Academic Year 2024/2025
Unlocking Potential: Innovative Strategies for Active Learning in the Modern Classroom
Speaker: Dr. Khaled AlMustafa
Date: Dec 11, 2024
Time: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Previous AYs
Training Course: Data Analysis using SPSS
Dr. Mohammed Ouakouak
Date: February 5th and February 7th, 2024.
Day #1
1. Introduction to SPSS
2. Data input
3. Data manipulation
4. Recoding variables
5. Descriptive analysis of data
6. Compute variable and visual binning
7. Correlation analysis
Day #2
8. Psychometric quality of variables
9. Comparison of means techniques
10. Regression analysis
11. Exporting from SPSS
CTLR Microsoft Office365 workshop with focus on OneDrive features
27-6- 2022 to 29-6-2022
The Center for Learning, Teaching, and Research (CTLR), in collaboration with the IT Department, conducted a workshop under the title "Office 365 workshop with focus on OneDrive features" to introduce faculty with Office 365 OneDrive Features followed by a Q&A session with the IT Department representative.
CTLR-IT Hybrid Classroom Training Sessions
Sept 27, 28, 29 & 30
The Center for Learning, Teaching, and Research (CTLR), in collaboration with the IT Department, conducted a workshop to introduce faculty members to the new interactive smart screen (Hybrid Classroom Screens) installed in classrooms. The workshop covered the device's functionalities, features, and uses, followed by a Q&A session with the IT Department representative.GUST faculty and Teaching Assistants were introduced to the new smart interactive classroom screens, allowing faculty to interact and deliver their lectures to both in-person and remote students based on their given schedules. The technology enables active learning through direct engagement with the course content and material while enhancing classroom management. Introducing this technology came in response to the PUC recommendations and instructions of conducting a hybrid learning model to connect to students while fulfilling Kuwait Ministry of Health guidelines and maintaining a safe physical distance.
CTLR Workshop: Quantitative Analysis for research publications: methodologies and guidelines
The aim of this workshop is to help faculty perform a better quantitative Analysis for research publications through introducing them with methodologies and guidelines to help them conduct more accurate analysis. this will impact the quality of research produced by faculties.