Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10, "Reduced Inequalities," underscores the importance of promoting social, economic, and political inclusion and reducing inequalities within and among countries. In Kuwait, a nation with a diverse population, there are efforts to address inequalities and promote inclusivity. GUST Gulf University actively contributes to these efforts within its campus and the broader community.

Reducing Inequalities in Kuwait:

Kuwait has implemented various strategies to reduce inequalities and promote social inclusion:

1. Education: Kuwait has invested in its education system, offering equal access to quality education for all citizens. Initiatives have been launched to support students from underprivileged backgrounds.

2. Employment Opportunities: The government promotes fair employment practices and enforces anti-discrimination policies to ensure equal access to job opportunities regardless of gender, nationality, or other factors.

3. Healthcare: Kuwait provides universal healthcare access, ensuring that all residents can access medical services regardless of their socioeconomic status.

4. Social Welfare Programs: Kuwait has established social welfare programs and initiatives to support vulnerable populations, including low-income families and individuals with disabilities.

GUST Gulf University's Contribution:

GUST Gulf University actively promotes reduced inequalities through various initiatives:

1. Scholarships and Financial Aid: GUST offers scholarships and financial aid programs to support students who may face financial barriers to higher education. These programs aim to ensure that talented individuals have equal access to quality education.

2. Inclusive Campus: The university fosters an inclusive campus environment that celebrates diversity. It promotes a culture of respect and tolerance, ensuring that all students and staff feel valued and included.

3. Community Engagement: GUST collaborates with local organizations and NGOs on projects aimed at addressing inequalities in the broader Kuwaiti community. This includes initiatives related to education, healthcare, and social support.

4. Research and Awareness: The university conducts research that addresses societal inequalities and raises awareness through seminars, conferences, and educational campaigns.

Kuwait's commitment to SDG 10 is reflected in its efforts to reduce inequalities and promote inclusivity in various aspects of society. GUST Gulf University contributes to these efforts by providing equal educational opportunities, fostering an inclusive campus culture, and engaging in initiatives that address inequalities in the broader community. Together, Kuwait and institutions like GUST work towards a more equitable and inclusive society, aligning with the principles of SDG 10.


The Disability Services Program is conducted by the Disability Services Coordinator with the cooperation of GUST faculty.

The Disability Services Program has been developed to provide accommodations to students with documented medical reports. The goal of providing accommodation to students is to encourage their continued growth, progress, and academic performance at GUST.

Accommodations for students with disabilities include, but are not limited to: note-taking assistance, tutoring, extra time for exams, as well as the possibility to receive proctoring services at the One Stop Student Services Center.

Students are responsible for requesting the needed accommodations through the OSC during the admissions process.



GUST empowers students with disabilities to realize their academic and personal potential through offering equal access to university programs. Services include coordinating reasonable accommodations and other support services for eligible students.

Reasonable accommodations are adjusted for students with disabilities which will provide equal access to GUST programs. Accommodation plans and services are customized to match the disability-related needs of each student and are determined according to documentation and the student’s program requirements.

Registration for these accommodations includes submission of the Disclosure Form, which should be given with their application to the university, as well as appropriate disability documentation. Also, students need to complete the Disability Accommodation Request Form for use in the One Stop Student Services Center.


1. Students requesting reasonable accommodations must submit documentation no older than 5 years.

2. Documentation must be issued by a medical or other qualified, licensed professional.

3. Documents must be printed on official letterhead, dated, and signed by the licensed professional. GUST reserves the right to require that a certified copy of the report be transmitted directly from the licensed professional to the university.

4. Comprehensive documentations include a psycho-educational evaluation, diagnostic interview, and clinical summary.


1. Proctoring exams: This is usually arranged by faculty and done at the One Stop Student Services Center. The exam/quiz is proctored at the OSC in the presence of one of the Disability Service Coordinators.

2. Extended time during exams and/or quizzes: This is usually arranged by faculty and done at the One Stop Student Services Center. An alternative is to have the student take the exam/quiz in the faculty member’s office.

3. Orally administered exams: The student has the option of hearing the questions spoken and to orally provide his responses or to record their answers via a tape recorder. If the student would like to use a tape recorder, this specific accommodation needs to be confirmed, and the student must provide the tape recorder to use during the test.

4. Note-taking services: If this is requested by the student, a note taker will be hired to assist student in class.

5. Use of a tape recorder during class:The student should confirm this specific accommodation, and provide a tape recorder for class use.

Handicaps Facilities

Wide elevators are distributed around the campus buildings and near all entrances and exits. All elevators are wide enough for all standard types of wheelchairs, walker rollators and folding walkers. Elevators access buttons are all within reach from sitting/standing positions.

The campus buildings have escalators located near entrances that reach collages and departments with ease. All escalators have sensors allowing them to stop when no one is near for energy saving. Elevators are accessible near all campus stairways.

The campus buildings have spacious and air-conditioned waiting rooms near all exists and within the campus as well.


Every toilet has a disability compartment equipped with all accessories and an emergency calling phone.

Emergency phones are accessible all-around campus. All phones are within sitting positions.

Campus hallways, corridors and classrooms are spacious and are suitable for all types of wheelchairs and other needed aids.

Parking areas for special needs are located nearest to the campus entrances. All disables parking areas are wide and have extra area for convenience and ramps for all types of wheeled aids.

The campus main entrances have loading areas with ramps for those driving the disabled person. Security personnel are always ready for aiding services.


Kuwait City, 6 May 2021: The Computer Science Department at GUST hosted the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research’s (KISR) webinar titled “Technical Support for People with Disabilities”. Guest Speaker, Software Development Department Manager, Eng. Noura Alghurair, spoke about KISR’s achievements in projects that benefited people with disabilities but also of KISR’s long term goals with such projects.

The virtual webinar series, presented by the Computer Science Department at GUST, is a set of talks and seminars targeted at students and faculty members, in which representatives from local institutions and companies are invited to give a seminar talk about their research groups and business projects in the area of information, science, and technology. Recently the Computer Science Department held a webinar with Mr. Bashar Alostad of Zyda, an E-commerce platform. These webinars are the pillars of GUSTs culture of education beyond the classroom.

Alghurair's talk shed light on KISR's main achievements that are tailored to people with disabilities and the projects' teams that worked hard to develop several solutions to overcome the challenges that hinder the disabled. Among the projects included the 122 emergency mobile application for the disabled in collaboration with Ministry of Interior and the Arabic augmented and alternative communication application for iPads. KISR also developed and provided a braille printing facility for Kuwait Association for the Blind (KAB) and computer facilities for Kuwait special school as well as improving rehabilitation skills and working environment for the disabled in Kuwait. They also produce and provide braille daily newspapers for the KAB and are providing braille printing software for free to GCC countries, Libya, Lebanon and Morocco.

Eng. Noura Alghurair, Systems and Software Development Department Manager at KISR has 27 years of experience in the field. She is a Project Leader to many projects for the disabled in Kuwait, some of which received national and international awards. She is an active researcher in collaboration with government sectors and academic institutions.

Instructor of Computer Science, Dr. Noura Al-Jeri, said “This seminar was an excellent opportunity to expose the students and faculty members to the current scientific research trends in various fields of science and technology. In particular, the support that can be given by Computer Science graduates to Kuwait's handicaps community. This will also help our students to broad their knowledge on the recent projects and research achievements within KISR's teams and what potential career market is available for them after graduation. Hopefully this will open more opportunities for research collaborations between our faculty and the institution.”

KISR is one of the leading institutions in Kuwait that attracts researchers and scientists from various fields to a collaborative environment in order to produce timely and efficient solutions to current and future problems. KISR has been providing technical support for people with disabilities since 1985, which include several pioneering projects targeting different kind of disabilities such as: blindness, deafness, autism, motor ability, and learning disabilities.

GUST & AFAQ hold 3rd lecture in ‘Gad’ha W’Gdoud’ Series

Under the patronage of the Public Authority of the Disabled, the Gulf University for Science and Technology and AFAQ Educational Company launched the third lecture in its ‘Gadha W’Gdoud’ series in collaboration with the Kuwaiti Association for Learning Differences. The lecture was led by Dr. Hoda Shaaban, Educational Consultant specializing in educational and pedagogicalmatters, and covered educational merging as a solution to those who require a special needs education, how to harness the positives of its outputs, and how to face its challenges.

Dr. Hoda Shaaban explained that the first step of any decision begins with a diagnosis brought by a specialist, followed by registering students at local merging programs suitable for their needs, and that provides a comprehensive educational style to build students’ skills, enhances their capabilities, and turns fosters their strengths and creativity.

Educational Director, Amani Al-Amad, said: “Inclusion is an "inclusive" method not only for the integration of students and their teachers, but a comprehensive educational, administrative and societal integration approach to ensure a smooth transition from the beginning of their educational journey until they graduate.”

This was the third lecture in the “Gad’ha W’Gdoud” series, the first was with Dr. Suad Al-Thuwaikh, CEO of That Center for Social and Education Consultations, and focused on solving the different obstacles that come with ADHD. And the second,led by renowned Psychologist and Educational Counselor, Dr. Mustafa Abo Saad, who discussed how to strengthen relationships between parents and their special needs children.

Since its establishment in 2002, GUST has supported all its students with special needs by providing customized and free educational services and tools through the One Stop Student Services Center. All of which contribute to smooth educational experience for them, and ensuring that they receive the same well-rounded, quality education as their peers.


GUST & AFAQ Launch Talk Show Series Focusing on Special Needs Students

Under the patronage of Dr. Shafiqa Al-Awadhi, Director General of the Public Authority of the Disabled, GUST organized in collaboration with AFAQ Educational Co. a lecture in the newly launched series “Gad’ha W’Gdoud” (More than Capable) on its Mishref campus this week. The lecture, led by renowned Psychologist and Educational Counselor, Dr. Mustafa Abo Saad, who discussed how to strengthen relationships between parents and their special needs children. The series, targeted especially for parents and educators, is due to host more lectures under the same umbrella in the next year.

The series aims to spread the ideal of community service, to align with Kuwait’s Vision for 2035, strengthen the bonds between different groups of society, establish common value, ​​and develop skills that help to encourage & support people with special needs.

The lecture touched on a variety of topics including how to understand the psychological and educational needs of our children with differences, how we interpret these needs as only a reflection of the caregivers’ characteristics and competencies, the different obstacles both the children and caregivers face, and how we can use them to develop capabilities, how to motivate them to learn & enrich their skills, as well as how to prepare those responsible to deal with them and accept them as productive and effective members of society.

AFAQ Educational Director, Amani Al-Amad, said “The development of any society begins with our understanding of the individuals’ needs within it. We have to invest our time and energy and care into everyone that is a part of our society. At the end, we all have roles to play in its growth.”

The lecture was attended by AFAQ’s executive leadership, including Mr. Anas Al-Asousi, Dean of Student Affairs at GUST, Dr. Raghad Al-Kazemi, leaders and educators from the Public Authority of the Disabled, representatives from the Department of Special Education of the Ministry of Education, local educators, parents, and students.

This was the second lecture in the “Gad’ha W’Gdoud” series, the first was held last month, led by Dr. Suad Al-Thuwaikh, CEO of That Center for Social and Education Consultations, and focused on solving the different obstacles that come with ADHD. The lecture was geared towards parents and educators with children dealing from learning mental or learning disabilities.

Since its establishment in 2002, GUST has supported all its students with special needs by providing customized and free educational services and tools through the One Stop Student Services Center. All of which contribute to smooth educational experience for them, and ensuring that they receive the same well-rounded, quality education as their peers.
