MCM 102 Introduction to Public Speaking. 3.00
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
This course will cover theories and techniques of organization, evidence, argumentation, persuasion, and delivery in public speaking.
MCM 103 Introduction to Mass Media 3.00
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
This course is an introduction to oral, print, and electronic media of communication. Emphasis is placed on history, theory, and criticism of the mass media as cultural institutions.
MCM 105 Communication layout & design 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 103
In this course, students heavily deal with different computer software to create designs and layout for various mass communication messages such as Journalism, Advertising, Public Relations, and Visual Communication. Students are taught how to create informative and persuasive messages.
MCM 141 Public Relation/Adver 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
This course introduces publicity methods and public relations representation of profit and nonprofit institutions to the public; use of communication research and media, as applied to the public relations profession. The course also covers the history, rhetoric, and aesthetics of advertising. A basic understanding of industry issues and key areas such as account management, research, strategy, creative, media, and production.
MCM 206 Introduction to Writing for Mass Media 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & ENGL 112 & UMCOM
Elementary principles and practice of writing for mass media in varied program formats, with emphasis on preparation of written materials for news, public relations, and public affairs.
MCM 209 Fundamentals of Advertising 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & UMCOM
Introduces the students to advertising. It covers the diverse range of advertising theories and practices and surveys the different advertising objectives including information and persuasion. Areas of focus include advertising basics, appeals, advertising history, advertising and society, advertising agencies, media planning, creativity, and advertising layout and design.
MCM 241 Writing for PR/ADS 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & UMCOM
This course is an introduction to the process of planning, producing, and evaluating written public relations messages. Writing assignments include media releases, letters, memos, position papers, background papers, brochures, and reports and proposals.
MCM 341 Cases in PR/Advertising 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 141 & UMCOM
Students are presented to real cases of successful and unsuccessful advertising and public relations projects and tasks that allow students to critically think of the process of conducting these projects and what they need to avoid.
MCM 412 Communication Theory 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & 54 Passed Credit & UMCOM
Survey of elements and processes critical to human communication behavior. Comparison of influential communication theories.
MCM 413 Research Methods in Mass Communication 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & MATH (111 / 122) & Junior Level & UMCOM
Introduction to the fundamental tools of quantitative research in communication. Focus of the course is on reading and comprehending communication research reports rather than conducting quantitative research.
MCM 411 Media Law & Ethics 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & Junior Standing & UMCOM
Discussion of laws and ethics affecting the mass media. Exploration of problems and issues in legal regulation of media content, ownership and ethical standards such as privacy, censorship, honesty, fairness, and objectivity.
MCM 441 Integrated Marketing Communication. 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 141 & Junior Standing & UMCOM
This course presents students to a combining approach gathering elements and ideas from marketing and communication as a method to achieve organizational goals. Students learn that organizations mix public relations, advertising, marketing, personal communication and others, can increase their advantages. Students are presented to IMC components, planning, and message design.
MCM 455 Internship 3.00
Prerequisite: Junior Standing & UMCOM
Professional attachment to an onsite professional media organization. Requires students to officially document work and hours performed.