Consolidating Research Visibility and Author Metrics

Unifying Your Publications and Enhancing Discoverability

Creating a researcher profile helps you keep all your listed publications in the same place and lets others find your work more easily. You will be assigned a unique digital identifier, which helps you distinguish your profile from others. This is especially helpful if your name has multiple spellings or the letters have diacritic marks or accents.

Google Scholar Profile

This allows you to set up a profile which contains your publications. The profile also provides you with various author metrics, such as h-index. In order to set up your profile, you need to have a Google account.

  • To create your profile: Go to and click the "My Citations" link at the top of the page (Google Scholar My Citations Tutorial)
  • Log in with an existing Google account, or create a new one
  • Complete the form with your details, and click the "Next step" button
  • Review the list of publications, and use the "Add" button to add them to your profile. When you've added them all, click the "Next step" button
  • Choose how you would like to deal with changes to publication and citation data, and click the "Go to my profile" button to view your profile
  • If there are articles you've written which don't appear in your list of publications on your profile, you can add them manually by selecting "Add" from the "Actions" drop-down menu
  • Log in with an existing Google account, or create a new one
  • To make your profile public, click on either the "Make my profile public" link in the yellow box at the top of the page, or the "edit" link next to "My profile is private"

Information provided by Google Scholar for the setting up and maintenance of a profile. Google Scholar FAQs

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

ORCID is an open-access author identification system.

Researchers can register for a unique ORCID identifier on the ORCID website, and use it to link to their other identifiers like:

  • ResearcherID
  • Scopus Author Identifier
  • LinkedIn

For further information, check out the ORCID FAQs.


Create a Researcher ID with Publons to track your publications, access citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work in a single, easy-to-maintain profile.

  • All your publications can be instantly imported from Web of Science, ORCID, or your bibliographic reference manager (e.g. EndNote or Mendeley)
  • Uses trusted citation metrics, automatically imported from the Web of Science Core Collection
  • Correct author attribution, with your unique ResearcherIDautomatically added to the publications you claim inWeb of Sciencecollections
  • Your verified peer review and journal editing history, powered by partnerships with thousands of scholarly journals
  • Publons CV summarizes your scholarly impact as an author, editor and peer reviewer

SCOPUS Author Identifier

Scopus distinguishes between authors with similar names by giving each author a separate Scopus Author ID and grouping together all the documents written by that author.

You will be automatically assigned a Scopus Author ID when you publish in a journal indexed by Scopus.

Viewing your author ID : Having a Scopus Author ID allows you to easily see a list of publications for an author and view citation metrics such as h-index measures, citation counts, publications and co-authors.

Your publications on Scopus may be spread over a number of different Author profiles, because these are generated automatically.

You can integrate your publications into one Scopus author profile by linking your profile to ORCID using the Scopus 2 ORCID tool.