About the Course


3 Days


This program will help reframe how to evaluate creative strategy and output by bridging the fundamentals of strategic marketing communications — insight, positioning and short creative work — with new tactical approaches across the communication spectrum.

You'll learn to ask the right questions – from strategic planning to tactical execution of your marketing communications plan – and explore frameworks and examples for strategically building and executing marketing communications in today's digital age. You'll also develop a communications strategy, or creative brief, for a professional or personal marketing communications challenge of your choosing and receive feedback on your brief from faculty and peers.

Who Should Attend

  • Senior marketing leaders who want to create a more strategic approach in their organizations and increase the success rate of their communications
  • Marketers with direct strategic responsibility for communications in a B2C or B2B environment
  • Emerging or mid-level managers that are preparing for a role that requires guiding strategic communications development

Key Benefits

  • Learn to evaluate communications strategy and execution to immediately improve marketing outcomes.
  • Support the relevance of fundamental communication tools, such as insight and positioning, in today’s digital communications.
  • View communications beyond traditional broadcast messages with discussion around the digital era and social media.

Program Content

Marketing Strategy and Communications

  • Learn frameworks for developing strong creative briefs, marketing plans, and making an impact in practice.
  • Understand the use of strategy to create messages that move the needle and produce profitable campaigns.

Assessing Marketing Communications

  • Acquire tools to properly evaluate the success of a marketing campaign against planned objectives including both the strategic approach and early stage creative output.
  • Enhance critical thinking skills by learning to ask the right questions for yourself and your team.

Understanding the Changing Landscape of Marketing Communications

  • Learn how marketing is evolving and how your organization can adapt to the changes.
  • Engage in critical discussions around the use of new media channels.