Projects and Green Technology Group. Each with a different aspect of the environmental issues, but all with the same goal: to educate and raise awareness of people within our community.

Eng. Khalaf Alenezi, Head Organizer of the event, welcomed Dr. Sabah Al-Quaddoomi, VP for Academic Services, Dr. Lee Caldwell, Dean of the College of Business Administration, Dr. Mesfer Mesfer from the Office of Student Life, Ibrahim Emran, Assistant Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Osama Al-Hares, Director of Alumni and Career Services and Dr. Masoud Asad, Director of Public Affairs.

Eng. Alenezi took all the guests around the different booths set up by the different companies and societies, introducing them to the intricate ways the environment works and how we can help protect it by implementing a few simple strategies, including: smart shopping, buying energy-efficient products, considering transportation alternatives, improving our food choices, developing washing and drying methods as well as heating and cooling, planting more trees, implementing bathroom basics, cleaning more consciously and never discarding items on the streets and recycling what we can.

Following the tour of the booths, there was a small Kung-Fu presentation by two young Kuwaitis, which was enjoyed by all. Followed by an enlightening presentation by Dr. Bader Alenezi, KU Professor and Essa Ramadan, from Kuwait Weather Forecast, talking to students and staff alike on the consequences and effects the things we do every day have on the environment; things that we normally won’t pay attention to at all on a daily basis.

For more information on Earth Day and the “Mobilize the Earth” Campaign, visit


First NREET Conference

First NREET Conference - Kuwait March 15-16, 2023

Hosted by:

Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST)-Kuwait

Organized by:

Center for Sustainable Energy & Economic Development (SEED) & Gulf Financial Center (GFC), in partnership with Economics & Finance Department (HYBRID with both in-person and online paper presentation)

The main purpose of this interdisciplinary Conference is to bring together policymakers, engineers, economists, and industrial participants to discuss and share new thoughts and research findings on energy transition and financing from a global viewpoint.


Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST)-Kuwait & W6-200, W6 hall


15 March 2023 to 16 March 2023

GUST hosts the founding general meeting of the Kuwait Green Building Council and the launch of “Mustadam” Initiative

GUST hosted and supported the launch of the Kuwait Green Building Council (KGBC). The KGBC is a national, non-profit organization that is committed to developing a sustainable property sector for Kuwait by encouraging the adoption of green building practices.

The launch started with a reception and an opening speech by founding members: Dr. Sulaiman T. Al-Abduljader, Founding Chairman and Assistant Professor of Real Estate and Finance at GUST, Abdullah Al-Mutairi, Founding Vice Chairman, Eng. Mohammad Al-Dowaisan, Founding Secretary, Eng. Hamad Al-Qattan, Founding Treasurer, Nora Zehery, Founding Board Member and Eng. Abdullah Fahhad, Founding Board Member.

Dr. Sulaiman Tareq Al-Abduljader, said in his opening remark, “We are honored today to launch the Kuwait Green Building Council (KGBC) after 15 months of committed team work with the founding members.” The KGBC aims topromote sustainable buildings by illustrating the positive effects on climate protection, resource consumption, health, quality and efficiency, the economy, and the labor market. The green building market currently has exceeded $600 billion in value and is expected to grow at double digit rates due to its economic feasibility in addition to its contribution to substantially reducing energy consumption. It is, therefore, the KGBC’s mission to encourage and engage both public and private sectors to adopt sustainable measures in the development sector in Kuwait.

Further, Mr. Abdullah Al-Mutairi said “KGBC is also committed to become the independent median to link green related technologies to the market. Al-Mutairi talked about the KGBC pre-establishment and the procedures and research that had to be perfected for the launch. While Mr. Hamad Al-Qattan, touched on that scientific/technical findings, reports about practice, and the projects implemented and certified shall be published to reach a broader audience.

Ms. Nora Zehery clarified the KGBC vision, to drive the transition of the Kuwait property sector towards sustainability by promoting green programs, technologies, design practice and operations as well as the integration of green building initiatives into mainstream design, construction and the operation of buildings.

The Founding Members also discussed the “Mustadam” Initiative which entails a country wide campaign involving government authorities, private sectors, academia, media and individuals collectively endorsing the green-related projects and initiatives in Kuwait. The campaign shall incorporate the social, economic and cultural benefits and effects of supporting green buildings on our lives and society in general. It is expected that a large media campaign shall accompany the initiative to underline the individuals and reputable institutions endorsing the initiative.

The founding board members also thanked the corporate founders for supporting the development of the council in its early stage. The corporate founding members are GUST, National Technology Enterprises Company, Al-Argan International Real Estate Company SignDesign, and Remas Group.

GUST is proud to support initiatives and establishments that believe in and help in the development of its grander community, as it does.