About the Course


3 Days


Driving results through people.

This training programme is aligned with the latest PMI® guidelines and is designed to help you prepare for and pass your PMI-ACP® exam in the first attempt. The course covers Agile methodologies, tools and techniques extensively and provides real-life scenarios throughout the course. This program delivers applied training in the concepts and skills of managing performance. Explore techniques for planning, coaching and reviewing performance on an ongoing basis. Diagnose performance opportunities and problems, reinforce exemplary behaviour and motivate people to give their best. Create a work environment where people can grow and succeed, while achieving mission-critical results.

Who Should Attend

  • Professionals who use agile practices in projects
  • Team members whose organization has adopted, or is planning to adopt, an agile approach
  • Managers who wish to broaden their knowledge and versatility as a project manager
  • Professionals who need to adapt more quickly to basic business needs
  • Managers looking to apply a value-driven and people-driven approach to projects
  • Those who want to further advance their professional career path as a project manager

Key Benefits

  • Prepare for the PMI-ACP exam while completing the required 21 contact hours/PDUs
  • Navigate the tools, techniques, knowledge, and skills addressed in the exam
  • Understand the history of Agile, including founding, evolution, core concepts and principles
  • Gain working knowledge of the Agile principles of Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP) and Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Develop the expertise of implementing multi-iterative development models for any scale of projects
  • Deliver high velocity stories and epics

Program Content

PMI-ACP Exam Preparation

  • PMI-ACP Exam Particulars Overview
  • PMI-ACP Exam Particulars
  • PMI-ACP Candidate Requirements
  • PMI-ACP Candidate Fees
  • PMI-ACP Exam Application Process

Core Agile Concepts

  • Core Agile Concepts Overview
  • Traditional Project Management Methodologies
  • Drawbacks of Waterfall Methodologies
  • Agile Approach
  • Empirical Process Control
  • Agile and Traditional Project Management
  • Choice of Methodologies/Frameworks

The Agile Manifesto

  • The Agile Manifesto Overview
  • Manifesto Contributors
  • Manifesto Values
  • Manifesto Principles

Common Agile Methodology Elements

  • Common Agile Methodology Elements Overview
  • Project (Product; Release) Initiation
  • Agile Planning
  • Iteration Planning and Executing

Project Initiation

  • Project Initiation Overview
  • Determine Project Justifications and Metrics
  • Provide Value-Driven Delivery
  • Write Project Vision Statement
  • Create Project Charter
  • Identify Stakeholders and Leader/Coach
  • Form Project Team

Agile Teams and Team Space

  • Agile Teams and Team Space Overview
  • Scrum Master/Coach
  • Product Owner/Customer
  • Team Members/Developers (XP)
  • Trackers and Testers
  • Other Roles
  • Team Space
  • Physical Space Recommendations

Agile Planning

  • Agile Planning Overview
  • Develop Epics and Stories Create Stories
  • Non-Customer Facing Stories
  • Personas and Extreme Personas
  • Story Maps
  • Estimating Stories
  • Prioritizing Stories
  • Create Product Backlog
  • Create Product Roadmap
  • Conduct Release Planning
  • Create Parking Lot


  • Iterations/Sprints Overview
  • Velocity Determination
  • Iteration Planning Meeting
  • Iteration Planning Guidelines
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Daily Standup Meetings
  • Progress Tracking
  • Velocity Tracking

Interpersonal Aspects of Agile

  • Interpersonal Aspects of Agile Overview
  • Methodologies and Uncertainty
  • Coach/Scrum Master
  • Team Motivation
  • Soft Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Collaboration
  • Negotiations
  • Active listening
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Speed Leas' Model of Group Conflict
  • Conducting Retrospectives
  • Mindsets of Agile Coaches
  • Leadership Stages
  • Key Coaching Responsibilities

Agile Methodologies

  • Agile Methodologies Overview
  • XP and Scrum Terms
  • XP Terms and Concepts
  • XP Primary Practices
  • XP Corollary Practices
  • Scrum
  • Lean Software Development
  • Seven Principles of Lean
  • Seven Types of Muda
  • Responsibilities
  • Core Beliefs of Lean-Agile Software Development
  • Other Principles of Lean-Agile Software Development
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Lean-Agile Software Development Portfolio Management

Special Features

This hands-on program includes group discussions, case studies, individual activity-based development and small group exercises to deepen your insights and sharpen your performance management skills.