International Programs

The Office of International Programs (OIP) strives to promote and develop a wide range of educational opportunities for both students and faculty. The OIP works closely with top-ranked academic institutions and organizations around the world to establish formal partnerships and create opportunities for strategic cooperation. These arrangements assist GUST’s community as it continues to integrate into growing networks of global knowledge and continuous learning.

The OIP’s mission is to promote and develop a wide range of international and educational opportunities by establishing strategic partnerships with top-ranked academic institutions and organizations; enabling GUST students and faculty to integrate into the emerging global knowledge and learning network.

GUST students can choose from numerous study abroad programs to gain international and intercultural experiences, and enrich their understanding of different cultures and nations.

Moreover, GUST strategic partnerships support collaborative faculty research projects that foster engagement between GUST faculty and their peers at innovative, international academic institutions.

GUST is proud to maintain bilateral agreements with prestigious universities around the world.

GUST as a premier university is committed to enhancing engagement with international educational institutions in the areas of education and research. GUST facilitates an array of international programs, including study abroad opportunities, faculty fellowships, and partnerships with universities around the world.

Ambassador of Pakistan Visits GUST

Kuwait City, 06 June 2021: H.E Syed Sajjad Haider, Ambassador of Pakistan to Kuwait, and Ms. Tehreem Ilyas, Third Secretary at the Embassy, were welcomed by Director of Graduate Studies and Research (GSR), Professor Issam El Moughrabi to discuss collaboration opportunities between GSR and Pakistan.

They then met with Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor Bassam Alameddine, Professor Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Dr. Ali Ansari, and Assistant Professor of Accounting, Dr. Maqsood Qureshi, Assistant Professor of Accounting. The meeting discussed the possibility for students from Pakistan to study at GUST and benefit from its graduate and undergraduate accredited programs.

Professor Issam El-Moughrabi said, "The visit was of great importance to us and showed us what high regard GUST is held in to be approached to collaborate with Pakistani universities. H.E stressed the importance of establishing research ties between faculty members from both countries' universities".

This visit has a significant importance to GUST and to GSR in specifically as it elaborates the important academic and intellectual role the University has in Kuwait and the region over the last two decades. Opportunities for research collaboration and student exchange were discussed with an emphasis on follow up meetings to further explore the details and logistics of such a collaboration.

GUST Signs Cooperation Agreement with AUE

Gulf University for Science and Technology has signed a cooperation agreement with the American University in the Emirates (AUE), one of the top private universities in Dubai. The agreement included student and faculty exchange programs that offer student exchange opportunities and allow GUST professors to explore new international research collaborations, as well as other joint activities such as seminars and workshops.

GUST’s Acting President and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor Bassam Alameddine, was invited by the AUE management for visiting their campus and signing the agreement between the two institutions.

Professor Bassam Alameddine, said, “I would like to thank AUE management for having me at the American University in the Emirates to officially boot off our prospective collaboration by signing the Memorandum of Partnership between our institutes. I would like to congratulate the management for being able to position AUE at such a competitive edge in spite of the myriad of institutions of higher education in the United Arab Emirates. This proves the higher professionalism and dedication of the astounding team of academic leaders who all thrive for excellence”.

The American University in the Emirates is ranked under the top 100 in Arab Region Rankings 2023. The University has seven colleges which include Media and Mass Communication, Business Administration, Law, Design, Computer Information Technology, Security and Global Studies, and Education.

GUST Renews Articulation Agreement with K-Tech

Kuwait City, 10 January 2022: Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) renewed its Articulation Agreement with Kuwait Technical College (K-Tech) which aims to facilitate the equivalency process from K-Tech to GUST while enhancing the credit transfer process in order to allow students to continue their bachelor degree studies. The agreement also allows for further knowledge exchange between the two institutions and is valid for five years, running up until 2026.

GUST and Northwestern Collaborate in New Scientific Breakthrough

In a scientific collaboration between Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) and Northwestern University, one of the top private research institutions in the US, research teams from both universities have reached a new scientific breakthrough in the fields of surface science and nanotechnology. This unprecedented breakthrough holds promise for numerous applications, including energy storage.

This partnership, which came through GUST’s Functional Materials Group Research Center, led by Vice President of Academic Affairs Prof. Bassam Alameddine, and Northwestern University’s International Institute for Nanotechnology, directed by Prof. Omar Farha, resulted in the discovery of new materials for environmental remediation and separation of gases. Their research paper on the synthesis of new porous materials with serendipitous properties was published by the American Chemical Society and found international attention and recognition.

GUST’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Bassam Alameddine, who has made the building blocks in his research laboratory at GUST, said, “Not only are these new materials promising but they are also made from cost-effective reagents and abundant elements, such as, copper, zinc, iron, and carbon. The idea stemmed in February 2020 – right before the COVID-19 pandemic – during Prof. Omar’s visit to Kuwait, and despite the severe disruptions, curfew, and travel bans resulting from the pandemic, we were able to achieve these results.”

Prof. Omar Farha, a recipient of the 2019 Kuwait Prize and one of the most renowned researchers in his field with over 550 research articles, emphasized on the exceptional properties the new materials reveal and their potential applications adding, “These crystalline structures that we made demonstrated outstanding efficiency in separating xenon gas, which is an essential element employed in nuclear reactors. Additionally, we found out that the porous materials have a high capacity to absorb sulfur dioxide, which is a toxic gas produced from the combustion of sour petroleum oil, which we will be disclosing in several publications soon”. Prof. Farha also expressed his desire to establish a strategic partnership with research institutes from Kuwait to become a regional hub in this technological field and a key player in the global efforts carried out to reduce the emission of toxic and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

GUST’s Prof. Alameddine also expressed his ambitions in taking this research collaboration as a foundation for the establishment of a national initiative that would allow for further technological developments and increased knowledge transfer in the field of nanotechnology locally. This would be achieved through the creation of a research center in the state of Kuwait which would include several institutes and stakeholders that would place the country at the forefront of the international efforts in tackling modern environmental and sustainable energy challenges. This comes in line with Kuwait Vision 2035 'New Kuwait’, specifically in terms of promoting the concept of knowledge economy, which aims at creating a diversified and sustainable economy through scientific research that provides successful solutions to various problems and challenges.

GUST Signs an Agreement with PAAET to Organize Cybersecurity Forum

The Center of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics (CAMB) at Gulf University for Science and Technology has signed a cooperation agreement with the College of Technological studies at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET). The agreement aimed to organize a joint forum under the title, “Cybersecurity: Challenges and solutions”, during 15th and 16th February 2023.

The event will be patronized by the Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Hamad Al Adwani, and will be held at the main building of the PAAET campus in Shuwaikh.

The signing ceremony of the agreement was attended by GUST’s Acting President and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor Bassam Alameddine, GUST’s Chair of CAMB, Dr. Israa Omran, Director General of PAAET, Dr. Hassan Al-Fajaam, and several officials from both institutions.

Professor Bassam Alameddine, said, “we are happy to sign this agreement with the PAAET to organize this important event which will shed the light on one of the most important issue in the world of technology”. Alameddine adding that this forum is a good opportunity to share and exchange knowledge between scholars and professionals in Cybersecurity field.

The forum will discuss how to strengthen the awareness of information security among people, and encourage those interested in this field to discover the latest technologies and skills used in Cybersecurity. It will also focus on exploring new Cyber-attacks that threaten organization’s systems, and will also show how to take advantage of resources and programs to provide protection in different workplace environments.

The forum will include a technology exhibition for sponsors and public and private sector participants to show the new trends that they use to protect their systems. As well as, the event will be coupled with a student competition aiming to demonstrate their projects and ideas that provide solutions to the Cybersecurity issues.

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Delegation headed by Sun Yat-sen University visits GUST to strengthen ties

Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) hosted a delegation of academics from Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) in China in Kuwait to discuss potential venues of collaboration. The visit, spanning three days, covered a variety of topics including the expansion of the current agreement, the potential for language and cultural training, collaborative research projects, and student and faculty exchange programs.

Further topics were also discussed during their visit with different GUST departments, such as the upcoming Sino-Kuwait Forum, the development of a Winter mini-course, the expansion of a digital network with the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce. It included several external meetings to Kuwait University, the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, and the Kuwait Studies and Research Center, and culminated in the signing of a new GUST-SYSU Agreement.

The delegation included Professor Chen Chunsheng, Secretary of SYSU Party Committee, Professor Changchenguan, Director of School of International Studies, Professor Ma Yanzhe Said, Director of Department of Arabic, Professor Zeng Ji, Director of Department of International Affairs, Professor Zhang Zhe, Deputy Director of the Office of International Exchange Cooperation, and Professor Wang Bin, Professor at the School of International Studies. They were welcomed by their GUST counterparts, President Professor Walid Bouhamra, Vice BOT Chairman, Dr. Jasem Abdulsalam, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Fahed Al-Sumait, Vice President for Professional Development and Community Services, Dr. Ahmad Al-Darbas, Dean of the College of Business Administration, Professor Antonis Simintiras, International Programs Coordinator, Nabae Asfar, as well as Cooperation Committee Members, Dr. Tareq Al-Rabei, Dr. Saleh Al-Nafisi, and Dr. Ayman Bakr.

GUST President, Professor Walid Bouhamra said, “The time spent with our colleagues from Sun Yat-sen University was extremely fruitful. It was an excellent opportunity to review and build on the agreement that we currently have in place. I have great faith in the strength and expertise that SYSU can provide GUST as we pivot from a purely teaching institution to one that places more emphasis on research. What’s more, it is strategically important to have a robust and reliable partner in China, as Kuwait continues to reinforce its relations with China in a number of fields.”

Sun Yat-sen University was founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and boasts an educational tradition going back over 100 years. Today it is a renowned research, academic, and cultural hub and has developed into a modern university that enjoys a reputation as a highly ranked university in China with a strong standing internationally. It currently has five campuses across the cities of Guangzhou, Zhuhai, and Shenzhen, along with ten affiliated hospitals.

Sun Yat-sen University Secretary, Professor Chen Chunsheng, said “Our partnership with GUST is one where we see a lot of potential. I am extremely impressed with what GUST has been able to accomplish in just 17 years, and that is evidence of a strong team which is serious about making an impactful mark not only on higher education, but on the development and progress of the nation as a whole.”

GUST’s partnership with SYSU dates back to 2010, and is one of approximately 30 currently active partnerships with international institutions. Other collaborations include George Washington University, Swansea University, University of California San Diego – Extension, University of Fribourg, and University of Missouri – St. Louis, which GUST is affiliated with.


GUST Welcomes UMSL Chancellor and team for Visit

GUST eagerly welcomed University of Missouri – St. Louis Interim Chancellor, Dr. Kristin Sobolik, and her team, Dr. George Sipos, Executive Director of the UMSL Office of International Studies and Programs, and Liane Constantine, Assistant Director of the UMSL International Partnerships and Global Engagement. The team had a productive three day visit on campus to touch base on all the latest developments and be able to provide the support GUST in the development of its programs and curricula.

The first day of the visit, the UMSL team first met with the university’s Board of Trustees, including GUST BOT Chairman, Mohammad Al-Bahar, BOT Vice Chairman, Dr. Jasem Abdulsalam, GUST President, Professor Walid Bouhamra, and BOT member, Professor Nader Al-Jalal. Then a separate meeting was held with the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Fahed Al-Sumait, Vice President for Professional Development and Community Services, Dr. Ahmed Al-Darbas, Graduate Studies and Research Office Director, Dr. Bassam Alameddine, and Senior Director of Administrative Affairs, Nawaf Al-Khalaf. A lecture was also held, led by Dr. Sobolik to university faculty to address key issues in the cooperation.

The second day was a special one, where the team had the chance to attend the 14thGUST Commencement ceremony, graduating 716 students. It was a grand ceremony, where Dr. Sobolik also addressed the congregation.

The final day, Dr. Sobolik and the team met with university staff from different departments to get their input on various issues. Ms. Constantine got the chance to reconnect with GUST students who attended UMSL for the Summer Scholarship Program. They held a small seminar where students were invited to learn more about UMSL and the program and get insights from those with first-hand experience. The UMSL team was also awarded plaques as a token of appreciation for their visit. We look forward to receiving you on campus again soon!


GUST and KPC Announce Recipients for Sustainable Development Scholarship

Gulf University for Science and Technology announced last week that GUST alumni have been awarded the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) Sustainable Development Scholarship to the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom. The scholarship is the first of its kind for both institutions and is set to take place from November 23 to December 7. The scholarship covers all tuition fees as well as travel and subsistence costs and educational materials during the two-week training course.

The alumni were selected based on criteria set by the university and KPC. Notably, applicants had to have a GPA of 3.3 or above, graduated within the last two years, be Kuwaiti citizens, and be unemploymed throughout the duration of the program. The selected alumni are: Lojain AlOmani, Sara AlMusallam, Samaa AlSaif, Ghadna AlKhamees, Munirah AlMailam, Shaikha AlMatouq, Budoor AlKhaledi, Bodoor AlZanki, and Yousef AlMunayes.

GUST President, Professor Walid Bouhamra, and KPC PR Manager, Jamal Al-Sanoosi met with the recipients to congratulate them and express their excitement for the program. Also present at the meeting were Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Fahed Al-Sumait, Vice President for Professional Development and Community Services, Dr. Ahmed Al-Darbas, Dean of the College of Business Administration, Prof. Antonis Simintiras, Head of the Business Administration Department, Dr. Ahmed El-Melegy, Initiative Members, Dr. Osama Al-Falah and Dr. Garvan Whelan, as well as International Program Coordinator, Nabae Asfar.

The students will be attending daily courses on Sustainable Development which crystallizes key concepts and provides the alumni with the opportunity to apply them to their geographical context of Kuwait and across various sectors, in particular, energy. All classes will be held at the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex.

The sessions have been assembled into an intensive course with a distinct and cumulative set of learning outcomes, and will be delivered through purpose-designed teaching and learning activities. The first week will include an introduction of the historical and contemporary debates on sustainable development as a whole, help the students understand the origin of sustainable development and its current manifestations in business, policy and politics; as well as apply a selection of economic and non-economic frameworks to understand and analyze sustainable development issues, in particular around the energy policy. The second week will focus on transformations to sustainable development where students will get to understand the systemic changes required to deliver the 17 sustainable development goals as set by the United Nations, the role of power and politics in their realization, and to develop an appreciation of the economic, social, and historical roots of social and environmental injustice.

By the end of the course students will be able to demonstrate a working knowledge and understanding of sustainable development concepts and frameworks, and have the ability to apply them at different levels and in different contexts.

Although this is the first scholarship for alumni, it is a valuable addition to GUST’s multiple study abroad programs available to its students. Other similar opportunities include the Summer Scholarship Program to the University of Missouri – St. Louis and George Washington University in the USA, and the MBA study abroad course which most recently took place at the Freie University in Berlin, Germany.


MBA Students Complete Study Abroad Program with Freie Universität Berlin

A group of 22 students enrolled in Gulf University for Science and Technology’s (GUST) Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program took part in an intensive study abroad course in Berlin over the Summer. The module was delivered by Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) as part of their Executive Master of Marketing Program.

The curriculum studied by the GUST MBA students in Berlin was developed and overseen by key people at both institutions, namely, Dr. Bassam Alameddine, Director of Graduate Studies and Research Office (GSRO) at GUST, and Professor Michael Kleinaltenkamp, Director of Executive Master of Business Marketing at FUB.

The course involved instructor-led lectures covering different topics, and combined classroom experience and company visits to big companies in Berlin such as OSRAM (a former subsidiary of Siemens), SICK one of the world’s leading producers of sensors, and The Einstein Center Digital Future, which is the new center for digitization research in Berlin. This intensive program was then rounded up with a visit to the Bundestag, the seat of the German federal parliament.

Dr. Bassam Alameddine, GSRO Director, said, “In our line of work we are very aware that we are cultivating the minds of future leaders, and leaders need to have a global outlook. This is why it is critical that the learning experience is expanded beyond the borders of the GUST campus and that they get a chance to have meaningful interactions with academics and business leaders from around the globe.”

This study abroad experience comes as a result of GUST’s vast network of bilateral agreements. It currently has 30 active agreements with international universities and learning institutions around the world, such as George Washington University, Swansea University, Sun Yat-Sen University (China), and University of Missouri – St. Louis. These cooperations enrich the experiences of GUST students and exposes them to different ways of thinking, teaching, and results in an overall more rounded experience for them.


GUST Student Assists on Research Project at Oxford University in the UK

GUST Computer Science student, Fatme Adel Ghaddar, has been selected as the first student the university funds for a research exchange initiative with Oxford University in the United Kingdom. Ghaddar along with GUST professor in the Math and Natural Sciences Department, Dr. Kamaludin Dingle, spent 10 days in the UK to discuss research potential with esteemed researcher Professor Ard Louis.

The purpose of the trip was to discuss research ideas and potential projects with Professor Ard Louis, and Dr Kamaludin Dingle, in one of the top universities in the world. The main topic of the research is bioinformatics analysis of RNA chemical structures, and how they adapt. As part of the trip, Ghaddar was able to help perform computational analysis of RNA sequences and structures.

GUST has shifted focus and part of its new strategy is to focus heavily on supporting and boosting research and research collaborations among faculty and students alike. The unique venture is one of the steps taken to support this cause, a great personal academic experience for Ghaddar, as well as an prime opportunity to encourage student-run research and academic excellence.


GUST and Algonquin College Reaffirm Partnership

Gulf University of Science and Technology (GUST) and Kuwait’s Canadian College – Algonquin College – Kuwait (AC-Kuwait) – have renewed their agreement and created clear pathways for AC-Kuwait graduates to enter and complete degree at GUST.

GUST originally signed a general articulation agreement with AC-Kuwait in 2016, and the addendum signed in July this provides clear pathways for students in Accounting, Business and Computer Science to begin their studies at AC-Kuwait, complete a diploma, and then transfer credits towards a degree program at GUST.

Dr. Dave McHardy, AC-Kuwait President, said, “We are extremely grateful to President Bouhamra and his colleagues at GUST for the time and effort they put into reviewing our programs and providing our students with pathways towards degrees.

As educators, we are here to provide students with opportunities to learn, become contributing citizens, and achieve the credentials they need to pursue fulfilling careers. In order to do this, we need to provide students with flexible options and multiple pathways to success. And this agreement with GUST allows us to do this.”

Professor Walid Bouhamra, GUST President, said, “For some students this will represent a change for students to improve their chances in their future professional lives. By beginning their academic pathway at AC-K and completing a diploma, they would have have proven their ability to study at a higher education level and have gained valuable knowledge and skills that they can now bring to their studies at GUST. Everyone wins in this scenario - the students, Algonquin, GUST and the country as a whole because this helps us have a better-educated population and workforce.”

This agreement is an excellent example of how institutions can be both competitive and collaborative. It demonstrates the potential for the private colleges and universities in Kuwait to work as a system for the betterment of students, the local economy and workforce. By combining competitiveness with collaboration, standards remain high, flexibility increases, and the focus remains squarely on the students in Kuwait.

For more information about the degree completion pathway, contact the Registrar’s Office at either institution.


German Ambassador Meets with GUST Management

GUST President, Professor Walid Bouhamra, met with H.E. Karlfried Bergner, Ambassador of Germany to Kuwait, alongside Acting Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Ali Ansari, Director of the Graduate Studies & Research Office, Dr. Bassam Alameddine, and faculty: Dr. Fahed Al-Sumait, Dr. Thorsten Botz, Dr. Martin Rosenstock, and Dr. Nele Lenze.

The meeting revolved around the discussion of potential collaborations with universities in Germany for various programs including student exchange programs, graduate programs, and faculty research collaborations.

GUST is always keen on building relationships with internationally renowned universities for the development of our students’ educational experience.


GUST Signs Cooperation Agreement with Audencia Nantes Management School in France

As a part of the visit of H.E. the Prime Minister of Kuwait, Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah to France to strengthen Franco-Kuwaiti projects, Dr. Salah Al-Sharhan, Vice President for Academic Affairs at GUST, signed a Cooperation Agreement with Audencia Nantes Management School (ANMS)*, represented by its Dean and Director General, Dr. Frank Vidal. Present at the signing were H.E. the Finance Minister of Kuwait, Mr. Anas Al-Saleh, and H.E. the Finance Minister of France, Mr. Michel Sapin, and the Kuwaiti Ambassador to France, H.E. Sami Al-Suleiman, and the French Ambassador to Kuwait, H.E. Christian Nakhlah.

The agreement forges close academic ties between the two institutions to enhance collaborative research, encourage faculty and student exchange, and to cooperate together in organizing courses and conferences between GUST and ANMS in the future.

*ANMS was founded in 1900, and is considered one of the best management schools in Europe with several international accreditations, including the EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. It has also receives positive evaluations from AERES, a renowned French agency responsible for rating research and higher education institutions; all of which underline the university’s commitment to teaching excellence. Audencia’s programs are regularly ranked among the world’s best by The Financial Times and The Economist. In 2014, Audencia was ranked among the 80 best business schools in Europe. In 2015, Audencia was ranked 28th worldwide for its masters in Management-Engineering, sixth worldwide in the careers category, third in Global MBA rankings, and is classed in the 2015 world’s top tier Global executive MBA rankings.

GUST and UCSD sign MOU

Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST), Kuwait’s premier private university today announced an agreement with the University of California San Diego (UCSD) that will offer students a third university to choose from when electing to go on a summer scholarship, offer student exchange opportunities, and allow GUST professors to explore international research collaborations. The new agreement comes into effect immediately, with the first batch of GUST students expected to head to San Diego next summer.

The newly forged partnership comes to fruition after months of negotiation, and the decision to work closely together will prove to be mutually beneficial, as GUST moves closer to its goal of increasing its academic research output and footprint locally and internationally. Currently, UCSD is ranked as the 17th best university in the world by U.S. News and World Report, and the 5th best public university in the United States for research, global and regional reputation, international collaboration, number of highly-cited papers, and doctorate degrees awarded.

GUST’s Vice President of Academic Affairs, Professor Ali Ansari, said, “GUST’s international footprint is impressive for its age and stature. We were founded in 2002, and currently rank 49th in the Arab region according to, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), out of almost 1000 institutions. What’s more, we maintain a number of professional relationships with universities across the globe such as the National University of Singapore, Swansea University, ESC Rennes in France, and Sun Yat Sen University in Guangzhou, China. With this new agreement, our portfolio of collaboration not only grows, but we become better equipped to improve, offer curricula of a higher standard, and make GUST a more well-rounded place to study and work.”

This new agreement expands the choices available to GUST students to experience university life abroad. Each year, the university offers its students a limited number of competitive summer scholarships to enrich their academic experience through international study. GUST’s summer scholarships are open to all students from both the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Business Administration that fulfill the eligibility requirements. The scholarships include tuition, a round trip economy class ticket to the United States, and a support allowance. Since 2006, a total of 105 students were granted a Summer Scholarship to attend the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and George Washington University, and previously Florida International University, and University of Dubai.

Further to this, GUST provides a limited number of faculty fellowships for research and development during the summer. They are available to all GUST faculty on an equal opportunity basis. Since 2006, a total of 63 faculty members were granted fellowships to conduct collaborative research projects with their peer researchers; 45 to the University of Missouri - St. Louis, 11 to Florida International University, two to the University of Massachusetts-Lowell, and one to each of Cambridge University, Oxford University, Derby University, London School of Economics, and the University of Queensland.


Sulaiman Al- Rajhi College Delegates Visit GUST

Kuwait, January 2017: President of Sulaiman Al Rajhi Colleges in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Abdulrahman Sulaiman Al Rajhi, and its Dean of the School of Business and Administration, Dr. Obaid Bin Saad Al Mutairi, visited Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) on Sunday, January 8, 2017. They were hosted by the Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Jasem Mohammed Abdul Salam and the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Salah Al Sharhan. Guests were presented with the methods of teaching at the university, and were showcased the campus facilities, halls, and it technologies.

The delegates also met with the Dean of the College of Business Administration, Professor Antonis Simintiras, Assistant Vice President of Planning and Development, Paul Zalloua, and several heads of departments in the College of Business Administration. The visit aimed to strengthen cooperation and exchange on the academic and cultural levels through an exchange of expertise between faculties. Both universities discussed ways of enhancing future cooperation and partnerships in scientific research, the development of academic programs, as well as in acquiring international academic accreditations.

During the meeting between the universities, GUST presented its higher education programs and the efforts it has made in serving the local community. The University also showcased the advanced technologies it incorporates to its teaching methods so as to be in line with local job market demands and developmental plans.

GUST maintains other university agreements internationally. Among those agreements are one with the National University of Singapore (NUS), one of Asia’s leading universities, to jointly launch the Center for Global Studies (CGS) at GUST, an agreement with Swansea University (SU) to promote student, scholar and academic staff exchange programs, and other joint activities such as seminars and workshops, and collaborative research in areas of mutual interest, and an agreement with Boston University’s (BU) Zaman Lab to launch the International Center for Applied Mathematics and Computational Bioengineering (ICAMCB) which aims to increase research quality and solidify GUST as a world class research producer.


GUST Collaborates with UMASS-LOWELL on Dual-Degree Masters and Engineering Programs


The partnership allows students to pursue up to 16 new degrees starting September 2015.

GUST is Kuwait’s first university to offer USA accredited dual degrees. The partnership will expand the quality of higher education opportunities in Kuwait.

Kuwait – 1st March, 2015: Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST), Kuwait’s premier private university, today announced an agreement with the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass-Lowell) to offer five new dual-degree masters programs and a new undergraduate engineering program. The new courses are expected to commence in September 2015 (pending final approval from the Private Universities Council on the exact starting date). More undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering are to be announced in the near future.

The newly forged partnership comes to fruition after two years of labor between the two parties, and signifies that GUST will be the first university in Kuwait to allow its graduates to simultaneously attain a degree from both UMass-Lowell and GUST without moving abroad. The masters and engineering programs are accredited under the same standards as those offered on the UMass-Lowell campus in the USA. What’s more, both UMass-Lowell and GUST faculty will be involved in teaching the curricula; 16 UMass-Lowell faculty and administrators are expected to move to Kuwait by September.

Starting at the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year, students will have an opportunity to choose from five new masters programs: Accounting, Finance, Innovation & Technological Entrepreneurship, Computer Science, and Education, and an Engineering undergraduate program. The new master’s programs will take up to two years to complete, and will offer a thesis option for students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. With this development, GUST will be the only university in Kuwait whose students graduate with an accredited American degree.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees at GUST, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Muhailan, said, “I would like to emphasize the importance of the GUST-UMass Lowell cooperation. We are proud to work with such a prestigious institution. In doing so, we bring to Kuwait one of the world’s best universities. As a result of our partnership with UMASS-Lowell, our students will graduate with strong credentials. Moreover, we expect to attract more foreign faculty and resources - an essential step in strengthening the quality of education and research in Kuwait.”

Provost of Academic Affairs, Prof. Ahmed Abdelal, said, “It is important to emphasize that the academic programs to be offered here are fully accredited by the key accrediting authorities in the United States. What’s more, academic programs offered by UMass-Lowell are distinctive in three important ways: first, there is significant emphasis on learning from experience. The second distinction for UMass-Lowell programs is our emphasis on inter-disciplinary education. The third

Distinction is our understanding of the importance of international experiences; we have cooperation agreements with 140 universities that are highly ranked around the globe.”

Dr. Kathryn Carter, Vice Provost for Graduate and International Affairs and Strategy said, “I have watched this partnership grow and evolve over the last two years, and I have worked closely with GUST’s upper management to figure out which programs would benefit the students here and make the best use of our faculty at UMass-Lowell. I look forward to working with everyone at GUST in making this partnership a success. I would also like to congratulate GUST on their recent AACSB and ABET accreditations – both of which are major achievements.

GUST President, Dr. Donald Bates, said, “Establishing this new relationship is a major milestone in the evolution and growth of GUST as the premier private university in Kuwait. I would like to welcome UMass-Lowell into our family and I am certain this partnership will be a success. The new agreement showcases GUST’s impressive drive, development, and progress as we secure our position as leaders in higher education in the region”

In anticipation of the new undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered at GUST, a new state-of-the-art engineering college is to be built on GUST’s Mishref Campus. The new building will house classrooms equipped with innovative technologies to aid both students and faculty reach and surpass academic goals. Furthermore, students will have full access to all UMass-Lowell computing and library resources – an invaluable learning tool. Overall, the GUST-Umass-Lowell alliance will enable approximately 1,200 students to pursue 6 undergraduate programs in engineering, 5 masters in engineering, and 5 masters in other fields.

GUST to Start Cooperation with Imperial College London

Dr. Salah Al-Sharhan, Vice President for Academic Affairs at GUST, visited the Imperial College* in London and met with Dr. David Lefevre, Epigeum Chairman and Director of the Imperial Educational Technology Unit. During the meeting, they discussed the development of seven online courses for blended learning with GUST. The courses will be used for faculty development.

Epigeum was founded as a subsidiary to Imperial College London, both are jointly owned by Oxford University. It is a leading provider of 78 exceptional online courses designed to help universities and colleges enhance their core activities whether in teaching, research, studying or leadership and management. Their courses are used by 230 leading universities in 27 countries, and are developed through a global collaboration of experts and partner universities by an in-house team of editorial and online professionals.

This agreement is the first step of cooperation between the two universities as they both work to launch further initiatives in the future.

*Imperial College is a world-class university; a multidisciplinary space for education, research, translation and commercialization, and innovation where global challenges are professionally tackled. The university’s work benefits all those operating within research-driven industries, running the gamut from strategic issues to the impact of science and technology on business, policy and society.

GUST Collaborates with Swansea University on Exchange Programs

Dr. Salah Al-Sharhan, GUST Vice President for Academic Affairs, paid a visit to Swansea University (SU) in the UK to meet with Professor Richard B. Davies, Vice Chancellor. GUST and SU signed a cooperation agreement to promote student, scholar and academic staff exchange programs, and other joint activities such as seminars and workshops, and collaborative research in areas of mutual interest.

Swansea University has 53 centers and institutes that are interdisciplinary and externally facing with industry, government bodies and charities as they demonstrate a clear evidence of high quality research, supported by publications, research income and a thriving postgraduate community.

SU was founded in 1920, and since has thrived on exploration, discovery, and offering the right balance of excellent teaching and research, matched by an enviable quality of life. The university has large-scale developments which helped in solidifying its rank in the top thirty research universities, and climbing up the UK Research Excellence Framework League Table, from 52nd in 2008, to 26th in 2014.