GUST's carbon footprint has been calculated using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Three emission scopes have been considered:

Scope 1: Direct Emissions

These are GHG emissions from sources owned or controlled by GUST. It includes emissions from GUST's own vehicle fleet, on-campus power generators, and refrigerant leaks.

Scope 2: Indirect Emissions from Energy

These are emissions associated with purchased electricity used by GUST. They have been calculated using the emission factor from the local electric grid.

Scope 3: Other Indirect Emissions

These are indirect emissions derived from activities related to GUST but not under its direct control. This includes emissions from business travel, purchased goods and services, generated waste, and student and staff transportation emissions.

Analysis Results

The analysis of GUST's carbon footprint reveals that the majority of emissions come from Scope 2 (indirect emissions from energy) due to electricity consumption on campus. Significant emissions were also identified in Scope 1 (direct emissions) due to the vehicle fleet and refrigerant leaks.

Total Value
Unit / Yr
Total food waste
metric ton (MT)
Water Consumption
Cubic meter (m³)
University floor space
Sq. meter (m²)
Amount of waste generated
metric ton (MT)
Amount of waste recycled
metric ton (MT)
Amount of waste sent to landfill
metric ton (MT)
Total Energy used
Giga Joules (GJ)
Total energy used from low-carbon sources
Giga Joules (GJ)

Reduction Actions

Recognizing the importance of mitigating environmental impact, GUST is committed to implementing concrete actions to reduce its carbon footprint. Some of the strategies to be pursued include:

  • Transitioning to renewable energy sources to reduce emissions associated with electricity consumption on campus.
  • Promoting sustainable transportation, incentivizing the use of public transport and low-emission vehicles.
  • Implementing energy efficiency practices in buildings and air conditioning systems.
  • Encouraging recycling programs and waste reduction on campus.
  • Raising awareness and education about the importance of sustainability among the university community.


The carbon footprint report provides a comprehensive insight into GUST's environmental impact and establishes a strong foundation for sustainability-oriented decision-making. GUST is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and will strive to lead the way towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible university. With concrete actions and active participation from the entire university community, GUST aims to positively contribute to climate change mitigation and the care of the planet for future generations.