GUST Signs MOU with CFA Society Kuwait

Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Society Kuwait with the aim to strengthen ties between both organizations in terms of academic and professional exchange. The agreement includes opportunity for specialists from both sides to access platforms and research materials and exchange educational and teaching materials, in addition to organizing joint events such as lectures and workshops aimed at developing the expertise of those interested in financial knowledge, especially for GUST’s Finance major students.

The memorandum of understanding was signed between the two sides, in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Nawaf Arhamah Arhamah, the President of CFA Society Kuwait, Mr. Mohamed Al-Sarraf. The MOU agreement included the exchange of scientific and technical material, such as teaching material, training material, and relevant literature to the field of finance. Another aspect was the formation of several workshops, conferences, and lectures which would help mentor and breed potential CFA Level 1 candidates at GUST.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Nawaf Arhamah Arhamah, said “I am pleased to have finalized this agreement between the University and the CFA society in Kuwait, which comes as part of the University’s aim to enhance the professional and academic experience of our students, specifically in the field of finance.”

President of the Chartered Financial Analyst Society Kuwait, Mr. Muhammad Al-Sarraf, said “the association has participated and worked with GUST on several occasions over the past ten years, and that the signing of the memorandum of understanding represents a milestone in the relationship between these two prestigious institutions. CFA has great plans that it hopes to achieve with GUST especially in preparing students for the CFA certification exam.”

Following the signing of the memorandum of understanding, GUST honored its second-place winning team in the CFA Institute Research Challenge competition with local universities. They were presented with certificates of achievement by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Nawaf Arhamah Arhamah, and the head of the Economics and Finance Department, Dr. Khaled ElMawazini. The names of the students who were honored included: Hassan Hani, Abdulaziz Al-Khashti, Fay Al-Olayan, Kawthar Odeh, Omar Hosam, Sarah Qabazard, Shawq Al-Zaben, Suleiman Al-Roumi, and Thanian Al-Mulla. They were all lead and mentored by Economics and Finance Department instructor, Dr. Mohammed Ali.


Ambassador of Pakistan Visits GUST

Kuwait City, 06 June 2021: H.E Syed Sajjad Haider, Ambassador of Pakistan to Kuwait, and Ms. Tehreem Ilyas, Third Secretary at the Embassy, were welcomed by Director of Graduate Studies and Research (GSR), Professor Issam El Moughrabi to discuss collaboration opportunities between GSR and Pakistan.

They then met with Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor Bassam Alameddine, Professor Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Dr. Ali Ansari, and Assistant Professor of Accounting, Dr. Maqsood Qureshi, Assistant Professor of Accounting. The meeting discussed the possibility for students from Pakistan to study at GUST and benefit from its graduate and undergraduate accredited programs.

Professor Issam El-Moughrabi said, "The visit was of great importance to us and showed us what high regard GUST is held in to be approached to collaborate with Pakistani universities. H.E stressed the importance of establishing research ties between faculty members from both countries' universities".

This visit has a significant importance to GUST and to GSR in specifically as it elaborates the important academic and intellectual role the University has in Kuwait and the region over the last two decades. Opportunities for research collaboration and student exchange were discussed with an emphasis on follow up meetings to further explore the details and logistics of such a collaboration.

GUST and KFH Renew Memorandum of Understanding

GUST and Kuwait Finance House (KFH) has renewed the memorandum of understanding, aiming to continue cooperation and execution of joint programs including training courses, provision of academic and research expertise, internships, attraction of creative and distinguished youth within their employment programs, as well as the organizing of social and educational activities and events.

The signing ceremony took place at KFH head office in presence of KFH Acting Group CEO, AbdulWahab Essa Al-Rushood, Group Chief HR Officer Zeyad Abdullah Al-Omar, Group Deputy General Manager – Public Relations & Media, Yousef Abdullah Al-Ruwaieh, and GUST Board of Trustees Chairman, Nawaf A. Arhama, and several university officials.

GUST Chairman, Nawaf Arhama Arhama, expressed his appreciation for KFH initiatives and continuous support to GUST’s students saying, “ This strategic partnership comprises several aspects including employment of distinguished youth at KFH, developing graduates’ abilities in the field work, cooperation in the field of internships, exchange of research and knowledge, and supporting student conferences and clubs among other aspects of cooperation. Our main priority at GUST has always been to prepare students for the business market, fully equipping them with the necessary tools that would enable them to face its challenges and to ensure success in their careers.”

Alongside the signing ceremony, KFH Group Chief Human Resources Officer, Zeyad Abdullah AlOmar affirmed KFH keenness to enhance its partnership with GUST as part of its care for students and the educational process. He expressed his pleasure for the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with GUST thus highlighting the deep-rooted relationship with the university as the first memorandum of understanding was signed in 2014.

Also, he valued and appreciated GUST role in qualifying and empowering national cadets to work in the private sector environment and reiterated the need to continue this partnership to enhance and develop communication channels between GUST and KFH through various initiatives that would stand as an added value for both parties.


GUST Receives Contribution from the Project Management Institute

Gulf University for Science & Technologywelcomed Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Gulf Chapter Head, Mr. Hashem Al-Refai for a meeting with GUST President, Professor Walid Bouhamra, and GUST Board of Trustees Chairman, Mr. Mohammad Al-Bahar. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss several initiatives and receive support from PMI in the form of student funds and activities.

Project Management Institute (PMI) is a global, non-profit organization with its Gulf headquarters in the Kingdom of Bahrain. PMI focuses on project management and developing project management skills globally, by providing services for project management, such as setting standards, research, education and publishing, and hosting conferences and training seminars.

PMI has contributed a total of 48,000 Bahraini Dinars (KD38,000) to help students who may need extra assistance financially, or to cater to university initiatives that would be beneficial towards the development of academic research and the community.

GUST President and BOT Chairman thanked Engineer Al-Refai and PMI for their generosity and their continuous efforts in supporting GUST and its initiatives, as well as the educational sector as a whole. The university is always in search of meaningful and productive collaborations with local and international institutions to benefit its students, faculty research, and the development of Kuwait and its community.


GUST signs agreement with accredited business school ESC Rennes

GUST signed a new collaboration agreement with the ESC Rennes School of Business, an Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accredited business school, in France. Dr. Olivier Aptel, the Dean and General Director of the ESC Rennes School of Business (2006 - Present), attended the signing alongside Prof. Donald Bates, GUST President, Prof. Ghassan Aouad, GUST VP for Academic Affairs and Dr. Sabah Quaddoomi , GUST VP for Academic Services, Dr. Lee Caldwell, GUST Dean of the College of Business and Mr. Ludovic Zmitrowicz, the Attaché for Academic and Scientific Cooperation at the French Embassy in Kuwait. Among the attendees from GUST were Rounwah A. Bseiso, International Program Coordinator and Amani R. Gaber Office Manager.

The general purpose of the agreement is to establish and facilitate educational and academic exchanges between the two universities to support their students and teachers in gathering and exchanging academic and professional experience in their mutual countries. The two Institutions agreed to promote mutually beneficial activities in the areas of education, research and other academic issues, and to cooperate and work together towards the internationalisation of higher education.

Dr. Olivier Aptel stated: "We will do our best for the students of Kuwait and France with the new agreement we have with GUST." He highlighted the importance of international education by making sure those students from France and Kuwait feel comfortable in different environments. Furthermore, he discussed the new experience and cultural impact that will be gained by both students from the different countries by saying: “Student Exchange Programs are important because they do not only introduce new educational experiences but new languages and cultural interactions between two different worlds as well."

Prof. Donald Bates discussed the new opportunities that will come with collaboration through expanding faculty and student exchange. He mentioned: "We look forward for the new French students and faculty exchange that will be happening in the near future."

Prof. Ghassan Aouad encouraged the different collaborations with outside educational institutions and how beneficial it is for the GUST community, noting: "GUST always welcomes new international collaboration for the benefit of our students and faculty. Opening the doors to exchange programs will be influential not only for the students, only but also for our faculty to see a broadened teaching experience from a different perspective."

Rounwah Bseiso welcomed the first collaboration with a European university and how GUST students will value an educational experience in a country like France, saying: “I am pleased that GUST has officially collaborated with its first European university for student exchange. I am certain our students will benefit greatly during their study abroad at ESC Rennes in France, and we look forward at GUST to welcome their students on our campus.”


GUST’s Gulf Financial Center Strikes Strategic Agreement with London’s Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI)

Kuwait City, February 1st 2017: Gulf University for Science and Technology’s (GUST) Gulf Financial Center (GFC) has signed an agreement with the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) to become the first academic testing center and training provider for CISI certifications in the region. This agreement will see the university embed CISI certifications into GUST’s finance degrees.

Representatives for CISI, Simon Culhane Chartered FCSI, Chief Executive, and Matthew Cowan Chartered MCSI, Regional Director, visited GUST last week to discuss how the partnership will be implemented in practical terms. The agreement will incorporate CISI certifications in GUST’s curricula, which will allow students to experience applied training. This comes as part of the university’s approach in preparing its students for the job market and financial industry upon graduation. Following the discussion, they visited the GFC, which is one of the most advanced virtual trading rooms in the Middle East that allows students to learn through virtual stock trading and first hand exploration of different financial stock market systems.

CISI CEO, Simon Culhane said, “I applaud GUST’s objective to ensure their graduates are fully work-ready when they leave the University. By embedding the CISI’s International Introduction to Securities & Investment in the degree programme, GUST graduates will not only achieve an academic qualification but have completed the first stage of the mandatory exams to enter the capital markets sector.”

Vice President for Academic Affairs at GUST, Dr. Salah Al-Sharhan added, “Our target is to provide our students and community with something different - an exceptional quality of education that will establish our graduates in the market, thereby allowing to have a greater impact.”

Based in the City of London, the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment was formed in 1992 by London Stock Exchange practitioners. CISI is the leading professional body for securities, investments, wealth and financial planning professionals, with a global community of over 40,000 members in 116 countries.

GFC Director, Dr. Sulaiman Al Abduljader said, “We are delighted to work with CISI in transforming the financial industry in Kuwait. The addition of these CISI high caliber certifications will prove valuable to our future graduates and the local financial community. This will allow our students in GUST and all professionals in the financial community to utilize the GFC platform for live hands-on applied training in financial markets and money management.”

GUST currently holds major exclusive training contracts with esteemed organizations in both the public and private sector. It also operates a subsidiary which is an accredited testing center for CFA, CMA, CPA and GMAT prep courses. These developments bring GUST closer to fulfilling its vision in becoming a versatile knowledge hub that equips its students with theoretical and practical training, vital for success in the real world.
