GUST Course Descriptions

Com & Elect Engineer Dept

COEN 225 - Programming and Data Structures
Prerequisite: CSC 125
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 230 - Digital Systems
Prerequisite: CSC 125
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 230L - Digital Systems Lab
Prerequisite: COEN 230 pre/co
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 240 - Discrete Structures
Prerequisite: CSC 125 & (MATH 131 or 140)
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 313 - Introduction to Micro controllers and Embedded Systems Design
Prerequisite: COEN 240 & CSC 125 >= C grade
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 313L - Digital Engineering Lab II
Prerequisite: COEN 313 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 341 - Digital Signal Processing
Prerequisite: COEN 230
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 341L - Digital Signal Processing Lab
Prerequisite: COEN 341 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 370 - Computer Systems: Architecture and Organization
Prerequisite: COEN 230
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 376 - Operating Systems
Prerequisite: COEN 370
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 390 - Computer Engineering Internship
Prerequisite: Junior Standing & UECOM
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 410 - Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Prerequisite: COEN 486
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 419 - Digital Network Design
Prerequisite: COEN 313 & MATH 221
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 419L - Digital Network Design Lab
Prerequisite: COEN 419 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 420 - Software Maintenance & Re-engineering
Prerequisite: COEN 486
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 430 - Artificial Intelligence
Prerequisite: COEN 240
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 444 - Digital Image Processing
Prerequisite: COEN 341
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 475 - Fault-Tolerant Digital Systems
Prerequisite: COEN 230
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 477 - Security in Computing
Prerequisite: Senior Standing & UECOM
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 480 - Machine Learning
Prerequisite: COEN 240
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 481 - Mobile Robots
Prerequisite: COEN 313 & 475
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 482 - Deep Learning
Prerequisite: COEN 480
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 485 - Computer Vision
Prerequisite: COEN 341
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 485L - Computer Vision Lab
Prerequisite: COEN 485 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 486 - Software Engineering
Prerequisite: COEN 225
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 491 - Senior Project I
Prerequisite: (ENGL 112 | 202) & ELEN 221, 313, 313L, 370 & ECON 101
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
COEN 492 - Senior Project II
Prerequisite: COEN 491
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 221 - Introduction to Electronic Devices
Prerequisite: ELEN 251 & 251L & 221L coreq & PHYS 112
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 221L - Introduction to Electronic Devices Lab
Prerequisite: ELEN 251 & 251L & PHYS112
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 251 - Circuits I
Prerequisite: MATH 132 & ELEN 251L coreq
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 251L - Circuits Analysis Lab I
Prerequisite: ELEN 251 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 253 - Circuits II
Prerequisite: ELEN 251 & MATH 231
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 311 - Electromechanics
Prerequisite: ELEN 253 & ELEN 311L coreq
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 311L - Electromechanics Lab
Prerequisite: ELEN 311 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 312 - Power Systems Design and Analysis
Prerequisite: ELEN 253 & ELEN 312L coreq
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 312L - Power Systems Design Lab
Prerequisite: ELEN 312 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 331 - Linear Control Systems
Prerequisite: ELEN 253 & MATH 232 & ELEN 331L coreq
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 331L - Linear Control Systems Lab
Prerequisite: ELEN 253 & 331 coreq &MATH 232
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 332 - Introduction to Robotics
Prerequisite: ELEN 331
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 332L - Robotics Lab
Prerequisite: ELEN 332 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 334 - Basic Programmable Logic Controllers
Prerequisite: ELEN 331
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 341 - Digital Signal Processing
Prerequisite: ELEN 253
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 343 - Digital Communication I
Prerequisite: ELEN 253 & 343L coreq
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 343L - Digital Communication I Lab
Prerequisite: ELEN 253 & 343 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 353 - Electronics I
Prerequisite: ELEN221 &221L &253 & 353L coreq & COEN 230
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 353L - Electronics I Lab
Prerequisite: ELEN 353 coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 371 - Electromagnetics
Prerequisite: ELEN 253 & PHYS 112 & MATH 232
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 390 - Electrical Engineering Internship
Prerequisite: Senior Standing & Electrical Engineering
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 404 - Renewable & Sustainable Energy Systems
Prerequisite: Senior Standing & Electrical Engineering
3 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
ELEN 404L - Renewable & Sustainable Energy Systems Lab
Prerequisite: ELEN 404 pre/coreq
1 credit hours
Com & Elect Engineer Dept
You are viewing 1-50 of 58 courses