MGMT201 Introduction to Management 3.00 MGMT241 Introduction to Business Law 3.00 MGMT301 Organizational Behavior 3.00 MGMT312 Management Forecasting 3.00 MGMT315 Operations Research I 3.00 MGMT321 Introduction to Operations Management 3.00 MGMT324 Quality Assurance in Business 3.00 MGMT325 Supply Chain Management & Logistics 3.00 MGMT331 Project Management 3.00 MGMT341 Industrial and Organizational Psychology 3.00 MGMT351 Human Recourses Management 3.00 MGMT361 Leadership 3.00 MGMT371 International Management 3.00 MGMT381 Business Research Method 3.00 MGMT383 Principles of Entrepreneurship 3.00 MGMT415 Operations Research II 3.00 MGMT421 Business Logistics System (Programming Course) 3.00 MGMT422 Lean Production in Manufacturing & Services Operations 3.00 MGMT432 Business Annalistic 3.00 MGMT441 Organizational Development 3.00 MGMT451 Employee Training & Development 3.00 MGMT453 Human Resource Analytic 3.00 MGMT471 Role of the Global Corporation 3.00 MGMT481 Strategic Management 3.00 MGMT482 International Strategic Management 3.00 MGMT484 Innovation Management 3.00 MGMT488 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability 3.00 MGMT495 Special Topics In Business Administration 3.00 MGMT497 Capstone in International Business 3.00 MGMT498 Capstone in MOB 3.00 MGMT499 Management Internship 3.00 MGMT500 Law, Ethics and Business 3.00 MGMT501 Management & Organization Behavior Theory and Practice 3.00 MGMT502 Managerial Communications 3.00 MGMT511 Quantitative Method In Business 3.00 MGMT521 Operations Management 3.00 MGMT522 Service Operations Management 3.00 MGMT524 Supply Chain Management 3.00 MGMT525 International Logistic and Operations 3.00 MGMT532 Supply chain Modeling & Annalistic 3.00MGMT551 Human Resources Management 3.00MGMT552 Human Resources Analytics 3.00MGMT553 Performance Management 3.00MGMT561 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 3.00MGMT562 Innovation & Design Thinking 3.00MGMT563 The Lean Startup 3.00MGMT571 International Business 3.00MGMT573 Research Methodology 3.00MGMT581 Strategic Management 3.00MGMT595 Topics in Management 3.00MGMT596 Advanced Topics in Management 3.00MGMT597 Special Topics in Management – International Management 3.00MGMT599 Doing Business in China 3.00

MGMT201 Introduction to Management 3.00

Prerequisite: ENG 110/112

This course examines a wide range of business theory and practical applications related to effective management practices. In addition to learning about what management is and what managers do, learners will also explore and assess their own management styles and the implications of their findings. Learners apply critical thinking skills pertaining to core business functions. Focus is on contributing factors to management, such as communication, the role of the manager, design of the organization, ethical issues, social responsibility and globalization. The course format emphasizes the application of management roles and competencies through experiential activities, group exercises and case analysis.

MGMT241 Introduction to Business Law 3.00

Prerequisite: ENG 201

The course Introduction to Business Law and Ethics considers important legal principles that affect businesses and moral-ethical issues that confront them. While the course aims to provide students with a broad-based knowledge of legal principles applicable globally, it also stresses the moral-ethical obligation and the importance of ethics in relation to the legal principles taught. Topics include: an introduction to business law, jurisdiction and alternative dispute resolution, ethical issues that confront modern businesses, intentional and unintentional business torts, requirements of a valid contract, discharge of contract, breach of contract, sole proprietorship, partnerships, corporate formation, negotiable instruments and the banking environment.

MGMT301 Organizational Behavior 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 & (Management or IB)

This experimental course focuses on the topic of Organizational Behavior in more detail than MGMT 201. Students should acquire a better understanding of how people think, feel and behave individually and as a group. Other topics include: Managing diversity, attitudes and job sanctification, emotions and moods, personality, values, perception, decision-making, motivation, communication, leadership, power and politics, conflict and negotiation, organizational culture and stress management. In addition to providing more details in terms of content, this course provides the student with considerable practical experience through the use of class exercises, case studies and small group discussions.

MGMT312 Management Forecasting 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT321

This course provides further study of statistical tools for forecasting in a decision-making context. Topics include explanatory models (multiple regression), classical time series decomposition, and extrapolative techniques (exponential smoothing and Box-Jenkins procedures). In addition, methods for considering problems of intervention effects, seasonality, and collinearity will be discussed. Students will perform extensive analyses of time series data using computer packages.

MGMT315 Operations Research I 3.00

Prerequisite: Math121

This course is a study of deterministic methods and models in operations research. It introduces operations research and focuses on model building, solution and interpretation of results. Topics include formulation, solution, duality and sensitivity analysis in linear programming, integer programming, network flow models, nonlinear optimization, and dynamic programming.

MGMT321 Introduction to Operations Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 & MATH 121/131

This course is an examination of the concepts, processes, and institutions which are fundamental to an understanding of manufacturing and service operations within organizations. Emphasis is on the management and organization of operations and upon the application of quantitative methods to the solution of strategic, tactical, and operational problems.

MGMT324 Quality Assurance in Business 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT321

A study of statistical quality control concepts and procedures applicable to management systems, administrative activities, service industries, and nonprofit organizations. Some successful quality assurance programs will be examined.

MGMT325 Supply Chain Management & Logistics 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT321

This course provides an understanding of fundamental concepts of supply chain management. All functional areas of supply chain management are explored in an integrated view of procurement, manufacturing and operation management, transportation and logistics, inventory and warehousing, demand and planning, financial metrics, strategy and risk management for demand driven value networks. The course format emphasizes the application of supply chain management tools through experimental activities, group exercises, and case analysis.

MGMT331 Project Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MIS118 & MGMT201-301

This course draws upon the applied field of organizational behavior, management theory/science and basic accounting and finance to develop a theoretical and very practical understanding of project management for students. The course will take the students through the planning, organization, implementation and monitoring and controlling stages of project management. Tools covered include WBS (the work Breakdown Structure), CPM and PERT scheduling techniques, and earned value analysis.

MGMT341 Industrial and Organizational Psychology 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 OR 301

This course provides an overview of Industrial-Organizational (I-O) psychology, the scientific study of human behavior in the workplace. The course covers a wide range of topics, including Individual differences, Job analysis, personnel selection, performance appraisal, training and development, job attitudes, motivation, leadership, organizational culture, and stress and work-life balance. Students will gain an understanding of the theories and research in I-O psychology and how they are applied in organizations. The course emphasizes both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of I-O psychology, including exposure to seminal theories, best practices, and future directions of the field. The goal of the course is to equip students with a sophisticated understanding of the science and practice of I-O psychology to maximize the economic and psychological well-being of employees and organizations.

MGMT351 Human Recourses Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 / 301

In-depth examination of human resources management from a strategic perspective. Topics examined include Affirmative action and Equal Employment opportunities, Job Analysis, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance management and appraisal, compensation, Safety and Health, legal issues, labor relations and Global Human Resource Management. In addition to providing more details in terms of content, this course will be an active learning approach. Students will also spend a great deal of time in class discussing ideas, participating in exercises, and practicing the skills necessary to perform well in this class and beyond.

MGMT361 Leadership 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 & (management, ib) plans

This course reviews the theories and the development of leadership skills and competencies. It also expands the depth of the student’s knowledge in the areas of conflict management, teamwork, and group interaction.

MGMT371 International Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 & (management, ib) plans

A study of international business and management practices. Topics covered include an introduction to international management and the multinational enterprise, the cultural environment of international management, planning in an international setting, organizing for international operations, directing international operations, international staffing, preparing employees for international assignments, and the control process in an international context. Credit not granted for students who have taken BA 4689.

MGMT381 Business Research Method 3.00

Prerequisite: ECO380

The course focuses on the analysis of business problems and the use of scientific research as a problem-solving tool. This encompasses the understanding and application of appropriate research designs, research statistics, the use of the computer for data analyses, and report writing and presentation. The design of experiments, sampling, measuring, prediction, and causation are among the topics discussed.

MGMT383 Principles of Entrepreneurship 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201-MRKT201

This course provides an introduction and overview of the principles of entrepreneurship. It is designed to present a wide range of theories and practical applications related to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. In particular, it gives students theoretical and practical insights that are particularly important during a firm’s early development phases, and to effectively managing and growing an entrepreneurial firm. The course is based on active learning methods where student will be given the chance to analyze case studies, evaluate business plans, watch/comment videos on real-world empirical cases, and work on new business projects. Furthermore, guest lectures will be arranged through inviting some successful entrepreneurs to share their knowledge, expertise, and experiences with students. Finally, a large part of the course program would be dedicated to the “Startup Project” where students will have the opportunity to integrate and apply entrepreneurship theories and concepts into the development of a new venture.

MGMT415 Operations Research II 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT315

This course covers topics of special interest including mathematical programming, stochastic decision-making, digital simulation, game theory, and other selected techniques.

MGMT421 Business Logistics System (Programming Course) 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT321

This course is an analysis of business logistics systems, their design and operation. Topics include network design, facility location, transportation, vehicle routing, storage and handling, capacity planning, inventory management, and customer service.

MGMT422 Lean Production in Manufacturing & Services Operations 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT321

This course is a study of Lean Production philosophy and techniques in manufacturing and service operations. Topics include process analysis and continuous improvement techniques, quick set-ups, total productive maintenance, kanban scheduling, cellular production, team organization of workers, supplier relations, quality management, and the environmental aspects of production.

MGMT432 Business Annalistic 3.00

Prerequisite: MIS 200 & PLAN (MBO,IB)

This course provides an introduction to business analytics concepts, techniques and tools with concrete examples from industry applications. Students will learn the fundamentals & applications of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive data analytics driven strategies to make better decisions for real world problems. Applications include problems in accounting, finance, management, marketing, and operations using appropriate technologies and decision support tools.

MGMT441 Organizational Development 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 & (management , IB) plans

This course covers the theory and practice of managing planned change in individuals, groups, and organizations for the purpose of improving their effectiveness, quality, and productivity. Various organization development theories are analyzed in order to develop student skills that are needed to initiate change.

MGMT451 Employee Training & Development 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT351

An intensive study of training in organizations, including needs analysis, learning theory, management development, and development of training objectives and programs. Projects and exercises are used to supplement the readings.

MGMT453 Human Resource Analytic 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT351

This course is an introduction to the theory of people analytics and will include some hands-on basic talent management data analysis. It will ensure that undergraduate students have the ability to use analytical techniques and data-driven approach to managing HR related issues, such as HR planning, recruitment, selection, performance management, training and development, compensation, job design and employee retention. Special emphasis will be given to the design of HR metrics, collect data, choose appropriate statistical tests, and interpret findings. By the end of this course, students will learn what people analytics is, and how the top companies are using HR analytics to become more successful and align decisions with strategic corporate objectives.

MGMT471 Role of the Global Corporation 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 & plan (MGMT, IB, MRKT)

The purpose of this course is to create awareness of controversial issues about international business. Students will gain a better understanding of resistance to, and criticism of, international business and will become better prepared for dealing with these issues and problems.

MGMT481 Strategic Management 3.00

Prerequisite: 81 credits

Strategic Management is a capstone course where students integrate and apply concepts from accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, and production/operations to actual or simulated business situations. This course focuses on operating a company as an integrated enterprise with an emphasis on making decisions consistent with the overall strategy of the enterprise as coordinated across business functions. Strategic decisions at multiple levels set the direction of the organization as a whole and enable the realization of organizational objectives. Topics encompass the role of top management, globalization of business, and ethical perspectives. Case studies and research reports may be used extensively.

MGMT482 International Strategic Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT481

This course is a study of the international dimensions of strategic management. It provides an introduction to the key concepts and tools necessary for international competitive analysis. Topics include the international dimensions of strategy formulation and implementation, diversification, strategic alliances and divestment.

MGMT484 Innovation Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 & plan (MGMT, IB, MRKT)

This course provides an understanding of fundamental concepts of innovation management. Companies across multiple industries depend on product development for nearly 1/3 of their sales and profits, and innovation management is important in a globalized and increasing competitive world. Telecommunications, finance, or retail companies pursue new products to protect margins, while process innovation lowers the cost. This great area of study helps the student explore the underpinning success of many organizations and how their products and services have come to impact the way lives are lived. All functional areas of innovation management are explored in an in-depth view of origins of innovation that can be found beyond the R&D department. Different dimensions and types of innovations, first-movers and optimal timing of new product launch are also explored. Important topics covering patents and trademarks for innovation, structural dimensions of an innovative organization, and the management of new product development process, including development teams, and the crafting of a successful deployment strategy. The course format emphasizes the application of innovation management tools through experiential activities, group exercises, and case analysis.

MGMT488 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT201 & plan (MGMT, IB, MRKT)

This course exposes students to the importance of ethics, social responsibility, and sustainable development. It examines the breadth of responsibility of the corporation in making ethical decisions, as well as their impact on its future directions. It gives not only understanding of main theoretical concepts, but also developing and applying the necessary skills of identification and analysis of complex ethical issues in today’s business climate. In light of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the course demonstrates the importance of sustainable development in strategic planning. In the process, it considers a wide spectrum of corporate stakeholders, good practices, and profitability.

MGMT495 Special Topics In Business Administration 3.00

Prerequisite: Senior Standing & MGMT, IB

Special Topics in Business Administration

MGMT497 Capstone in International Business 3.00

Prerequisite: Junior Standing & International Business

This capstone course offers you the opportunity to apply your academic experience to conduct an experiential learning project in a designated field and apply your education in a practical manner. Students will work in teams on a single project for one partner organization. This experience will help students enhance their skills in oral and written communication, engage students with the overall internationalization process of companies by challenging them to critically analyze the practical aspects of international management, and develop a fundamental understanding of all practical aspects of the IB program of study. This course is suitable for senior students only. The course content is updated regularly to take into account the latest international business techniques and practices.

MGMT498 Capstone in MOB 3.00

Prerequisite: Junior & MOB

This capstone course offers you the opportunity to apply your academic experience to conduct an experiential learning project in a designated field and apply your education in a practical manner. Students will work in teams on a single project for one partner organization. This experience will help students enhances their skills in oral and written communication, apply the knowledge acquired during the program to solve business problems involving actual data in a realistic setting, manage team dynamics, and develop a fundamental understanding of all practical aspects of the MOB program of study. This course is suitable for senior students only. The course content is updated regularly to taken into account the latest management techniques and practices.

MGMT499 Management Internship 3.00

Prerequisite: CBA 440 & (MGMT or International Business) & Dept Approval

Management Internship

MGMT500 Law, Ethics and Business 3.00


Intensively introduces the legal and ethical issues confronting the global business manager. Addresses the problems of ethical decision-making, the legal system, legal processes and several areas of substantive commercial law relevant to the global business manager. Discusses the developing recognition of legal and ethical issues and their managerial implications. Examines directors liability, financial regulations, anti-trust as the fundamental legal instrument of global commercial relations. Finally, corporate social responsibility in the business world shall be analyzed.

MGMT501 Management & Organization Behavior Theory and Practice 3.00


This is an advanced, yet comprehensive, course in management and organizational behavior theories. It highlights the significant contributions of these theories to our understanding of the process of operating modern organizations in a progressively dynamic and uncertain environment. The course consequently provides the student with the practical implications in the form of best practices in establishing managerial policy and determining the adequate courses of action. A particular emphasis is given to the increasingly changing organizational cultures and how management of change paradigms can successfully guide the organization towards improvement and transformation.

MGMT502 Managerial Communications 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT501

Performance and success in business are judged largely by a person’s ability to communicate. This course helps students develop the skills of communication, both written and oral. Topics include communication with customers, employees, management, media, the public, government entities, and other enterprises. The overall objective is to enhance (develop and improve) the student’s writing and oral communication skills, and to prepare the student to advance in a contemporary business environment.

MGMT511 Quantitative Method In Business 3.00

Prerequisite: Econ480 or 580 or consent of Department

This course is designed to provide students with management science tools and techniques used for effective decision making. It emphasizes model building, scenario analysis and solution interpretation via mathematical programming, queuing and network theory models and computer based simulations. Computer software, especially spreadsheets is used extensively as the primary solution mechanism. Topics covered also include time series analysis and forecasting techniques.

MGMT521 Operations Management 3.00

Prerequisite: Econ480 or 580 or consent of Department

This subject deals with the creation and delivery of goods and services. Topics include the design of production processes, the layout and location of production facilities, forecasting, scheduling, inventory control, queuing, material acquisition planning, and quality control. Analytical techniques are used to solve management problems.

MGMT522 Service Operations Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT501

An examination of methods for designing and operating service delivery systems, such as in the health care, financial, transportation, hospitality, and governmental service industries. Topics include process and facility design, facility layout and location, queuing, demand forecasting and management, service quality, staffing, and personnel scheduling.

MGMT524 Supply Chain Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT521

This course explores the strategy, planning and operation of supply chains. Using a cross-functional perspective, supply chain processes employed in moving products, using resources and information, and creating value are analyzed. Design principles based on the integration of key business processes within the organization and across the network of organizations that constitute the supply chain.

MGMT525 International Logistic and Operations 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT501

This course is a study of international logistics and operations management strategy, planning and operations. Topics may include multinational logistics and supply chain strategies, global network design and sourcing, international transportation, distribution and operations, import-export, risk management, etc

MGMT532 Supply chain Modeling & Annalistic 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT521

This course covers the set of data driven modelling and solution approaches utilized to effectively and efficiently address challenges faced at the various stages of supply chains. Data pertaining to demand, shipment, inventory, production and customer data will be used to determine demand, supply and distribution plans as well as transportation and network design solutions. This will encompass the techniques and strategies for optimizingā the supply chain decisions and/or anticipating supply chain phenomena.

MGMT551 Human Resources Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT501

In-depth examination of human resources issues from the perspective of contemporary management. Topics include employee selection, performance appraisal, training and development, compensation, legal issues, and labor relations.

MGMT552 Human Resources Analytics 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT551

Given the rapid digital transformation in today’s organizations, this course aims to provide students with analytic competencies to use in the context of human resource management in organizations. Going beyond the HR conceptual framework and its execution, students will learn the different analytics-based tools that help to acquire data, analyze, predict and finally solve HR issues they encounter in their organizations. Students will learn about essentials of HR analytics, strategic talents analytics, applied predictive analytics in HR and valuing HR initiatives at strategic and execution levels.

MGMT553 Performance Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT551

This course aims to provide students with the skills and tools needed to understand and assess the performance of individuals, teams and organizations at the local and global environments. Through this course, students acquire the knowledge they need to design, deliver and evaluate performance to successfully execute an organization’s business strategy and establish a sustainable competitive advantage.

MGMT561 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT501

This course deals with the application of the principles of business management to the problems of small and medium size businesses. Topics include the forms of business, development of business plans, venture capital, accounting procurement, financing, distribution and negotiations for initial organization, and operation and expansion of the firm.

MGMT562 Innovation & Design Thinking 3.00


Innovation & Design Thinking course aims to equip students with the innovation and design thinking principles and innovative problem-solving tools to address business problems and challenges. This course has a special focus on practical skills development through active engagement into dealing with innovation-related opportunities by empowering students to ideate, launch, run, and successfully complete real innovation projects that have a significant and meaningful impact on pioneering organizations and industries. Students will work collaboratively in groups and in collaboration with potential industrial partners. Topics encompass the identification and analysis of business problems, exploration of creativity, exploration of innovative and design thinking tools, and identify innovation opportunities - all in the context of tackling challenges and addressing business problems. Cases analysis, interactive exercises, and practice-based learning projects may be used extensively, and guest speakers from well-known companies will be invited.

MGMT563 The Lean Startup 3.00


This course offers a comprehensive overview of the Lean Startup approach to launching successful startups. Through a hands-on learning experience, students will learn how to validate their ideas, create minimum viable products, and use customer feedback to make informed decisions. They will also explore key principles such as customer discovery, rapid experimentation, and validated learning, preparing them to succeed in the competitive landscape of modern business. The course is designed to provide students with a real-world, practical learning experience of what it’s like to start a new venture. They will work in teams, test and refine their business models using the Business Models Canvas and customer development techniques, and explore the development process. Each week, students will face new challenges and opportunities, as they test and refine their assumptions. The ultimate goal of the course is to create an entrepreneurial experience for students with all the pressures and demands of the real world in an early-stage startup. By combining theory and practice, students will develop the skills, knowledge, and mindset required to transform their ideas into viable businesses.

MGMT571 International Business 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT501

This is a fundamental international business course aiming at introducing students to the general business environment that impacts conducting business across borders. Topics covered to include: Overview of International Business & Globalization, Culture, Government and Legal Systems, Trade & Factor Mobility Theory, Trade Protectionism, Economic Integration and Cooperation, Ethics & Social Responsibility, Strategies for International Business, Modes of Trading Internationally, and Forms and Ownership of Foreign Production.

MGMT573 Research Methodology 3.00

Prerequisite: Econ 480 or Consent of the Department

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the processes and methodologies needed to conduct proper scientific research in social sciences in general and in the business context in particular. The course assists students in developing the skills required to select a research topic, formulate research problem, evaluate the contribution of proposed studies to the collective body of literature and the feasibility of applying their research, develop a valid research design, select adequate analyses techniques, and write a proper research proposal. Topics discussed will include theory building, measurement, data collection methodologies, internal and external validity issues, reliability, research designs, and ethical research.

MGMT581 Strategic Management 3.00

Prerequisite: FIN 501, MRKT505 & MGMT501 & 521

Graduate program capstone course examining concepts and methods which integrate functional areas of business. The perspective is that of general management charged with directing the total enterprise. Interactions between the environment, organization, strategy, policies and the implementation of plans are explored. Special emphasis is given to globalization of business and ethical perspectives.

MGMT595 Topics in Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT 501

Topics in Management.

MGMT596 Advanced Topics in Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT 501

Advanced Topics in Management.

MGMT597 Special Topics in Management – International Management 3.00

Prerequisite: MGMT 501

This course is designed to give students a fundamental understanding and an overview of international business environment as an elective course. Topics covered include: Overview of International Business & Globalization, Culture, Governmental and Legal Systems, Trade & Factor Mobility Theory, Trade Protectionism, Economic Integration and Cooperation, Ethics & Social Responsibility, Strategies for International Business, Modes of Trading Internationally, and Forms and Ownership of Foreign Production.

MGMT599 Doing Business in China 3.00


Doing Business in China