Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy at Gulf University for Science and Technology

Gulf University for Science and Technology is proud to be one the leading universities that supports all perspective and that is not discriminate on grounds of age, disability, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief or sex, in any decisions concerning student admissions, progression or support provision.

GUST code of Conduct Policy was issued in October 2nd 2013 and slightly modified in April 12th 2022.
In GUST Code of Conduct Policy, article I, Our commitment states: "The Gulf University of Science & Technology (GUST) is committed to the highest level of integrity and honesty in all of its affairs, without any kind of discrimination against women".

Gulf University for Science and Technology does not unlawfully discriminate in its admissions or educational policies based on race, age, color, religion, disability, or national and ethnic origin. The GULF UNIVERSITY FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant or to dismiss any student at its own discretion when any such applicant or student manifests character or conduct that is averse to our statement of mission, purpose, and objectives.

It is GUST’s policy to recruit, employ and promote employees on the basis of their skills, qualifications and abilities required for the work to be performed, with no discrimination to race, color, religion, sex, age, social status, physical or mental disability or any other factor.

If outsourcing activities to third parties needed, then GUST takes all appropriate measures to ensure the equivalent rights of employees are met.

We incorporate equality into our core objectives, making every effort to eliminate discrimination, create equal opportunities and develop good working relationships between different people of all ages. Our Equality, diversity and inclusion are central to everything we do at GULF UNIVERSITY FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. We aim to celebrate the diversity of older people, and to support everyone to overcome the barriers to their full inclusion and participation in society.

We believe it is positive to have a workforce of different generations and ages and to encourage the contributions of children, young people, and adults of different ages, across the range of our work, as appropriate. We also believe there is much to gain from an intergenerational approach to both our internal and external work, where people are encouraged to learn from those with different life experience. Whilst young people are sometimes described as a priority audience for us, because of our extensive work in the education sector, this should never imply that older people are not also our priority.

At Gulf University for Science and Technology, we are committed to creating an inclusive and respectful environment for all students. We believe in fostering an atmosphere that celebrates diversity, promotes equality, and empowers every individual to express themselves authentically. We are required to consider all individuals in their day-to- day work, in shaping policy and in providing services. This is in line with the Equality Act 2010.

As part of the Equality and Diversity agenda, Gulf University for Science and Technology is committed to the development of a culture where all students may live, study and work without encountering prejudice or discrimination because of any of the nine "protected characteristics" as defined by the Equality Act 2010.

GUST is committed to provide all employees with a work place that is free from harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, social status, physical or mental disability or any other factor. Harassment include all actions of verbal harassment, physical harassment, visual harassment or sexual harassment.

GUST Strategic Plan

Student Centricity

Student progression is at the core of everything we do. Accordingly we deliver experiences and an environment that allow students to succeed and thrive.

Admission to GUST is on a competitive basis. Regardless of the type of admission, all applicants must submit all documentation to complete the general admission requirements.
GUST welcomes applications from students from all types of schools and backgrounds. We provide our students with the best educational resources and services to promote intellectual growth and career advancement. From the academic challenges encountered when adjusting to university life to the various campus activities offered for students, GUST has a diverse collection of resources available to help our students succeed both academically and personally.
Gulf University for Science and Technology takes women’s applications, acceptance and completion rates very seriously. The Admission and Registration department has a dedicated team to track and measure the rates mentioned on a regular basis. GUST University tracks both undergrads and postgrads female/male, international/local, and other ratios for admitted, enrolled and graduated students.


Global Studies Center

Research and Engagement
The Global Studies Center at the Gulf University for Science and Technology in Kuwait conducts and supports research on cross-national topics. It examines political, economic, social, and cultural matters from a global perspective. We organize seminars, invite researchers, and publish a bi-annual newsletter. The Arabian Gulf region is not the only focus of our research. We are happy to function as partners for any kind of academic event.

For all matters contact us at: GSC@GUST.EDU.KW

Research: Global Citizenship in Kuwait: Perspectives and Obstacles (2023)

Global citizenship is the umbrella term for social, political, environmental, and economic actions of globally minded individuals and communities on a worldwide scale. It has gained popularity as one of the United Nation’s goals for human dignity, empowerment, and for positive change in societies.
Global citizenship attempts to cross over between different groups of people, surpassing separatist categories that continue to exclude people within societies. Global citizenship aims to create more ethical, tolerant, and anti-racist youth cultures, gender equity, and disability inclusion.

Given the necessity of global citizenship today, this GSC research project aims to answer the question:

  • What does it mean to be a global citizen today in Kuwait and in the Gulf and how can it be achieved?
  • What are the roots of exclusion and racism, and how are these phenomena manifest in Gulf societies?
  • How can policy-makers, educators, and researchers contribute to the creation and empowerment of global citizens in Kuwait?

The research project involves specialists in politics, education, culture, and media. Furthermore, researchers, administrators, activists, and non-profit organizations collaborate.

Student Code of Conduct Policies

Student Code of Conduct

GUST is committed to providing a positive work and learning environment where all individuals are treated fairly and with respect. Intimidation and harassment have no place in a university community.

It is the responsibility of the University to utilize its resources toward the creation of quality academic programs and to provide a friendly campus environment, which is conducive to learning and personal development. Interactions among GUST students, faculty, and staff should reflect mutual respect and professionalism.

Organizing Events

GUST University's commitment to inclusivity is embodied in its open-door policy. This policy ensures that the institution's facilities are accessible to anyone who wishes to benefit from them, be it for academic, corporate, or community purposes. The idea is simple yet profound: everyone is invited to share in the wealth of knowledge, culture, and resources that GUST has to offer.Students, faculty, and visitors from all corners of the globe come together to learn, teach, and collaborate. This cultural diversity enriches the academic and social fabric of the university, fostering a spirit of understanding and cooperation that extends far beyond its gates.GUST's open-campus policy extends far beyond national borders. The university actively engages in partnerships and collaborations with institutions, companies, and organizations from around the world. GUST's willingness to rent its facilities to external entities has made it a hub for conferences, seminars, workshops, and cultural events. Organizations and individuals find the university's state-of-the-art facilities and accommodating staff to be invaluable assets in bringing their visions to life. This open-door approach contributes not only to the university's sustainability but also to the broader community's enrichment.

Maintaining a positive work and learning environment

Gulf University for Science and Technology is committed to providing a positive work and learning environment where all individuals are treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their status. Intimidation and harassment have no place in a university community.

To honor the dignity and inherent worth of every individual member of the GUST community is a goal to which every member of the University should aspire and to which officials of the University should direct attention and resources. With respect to students, it is the University’s special responsibility to provide a positive climate in which students can learn. The Board of Trustees and all of GUST’s staff and faculty are expected to provide educational programs and otherwise direct resources to creative and serious measures designed to improve interpersonal relationships, to help develop healthy attitudes towards people, and to foster a climate in which students are treated as individuals rather than as members of a particular category of people and where learning is strongly valued.

The legislation on disability discrimination is detailed in the Equality Act 2010. The University is committed to ensuring that it makes every reasonable effort to provide a supportive, inclusive environment to staff with disabilities and staff that acquire disabilities during their employment. The University has created the following Code of Practice and Briefing Notes for staff and managers to raise awareness, provide information and guidance, and inform them about their responsibilities.

Gulf University for Science and Technology pledges to provide an inclusive learning environment and to support the cognitive, emotional, and creative development of students with special needs.

Gulf University for Science and Technology ensures that reasonable effort is made to accommodate students with special needs such that their program learning objectives are met. Special Needs Services are provided equally through programs and services.

We at Gulf University for Science and Technology pledge to provide an inclusive learning environment and to support the cognitive, emotional, and creative development of students with disabilities. We committed to promoting and implementing equality of opportunity in the learning, teaching, research and working environments for people with disability.

The University aims to create a learning and working environment based on fostering good relations between all people, with a shared commitment to promoting respect for all, and challenging and preventing stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and harassment against people with special needs.

Our is committed to promoting and implementing equality of opportunity in the learning, teaching, research and working environments among all races. The University aims to create a learning and working environment based on fostering good relations between all people, with a shared commitment to promoting respect for all, and challenging and preventing stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and harassment.

The legislation on race discrimination is detailed in the Equality Act 2010. The University is an international and multicultural community which values and encourages diversity and is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive environment to staff of all racial groups. The University has created the following Code of Practice and Briefing Notes for staff and managers to raise awareness, provide information and guidance, and inform them about their responsibilities.

The University is committed to inclusiveness among races, which "embraces diversity by valuing and respecting the perspectives and contributions of all our colleagues and students", to the benefit of the University community in respect of its learning, teaching, research, management, administration, and support service activities.

The University upholds the principle that, in their areas of expertise, relevant staff of the University shall have freedom within the law to hold and express opinion, to question and test established ideas and received wisdom, and to present controversial or unpopular points of view without placing in jeopardy their employment or any entitlements or privileges they enjoy.

Our university is respecting all religions and believes, and no student will be denied access or progression to admission, registration, teaching, learning and research, or treated unfairly on the grounds of their religion or belief, and he will not be treated unfairly in relation to the awarding of scholarships, grants and other awards under the University's control or the provision of student support.

The University will not tolerate harassment and bullying. Harassment or bullying is treated as a serious disciplinary offence, and the support will be provided to any student who experiences such behavior.

The University recognizes the right of every individual to choose whether to be open about their religion or belief. To "out" someone without their express permission may amount to a form of harassment and a criminal offence.

The University commits to create and maintain an inclusive environment which demonstrates respect for all students. The University guarantees equality across the whole student community regarding the right to study with dignity, to use University facilities, and to preserve the name, personal identity of each student, and the University recognizes each student's right to their individual religion or belief and commits to respecting their privacy and treating their status confidentially and sensitively.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion runs through much of our work around the world, whether in the arts, society, inclusive education, teaching English or offering exams. Our goal is to develop inclusive programs and projects that bring together people with different experiences and backgrounds. We hope this will make everyone's experiences richer, and ultimately lead to more inclusive societies.

We recognize our role also in supporting refugees and asylum seekers, so they entitled to the same social and economic rights as any citizen, and they will have full access to medical treatment, education, benefits, housing, and employment.

Refugees and asylum seekers often confront challenges when accessing essential services in host countries. The difficulties these vulnerable groups face in meeting educational needs are documented in numerous studies.

We believe that our work is enriched by the different racial / ethnic, cultural groups and travelling communities we engage with and that cultural relations has an important role to play in mutual understanding and exchange between different racial / ethnic and cultural groups.

We recognize that these areas intersect and form our identity, together with other characteristics, such as socio-economic status and geographical location. We help people to understand the business case, the moral/ethical case and the legal case for our commitment to equality.

As an academic university of research and innovation, we are in a unique position to model equality, diversity and inclusion principles in our own actions and behaviors and take a strategic lead in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the research and innovation landscape, nationally and internationally.

We are committed to ensuring that we have effective policies, strategies, procedures, and processes in place and that we promote behaviors that support equality and diversity and contribute to an inclusive organizational culture.

We aim to ensure that there is no unjustified discrimination based on marital status, including civil partnership. We promote equality, good relations, and inclusion in line with the Equality Act 2010. All person has the protected characteristic of marriage and civil partnership if the person is married or is a civil partner.

Every person working in our university has a personal responsibility for implementing and promoting the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, and its principles in their day-to-day interactions with each other and when working with partners and collaborators outside.

As part of this approach, we conduct equality screening and impact assessment for actions and functions that impact on employees and/or external contacts or the wider community and are significant to equality. We strive to adapt our working arrangements, policies and practices to enable all people to enter employment and progress in their careers, to provide services and guidance, to participate meaningfully in our projects, programs, courses and the audits we conduct, and to participate in and shape other activities.

We will aim to maintain harmonious spaces where all feel valued, respected and included, irrespective of marital or civil partnership status, race or ethnic background, culture, religious belief or political opinion, disability, pregnancy or maternity, having or not having dependents and age.

Pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby. Maternity refers to the period after the birth and is linked to maternity leave in the employment context. Protection against maternity discrimination includes not treating a woman unfavorably because they are breastfeeding a child of any age. GULF UNIVERSITY FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY plays a major role in achieving gender equality and women empowerment with the alignment of the government to achieve a sustainable society.

With the purpose of making progress in gender equity Gulf University for Science and Technology has created different policies and strategies that seek to give women the equality they deserve inside and outside the university, in turn provide human rights that allow women of the university community staff and students have the important role they deserve and value their ability.

Gulf University for Science and Technology encourages family/work balance and allows the flexibility for employees to meet family obligations. To the maximum extent possible, the University will seek to support full-time faculty members who become parents as they welcome new children into their families, by providing them with time off or flexible time, continuity of entitled benefits, and opportunities for temporary relief from their teaching or other duties.

The university believes in the diversity of the human being, that is why I developed this policy that rejects and prohibits any type of discrimination caused by another member of the university or a third party.