Policy of non-discrimination

GUST code of Conduct Policy was issued in October 2nd 2013 and slightly modified in April 12th 2022.

Equal Employment Opportunity:

• It is GUST’s policy to recruit, employ and promote employees on the basis of their skills, Qualifications and abilities required for the work to be performed, with no discrimination to race, color, religion, sex, age, social status, physical or mental disability or any other factor.

• If outsourcing activities to third parties needed, then GUST takes all appropriate measures to ensure the equivalent rights of employees are met.

Our commitment states:

The Gulf University of Science & Technology (GUST) is committed to the highest level of integrity and honesty in all of its affairs, without any kind of discrimination against women.


GUST is committed to provide all employees with a work place that is free from harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, social status, physical or mental disability or any other factor. Harassment include all actions of verbal harassment, physical harassment, visual harassment or sexual harassment.

Admission & Registration

Gulf University for Science and Technology takes women’s applications, acceptance and completion rates very seriously. The Admission and Registration department has a dedicated team to track and measure the rates mentioned on a regular basis. GUST University tracks both undergrads and postgrads female/male, international/local, and other ratios for admitted, enrolled and graduated students.

Student Code of Conduct

GUST is committed to providing a positive work and learning environment where all individuals are treated fairly and with respect. Intimidation and harassment have no place in a university community.

It is the responsibility of the University to utilize its resources toward the creation of quality academic programs and to provide a friendly campus environment, which is conducive to learning and personal development. Interactions among GUST students, faculty, and staff should reflect mutual respect and professionalism.

A student enrolled at GUST assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the

University’s function as an educational institution. The GUST Code of Student Conduct generally shall be limited to conduct which occurs on the University premises, at University-sponsored, or University supervised functions. However, GUST administration may take appropriate action against students for conduct on or off University premises in order to protect the physical safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Conduct, for which students are subject to sanctions, is described in detail in the University Code of Student Conduct.


The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Student Conduct Code:

1. Warning: A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated more than one (1) of the sanctions may be imposed for any single violation: institutional regulations.

2. Probation: A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe sanctions if the student is found to be violating any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period.

3. Loss of Privileges: Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.

4. Restitution: Compensation for loss, damage or injury to the University or University property. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.

5. Discretionary Sanctions: Work assignments, service to the University or other related discretionary assignments.

6. University Dismissal: An involuntary separation of the student from the institution for misconduct apart from academic requirements. It does not imply or state a minimum separation time.

7. University Suspension: Separation of the student from the University for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.

8. University Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the University.

9. Temporary Suspension: A College Dean or designee may at any time temporarily suspend or deny readmission to a student from the University pending formal procedures when the

Dean finds and believes from available information that the presence of a student on campus would seriously disrupt the University or constitute a danger to the health, safety or welfare of members of the University community. The appropriate procedure to determine the future status of the student will be initiated within seven (7) calendar days.

10. Removal of the student from university housing or other student university services.

11. Withholding the student’s diploma until their case is resolved for any of the above allegations outlined in GUST’s student conduct policy.

12. Sanction against a member of a student organization or the student organization as a whole, such as a temporary or permanent loss of rights or privileges.

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination

The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women today considered the fifth periodic report of Kuwait on its implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Introducing the report, Jamal Alghunaim, Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations Office at Geneva, said that Kuwait was committed to reviewing and modernizing legislation relevant to women’s affairs in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women; to promoting the political participation of women; and to establishing an institutional mechanism for the protection of women from all forms of violence.There was progress in increasing the participation of women in nontraditional fields, and today there were 500 female police officers of various ranks, women made up 44 per cent of investigators, and 22 female public prosecutors had been hired.A national mechanism for women’s affairs – the Women’s Affairs Committee – affiliated with the Cabinet, had been set up to empower and promote the status of women in Kuwait, and 16 May had been designated as the Kuwaiti Women’s Day to mark the day on which women had achieved all political rights.Kuwaiti women had paved the way forward for Gulf women, they had been the first to assume leadership positions as university presidents, ministers and members of parliament – this was a credit to the role of Kuwaiti women and the efforts by the Government to enable women.

GUST Grievances Policy

The Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) employees have the right to raise their grievances through proper reporting channels for any of the following issues while protecting them from educational or employment disadvantage:

• Employees conflicts (Direct managers, subordinates)

• Changes in employment conditions

• Pays and Benefits

• Personal issues (discrimination, violation, bullying, work harassment)

• Performance Management (promotions, increments, and rating)

Work conditions (Health & Safety)

GUST Grievances Procedure

1. Informal approach: Employee shall initially approach the immediate Supervisor/Manager in case of any grievance issue.

2. Formal approach: Where the issue is not resolved through the immediate Supervisor/Manager, employees may raise the grievance issue in writing to their Dean/Director/Vice President.

2.1.1. Evaluation of the case: The Dean/Director/Vice President shall meet and review the matter and shall arrive to a decision within five working days after the meeting is held. That outcome/solution shall be communicated to the employee in writing.

2.1.2. Grievance appeal: In the event that the employee is not satisfied with the outcome, further appeal may be made to the HR Department. Then, the HR should evaluate the case and recommend if Grievance committee can be formed to discuss and recommend resolutions.

The decision of the HR shall be considered as final.

Academic Policies & Regulations

Student Code of Conduct

GUST is committed to providing a positive work and learning environment where all individuals are treated fairly and with respect. Intimidation and harassment have no place in a university community.

It is the responsibility of the University to utilize its resources toward the creation of quality academic programs and to provide a friendly campus environment, which is conducive to learning and personal development. Interactions among GUST students, faculty, and staff should reflect mutual respect and professionalism.

A student enrolled at GUST assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. The GUST Code of Student Conduct generally shall be limited to conduct which occurs on the University premises, at University-sponsored, or University-supervised functions. However, GUST administration may take appropriate action against students for conduct on or off University premises in order to protect the physical safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Conduct, for which students are subject to sanctions, is described in detail in the University Code of Student Conduct.

First violations of this policy by students will result in a “final” warning and a second violation will result in expulsion from the University. Staff will not be given a warning, the first violation will result in dismissal.

2nd year success of Africa Day at GUST

GUST hosted the Africa Day for the second year in a row, with a greater success than last year’s popular event. Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Muhailan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at GUST opened the event expressing his enthusiasm for this celebration at the university and the positive atmosphere of learning and culture that fills the campus halls, saying: “It was in Africa that life started to take a different meaning under the umbrella of intellectual and theological advancement. The entire world owes this great continent a deep debt of gratitude for learning the alphabet of modern civilization.”

Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Mohammed Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs who’s Undersecretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Khaled Al-Jarallah said during the ceremony: “We will never forget the history behind the relationship of Kuwait and Africa and hope for its continued developed for the future,” welcoming all the ambassadors and dignitaries and guests that graced the event.

Ambassador of Senegal Abdul-Ahad Ombaki, the Dean of the African Group in Kuwait, addressed the attentive audience stating: “We celebrate this precious occasion for every African. […] Our sincere appreciation goes to the government and people of the State of Kuwait for the support they extended to Africa and our diplomatic missions.” The Ambassador also thanked each of the contributing corporations present at the event, GUST Chairman of BOT and staff “for all the facilities they provided in such a manner that illustrates their high sense of responsibility.”

There were several important companies that do a lot of work in Africa who came to support the Union and the University by giving presentations showcasing their various roles in the aid and development work in progress in Africa, such as the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry represented by its Chairman Mr. Ali Mohammad Al-Ghanim, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development represented by its Deputy Director General Mr. Hisham Al-Waqayan, Kuwait Investment Authority, International Islamic Charitable Organization and the Kuwait Red Crescent.

After the distribution of gifts to honored guests, the ambassadors and representatives headed to the main campus hall for their tour of the 23 country booths that showcased unique cultural artifacts and a myriad of information about each country and what it has to offer in beauty, culture and resources. The center of the campus was decorated in each country’s national dress with mannequins highlighting the vibrant colors, textures and fabrics.

The buffet that was set up highlighted the favorite dishes of each country and was open to all for taste testing!

A photo booth was setup on campus for all embassies to take photos of their representatives and ambassadors as well as for students, staff, faculty and university guests to take pictures with a themed background.

The day all came together with a live music show and bird zoo which featured African beats and a beautiful collection of birds from the African region.

The event was organized by GUST. Days like this allow everyone to enjoy and cherish all the beauty that you can find in the world. The 2nd African Day at GUST was another hit success.